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7 years ago
// Created by MightyPork on 2017/11/26.
#include "platform.h"
#include "usbd_core.h"
#include "USB/usb_device.h"
#include "framework/resources.h"
#include "framework/unit_registry.h"
#include "units/pin/unit_pin.h"
#include "units/neopixel/unit_neopixel.h"
// ----- SUPPORTED UNITS -----
7 years ago
void plat_register_units(void)
// Platform-specific units could be added here
7 years ago
void plat_init_resources(void)
#if defined(GEX_PLAT_F103_BLUEPILL)
7 years ago
// Platform F103C8T6 - free all present resources
rsc_free(NULL, R_ADC1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_ADC2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_I2C1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_I2C2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_SPI1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_SPI2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM3);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM4);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART3);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PA0, R_PA15);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PB0, R_PB15);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PC13, R_PC15);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PD0, R_PD1);
// Claim resources not available due to board layout or internal usage
bool ok = true;
// HAL timebase
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_TIM1);
// HSE crystal
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PD0);
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PD1);
// SWD
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA13);
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA14);
// USB
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA11);
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA12);
// BOOT pin(s)
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PB2); // BOOT1
#elif defined(GEX_PLAT_F072_DISCOVERY)
// Platform F073RBT - free all present resources
rsc_free(NULL, R_ADC1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_CAN);
rsc_free(NULL, R_COMP1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_COMP2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_DAC1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_HDMI_CEC);
rsc_free(NULL, R_I2C1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_I2C2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_I2S1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_I2S2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_SPI1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_SPI2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM3);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM6);
rsc_free(NULL, R_TIM7);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_TIM14, R_TIM17);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART1);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART2);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART3);
rsc_free(NULL, R_USART4);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PA0, R_PA15);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PB0, R_PB15);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PC0, R_PC15);
rsc_free_range(NULL, R_PF0, R_PF1);
// Claim resources not available due to board layout or internal usage
bool ok = true;
// HAL timebase
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_TIM1);
// HSE crystal
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PF0);
//ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PD1); // - not used in BYPASS mode
// SWD
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA13);
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA14);
// USB
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA11);
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PA12);
// BOOT pin(s)
ok &= rsc_claim(&UNIT_SYSTEM, R_PB2); // BOOT1
#error "BAD PLATFORM!"
7 years ago
// ---- USB reconnect ----
* USB re-connect (to apply change of the LOCK jumper)
7 years ago
void plat_usb_reconnect(void)
7 years ago
// F103 doesn't have pull-up control, this is probably the best we can do
// This does not seem to trigger descriptors reload.
7 years ago
7 years ago