Versatile Java game engine with pluggable backends (this was used in Rogue, I think)
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//package junk;
//import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
//import mightypork.gamecore.core.App;
//import mightypork.gamecore.core.AppBackend;
//import mightypork.gamecore.core.MainLoop;
//import mightypork.gamecore.core.DeltaMainLoop;
//import mightypork.gamecore.core.config.Config;
//import mightypork.gamecore.gui.screens.ScreenRegistry;
//import mightypork.gamecore.gui.screens.impl.CrossfadeOverlay;
//import mightypork.gamecore.resources.Res;
//import mightypork.gamecore.resources.ResourceInitializer;
//import mightypork.utils.files.WorkDir;
//import mightypork.utils.logging.Log;
// * Basic screen-based game with subsystems.<br>
// * This class takes care of the initialization sequence.
// *
// * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
// */
//public abstract class BaseApp extends App implements UncaughtExceptionHandler {
// // modules
// private MainLoop gameLoop;
// private ScreenRegistry screenRegistry;
// private boolean started = false;
// private boolean lockObtained = false;
// // init opt holder
// private final AppInitOptions opt = new AppInitOptions();
// /**
// * Get init options
// *
// * @return opt holder
// */
// public AppInitOptions getInitOptions()
// {
// if (started) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot alter init options after starting the App.");
// }
// return opt;
// }
// public BaseApp(AppBackend backend)
// {
// super(backend);
// }
// /**
// * Start the application
// */
// @Override
// public final void start()
// {
// initialize();
// Log.i("Starting main loop...");
// // open first screen !!!
// started = true;
// gameLoop.start();
// }
// /**
// * Init the app
// */
// protected void initialize()
// {
// WorkDir.setBaseDir(opt.workdir);
// if (opt.sigleInstance) initLock();
// lockObtained = true;
// for (final RouteSetup rs : opt.routeLists) {
// WorkDir.registerRoutes(rs);
// }
// WorkDir.addPath("_screenshot_dir", opt.screenshotDir);
// // apply configurations
// Config.init(WorkDir.getFile(opt.configFile), opt.configComment);
// // add keys to config
// for (final KeySetup l : opt.keyLists) {
// Config.registerKeys(l);
// }
// // add options to config
// for (final ConfigSetup c : opt.configLists) {
// Config.registerOptions(c);
// }
// Config.load();
// /*
// * Display
// */
// Log.f2("Initializing Display System...");
// initDisplay(gfx());
// /*
// * Audio
// */
// Log.f2("Initializing Sound System...");
// soundSystem = new SoundSystem(this);
// initSoundSystem(soundSystem);
// /*
// * Input
// */
// Log.f2("Initializing Input System...");
// inputSystem = new LwjglInputModule(this);
// initInputSystem(inputSystem);
// /*
// * Prepare main loop
// */
// Log.f1("Creating Screen Registry and Game Loop...");
// screenRegistry = new ScreenRegistry(this);
// gameLoop = createMainLoop();
// gameLoop.setRootRenderable(screenRegistry);
// /*
// * Load resources
// *
// * Resources should be registered to registries, and AsyncResourceLoader will load them.
// */
// Log.f1("Loading resources...");
// if (opt.resourceLoader != null) {
// opt.resourceLoader.setBaseDir(this);
// }
// Res.setBaseDir(this);
// for (final ResourceInitializer rl : opt.resourceLists) {
// Res.load(rl);
// }
// /*
// * Screen registry
// *
// * Must be after resources, because screens can request them during instantiation.
// */
// Log.f2("Registering screens...");
// initScreens(screenRegistry);
// }
// /**
// * Register game screens to the registry.
// *
// * @param screens
// */
// protected void initScreens(ScreenRegistry screens)
// {
// screens.addOverlay(new CrossfadeOverlay(this));
// }
// /**
// * Create game loop instance
// *
// * @return the game loop.
// */
// protected MainLoop createMainLoop()
// {
// return new DeltaMainLoop(this);
// }
// protected void beforeShutdown()
// {
// // ???
// if (lockObtained);
// }