Versatile Java game engine with pluggable backends (this was used in Rogue, I think)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

133 lines
2.8 KiB

//package junk;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.logging.Level;
//import mightypork.gamecore.core.AppBackend;
//import mightypork.gamecore.resources.ResourceInitializer;
//import mightypork.gamecore.resources.loading.AsyncResourceLoader;
//import mightypork.gamecore.resources.loading.ResourceLoader;
// * Init options holder class
// */
//public class AppInitOptions {
// String logDir = "log";
// String logFilePrefix = "runtime";
// String screenshotDir = "screenshots";
// boolean busLogging = false;
// String configFile = "settings.cfg";
// String configComment = "Main config file";
// final List<ResourceInitializer> resourceLists = new ArrayList<>();
// final List<KeySetup> keyLists = new ArrayList<>();
// final List<ConfigSetup> configLists = new ArrayList<>();
// ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new AsyncResourceLoader();
// Level logLevel = Level.ALL;
// public boolean sigleInstance = true;
// Level logSoutLevel = Level.ALL;
// public void setConfigFile(String filename, String comment)
// {
// configFile = filename;
// configComment = comment;
// }
// public void addConfig(ConfigSetup cfg)
// {
// configLists.add(cfg);
// }
// public void addKeys(KeySetup keys)
// {
// keyLists.add(keys);
// }
// public void addResources(ResourceInitializer res)
// {
// resourceLists.add(res);
// }
// public void setBackend(AppBackend backend)
// {
// this.backend = backend;
// }
// /**
// * Set whether to run in single instance mode, or allow multiple instances.<br>
// * Multiple instances running can cause various collisions (eg. when writing
// * config file or logging).
// *
// * @param sigleInstance true to allow only one instance
// */
// public void setSigleInstance(boolean sigleInstance)
// {
// this.sigleInstance = sigleInstance;
// }
// /**
// * Set working directory path. If not exists, it will be created.
// *
// * @param workdir work dir path
// */
// public void setWorkdir(File workdir)
// {
// this.workdir = workdir;
// }
// public void setBusLogging(boolean yes)
// {
// busLogging = yes;
// }
// public void setLogOptions(String logDir, String filePrefix, int archivedCount, Level logLevel)
// {
// this.logDir = logDir;
// this.logFilePrefix = filePrefix;
// this.logArchiveCount = archivedCount;
// this.logLevel = logLevel;
// }
// public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resLoader)
// {
// resourceLoader = resLoader;
// }
// public void setScreenshotDir(String path)
// {
// this.screenshotDir = path;
// }
// public void setLockFile(String lockFile)
// {
// this.lockFile = lockFile;
// }
// public void setLogLevel(Level logLevel, Level soutLevel)
// {
// this.logLevel = logLevel;
// this.logSoutLevel = soutLevel;
// }