Versatile Java game engine with pluggable backends (this was used in Rogue, I think)
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import mightypork.gamecore.core.BackendModule;
import mightypork.utils.math.color.Color;
import mightypork.utils.math.color.Grad;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.rect.Rect;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.vect.Vect;
import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.vect.VectConst;
import mightypork.utils.math.timing.FpsMeter;
* Render and display backend module.<br>
* This module takes care of setting and getting screen size and parameters,
* drawing on screen and timing render frames.
* @author MightyPork
public abstract class GraphicsModule extends BackendModule {
/** X axis vector */
protected static final VectConst AXIS_X = Vect.make(1, 0, 0);
/** Y axis vector */
protected static final VectConst AXIS_Y = Vect.make(0, 1, 0);
/** Z axis vector */
protected static final VectConst AXIS_Z = Vect.make(0, 0, 1);
* Set drawing color
* @param color color
public abstract void setColor(Color color);
* Set drawing color, adjust alpha
* @param color color
* @param alpha alpha multiplier
public abstract void setColor(Color color, double alpha);
* Translate by x, y
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
public abstract void translate(double x, double y);
* Translate by x, y, z
* @param x x offset
* @param y y offset
* @param z z offset
public abstract void translate(double x, double y, double z);
* Translate by offset vector
* @param offset offset coordinate
public abstract void translate(Vect offset);
* Translate by offset vector, ignore Z
* @param offset offset coordinate
public abstract void translateXY(Vect offset);
* Set scale for translations and coordinates
* @param x x scale
* @param y y scale
public abstract void scale(double x, double y);
* Set scale for translations and coordinates
* @param x x scale
* @param y y scale
* @param z z scale
public abstract void scale(double x, double y, double z);
* Set scale for translations and coordinates
* @param scale vector
public abstract void scale(Vect scale);
* Set scale for translations and coordinates (same value for X and Y scale)
* @param scale scaling factor
public abstract void scaleXY(double scale);
* Set X scale for translations and coordinates
* @param scale scaling factor
public abstract void scaleX(double scale);
* Set Y scale for translations and coordinates
* @param scale scaling factor
public abstract void scaleY(double scale);
* Set Z scale for translations and coordinates
* @param scale scaling factor
public abstract void scaleZ(double scale);
* Rotate coordinate system around X axis
* @param angle rotation (in degrees)
public abstract void rotateX(double angle);
* Rotate coordinate system around Y axis
* @param angle rotation (in degrees)
public abstract void rotateY(double angle);
* Rotate coordinate system around Z axis
* @param angle rotation (in degrees)
public abstract void rotateZ(double angle);
* Rotate coordinate system around given axis
* @param angle rotation angle
* @param axis rotation axis (unit vector)
public abstract void rotate(double angle, Vect axis);
* Store render state on stack<br>
* This includes pushGeometry and pushColor.
public abstract void pushState();
* Restore state from stack (must be pushed first)<br>
* This includes popColor and popGeometry.
public abstract void popState();
* Store current rotation and translation on stack
public abstract void pushGeometry();
* Restore rotation and translation from stack
public abstract void popGeometry();
* Store color on stack (so it can later be restored)
public abstract void pushColor();
* Restore color from stack (must be pushed first)
public abstract void popColor();
* Render 2D quad with currently set color
* @param rect drawn rect
public abstract void quad(Rect rect);
* Render 2D quad with given color.<br>
* This may change current drawing color.
* @param rect rectangle
* @param color draw color
public abstract void quad(Rect rect, Color color);
* Render 2D quad with gradient.<br>
* This may change current drawing color.
* @param rect rectangle
* @param grad gradient
public abstract void quad(Rect rect, Grad grad);
* Render textured quad with current color
* @param rect rectangle to draw
* @param txquad texture quad
public abstract void quad(Rect rect, TxQuad txquad);
* Render textured quad with given color
* @param rect rectangle to draw
* @param txquad texture instance
* @param color color tint
public abstract void quad(Rect rect, TxQuad txquad, Color color);
* Setup projection for 2D graphics, using current screen size
public abstract void setupProjection();
* Get backend-flavoured deferred PNG texture.
* @param path path to texture
* @return the deferred font
public abstract DeferredTexture createTextureResource(String path);
* Get backend-flavoured deferred TTF font.
* @param path path to font, or font name in the system
* @return the deferred font
public abstract DeferredFont createFontResource(String path);
* Get backend-flavoured deferred TTF font.
* @param path path to font, or font name in the system
* @param chars chars that should be supported
* @param size font size used when rendering the font to a backing texture.
* For bitmap fonts, the actual font height.
* @return the deferred font
public DeferredFont createFont(String path, String chars, double size)
final DeferredFont font = createFontResource(path);
return font;
* Set target fps (for syncing in endFrame() call).<br>
* With vsync enabled, the target fps may not be met.
* @param fps requested fps
public abstract void setTargetFps(int fps);
* Set fullscreen. The fullscreen state will be changed when possible (eg.
* at the end of the current frame) and a {@link ViewportChangeEvent} will
* be fired.
* @param fs true for fullscreen
public abstract void setFullscreen(boolean fs);
* Request fullscreen toggle. See setFullscreen() for more info)
public abstract void switchFullscreen();
* Get fullscreen state (note that methods changing fullscreen may not have
* immediate effect, so this method may report the old state if the
* fullscreen state has not yet been changed).
* @return is fullscreen
public abstract boolean isFullscreen();
* Take screenshot (expensive processing should be done in separate thread
* when screenshot is saved).<br>
* This method is utilized by the Screenshot plugin.
* @return screenshot object
public abstract Screenshot takeScreenshot();
* Start a render frame - clear buffers, prepare rendering context etc.
public abstract void beginFrame();
* End a render frame: flip buffers, sync to fps...
public abstract void endFrame();
* Set display dimensions
* @param width display width (pixels)
* @param height display height (pixels)
public abstract void setSize(int width, int height);
* Set window titlebar text
* @param title titlebar text
public abstract void setTitle(String title);
* Enable or disable VSync
* @param vsync true for vsync enabled
public abstract void setVSync(boolean vsync);
* Set window resizable / fixed
* @param resizable true for resizable
public abstract void setResizable(boolean resizable);
* Get screen rect. Should always return the same Rect instance.
* @return the rect
public abstract Rect getRect();
* Get current FPS (eg. measured by a {@link FpsMeter})
* @return current FPS
public abstract long getFps();
* Get screen center. Should always return the same {@link Vect} instance.
* @return screen center.
public abstract Vect getCenter();
* Get screen size. Should always return the same {@link Vect} instance.
* @return size
public abstract Vect getSize();
* @return screen width
public abstract int getWidth();
* @return screen height
public abstract int getHeight();
* Create the display (window) based on current settings.
public abstract void createDisplay();