Dot matrix audio spectrum visualiser based on an stm32f107 STM eval board and several chained MAX2719 drivers
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Ondřej Hruška dd29fa8dff added twitter video link 8 年前
Drivers added missing dsp lib, and simple trigger for waveform display 8 年前
Inc implemented printf logging 8 年前
Src comment 8 年前
User improved UX with the control buttons, added 8 年前
.cproject Initial 8 年前
.gitignore Initial 8 年前
.mxproject better capturing code, untested fft code added 8 年前
.project Initial 8 年前
CMakeLists.txt added spindle effect 8 年前 added twitter video link 8 年前
STM32F107VCTx_FLASH.ld Initial 8 年前
STM32F107xC.cmake Initial 8 年前
f107-fft.ioc Initial 8 年前
f107-fft.xml Initial 8 年前 added missing dsp lib, and simple trigger for waveform display 8 年前

STM32F107 Audio Visualiser

Simple audio visualiser with a dot matrix LED display.



  • Using the central joystick button, select render mode.
  • Arrows left, right adjust brightness.
  • Arrows up, down adjust sensitivity.

Modes include:

  • waveform display with simple triggering
  • FFT display
  • Spindle FFT display (mirror effect)

Target hardware

Developed for the "STEVAL-PCC012V1" evaluation board with STM32F107, paired with a "TS4657 Audio card" daughter board.

The skeleton of the project is generated using STM32CubeMX, with some minor modifications. The majority of the visualiser code is localed in User\user_main.c. The other files in User/ are helper functions and modules. It's a CLion project, using CMake.

The project uses USART1 for debug messages (PB6 - Tx, PB7 - Rx). The display is controlled by multiple daisy-chained MAX2719 drivers (available on ebay as modules). The first driver is interfaced over SPI1 (PA5 - SCK, PA7 - MOSI, PE6 - CS)

There is a 5-direction joystick connected to PE10, PE11, PE12, PE13, PE14.

The Audio daughter board carries a ST472IQT microphone pre-amt with an electret microphone.

For details, see documents UM0896 and UM0722.


The project will work without bigger changes on any STM32Fx, you just have to adjust the pin mapping and update the linker script and defines. That can be done with some attention using STM32CubeMX.

Note that some settings that can't be adjusted in CubeMX directly are changed in this project. Use git diff to see what changed after you re-generate the initialization files, and revert those changes. They are marked by comments.


  • Save preferences to Flash