B3M38SPD seminar project - beehive monitor with LoRa reporting
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* \file RegionCommon.h
* \brief Region independent implementations which are common to all regions.
* \copyright Revised BSD License, see section \ref LICENSE.
* \code
* ______ _
* / _____) _ | |
* ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__
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* _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
* (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
* (C)2013 Semtech
* ___ _____ _ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___
* / __|_ _/_\ / __| |/ / __/ _ \| _ \/ __| __|
* \__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
* |___/ |_/_/ \_\___|_|\_\_| \___/|_|_\\___|___|
* embedded.connectivity.solutions===============
* \endcode
* \author Miguel Luis ( Semtech )
* \author Gregory Cristian ( Semtech )
* \author Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
* \defgroup REGIONCOMMON Common region implementation
* Region independent implementations which are common to all regions.
* \{
#ifndef __REGIONCOMMON_H__
#define __REGIONCOMMON_H__
typedef struct sRegionCommonLinkAdrParams
* Number of repetitions.
uint8_t NbRep;
* Datarate.
int8_t Datarate;
* Tx power.
int8_t TxPower;
* Channels mask control field.
uint8_t ChMaskCtrl;
* Channels mask field.
uint16_t ChMask;
typedef struct sRegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams
* The current status of the AdrLinkRequest.
uint8_t Status;
* Set to true, if ADR is enabled.
bool AdrEnabled;
* The datarate the AdrLinkRequest wants to set.
int8_t Datarate;
* The TX power the AdrLinkRequest wants to set.
int8_t TxPower;
* The number of repetitions the AdrLinkRequest wants to set.
uint8_t NbRep;
* The current datarate the node is using.
int8_t CurrentDatarate;
* The current TX power the node is using.
int8_t CurrentTxPower;
* The current number of repetitions the node is using.
int8_t CurrentNbRep;
* The number of channels.
uint8_t NbChannels;
* Pointer to the first element of the channels mask.
uint16_t* ChannelsMask;
* The minimum possible datarate.
int8_t MinDatarate;
* The maximum possible datarate.
int8_t MaxDatarate;
* Pointer to the channels.
ChannelParams_t* Channels;
* The minimum possible TX power.
int8_t MinTxPower;
* The maximum possible TX power.
int8_t MaxTxPower;
typedef struct sRegionCommonCalcBackOffParams
* A pointer to region specific channels.
ChannelParams_t* Channels;
* A pointer to region specific bands.
Band_t* Bands;
* Set to true, if the last uplink was a join request.
bool LastTxIsJoinRequest;
* Set to true, if the node is joined.
bool Joined;
* Set to true, if the duty cycle is enabled.
bool DutyCycleEnabled;
* The current channel.
uint8_t Channel;
* The elapsed time since initialization.
TimerTime_t ElapsedTime;
* The time on air of the last Tx frame.
TimerTime_t TxTimeOnAir;
* \brief Calculates the join duty cycle.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] elapsedTime Elapsed time since the start of the device.
* \retval Duty cycle restriction.
uint16_t RegionCommonGetJoinDc( TimerTime_t elapsedTime );
* \brief Verifies, if a value is in a given range.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] value Value to verify, if it is in range.
* \param [IN] min Minimum possible value.
* \param [IN] max Maximum possible value.
* \retval Returns 1 if the value is in range, otherwise 0.
uint8_t RegionCommonValueInRange( int8_t value, int8_t min, int8_t max );
* \brief Verifies, if a datarate is available on an active channel.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] nbChannels Number of channels.
* \param [IN] channelsMask The channels mask of the region.
* \param [IN] dr The datarate to verify.
* \param [IN] minDr Minimum datarate.
* \param [IN] maxDr Maximum datarate.
* \param [IN] channels The channels of the region.
* \retval Returns true if the datarate is supported, false if not.
bool RegionCommonChanVerifyDr( uint8_t nbChannels, uint16_t* channelsMask, int8_t dr,
int8_t minDr, int8_t maxDr, ChannelParams_t* channels );
* \brief Disables a channel in a given channels mask.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] channelsMask The channels mask of the region.
* \param [IN] id The id of the channels mask to disable.
* \param [IN] maxChannels Maximum number of channels.
* \retval Returns true if the channel could be disabled, false if not.
bool RegionCommonChanDisable( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t id, uint8_t maxChannels );
* \brief Counts the number of active channels in a given channels mask.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] channelsMask The channels mask of the region.
* \param [IN] startIdx Start index.
* \param [IN] stopIdx Stop index ( the channels of this index will not be counted ).
* \retval Returns the number of active channels.
uint8_t RegionCommonCountChannels( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t stopIdx );
* \brief Copy a channels mask.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] channelsMaskDest The destination channels mask.
* \param [IN] channelsMaskSrc The source channels mask.
* \param [IN] len The index length to copy.
void RegionCommonChanMaskCopy( uint16_t* channelsMaskDest, uint16_t* channelsMaskSrc, uint8_t len );
* \brief Sets the last tx done property.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] joined Set to true, if the node has joined the network
* \param [IN] band The band to be updated.
* \param [IN] lastTxDone The time of the last TX done.
void RegionCommonSetBandTxDone( bool joined, Band_t* band, TimerTime_t lastTxDone );
* \brief Updates the time-offs of the bands.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] joined Set to true, if the node has joined the network
* \param [IN] dutyCycle Set to true, if the duty cycle is enabled.
* \param [IN] bands A pointer to the bands.
* \param [IN] nbBands The number of bands available.
* \retval Returns the time which must be waited to perform the next uplink.
TimerTime_t RegionCommonUpdateBandTimeOff( bool joined, bool dutyCycle, Band_t* bands, uint8_t nbBands );
* \brief Parses the parameter of an LinkAdrRequest.
* This is a generic function and valid for all regions.
* \param [IN] payload Pointer to the payload containing the MAC commands. The payload
* must contain the CMD identifier, following by the parameters.
* \param [OUT] parseLinkAdr The function fills the structure with the ADR parameters.
* \retval Returns the length of the ADR request, if a request was found. Otherwise, the
* function returns 0.
uint8_t RegionCommonParseLinkAdrReq( uint8_t* payload, RegionCommonLinkAdrParams_t* parseLinkAdr );
* \brief Verifies and updates the datarate, the TX power and the number of repetitions
* of a LinkAdrRequest. This depends on the configuration of ADR also.
* \param [IN] verifyParams Pointer to a structure containing input parameters.
* \param [OUT] dr The updated datarate.
* \param [OUT] txPow The updated TX power.
* \param [OUT] nbRep The updated number of repetitions.
* \retval Returns the status according to the LinkAdrRequest definition.
uint8_t RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams( RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams_t* verifyParams, int8_t* dr, int8_t* txPow, uint8_t* nbRep );
* \brief Computes the symbol time for LoRa modulation.
* \param [IN] phyDr Physical datarate to use.
* \param [IN] bandwidth Bandwidth to use.
* \retval Returns the symbol time.
double RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeLoRa( uint8_t phyDr, uint32_t bandwidth );
* \brief Computes the symbol time for FSK modulation.
* \param [IN] phyDr Physical datarate to use.
* \param [IN] bandwidth Bandwidth to use.
* \retval Returns the symbol time.
double RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeFsk( uint8_t phyDr );
* \brief Computes the RX window timeout and the RX window offset.
* \param [IN] tSymbol Symbol timeout.
* \param [IN] minRxSymbols Minimum required number of symbols to detect an Rx frame.
* \param [IN] rxError System maximum timing error of the receiver. In milliseconds
* The receiver will turn on in a [-rxError : +rxError] ms interval around RxOffset.
* \param [IN] wakeUpTime Wakeup time of the system.
* \param [OUT] windowTimeout RX window timeout.
* \param [OUT] windowOffset RX window time offset to be applied to the RX delay.
void RegionCommonComputeRxWindowParameters( double tSymbol, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, uint32_t wakeUpTime, uint32_t* windowTimeout, int32_t* windowOffset );
* \brief Computes the txPower, based on the max EIRP and the antenna gain.
* \param [IN] txPower TX power index.
* \param [IN] maxEirp Maximum EIRP.
* \param [IN] antennaGain Antenna gain.
* \retval Returns the physical TX power.
int8_t RegionCommonComputeTxPower( int8_t txPowerIndex, float maxEirp, float antennaGain );
* \brief Calculates the duty cycle for the current band.
* \param [IN] calcBackOffParams A pointer to the input parameters.
void RegionCommonCalcBackOff( RegionCommonCalcBackOffParams_t* calcBackOffParams );
/*! \} defgroup REGIONCOMMON */
#endif // __REGIONCOMMON_H__