B3M38SPD seminar project - beehive monitor with LoRa reporting
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(C)2013 Semtech
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\__ \ | |/ _ \ (__| ' <| _| (_) | / (__| _|
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Description: LoRa MAC common region implementation
License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
Maintainer: Miguel Luis ( Semtech ), Gregory Cristian ( Semtech ) and Daniel Jaeckle ( STACKFORCE )
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "timer.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "LoRaMac.h"
#include "RegionCommon.h"
#define BACKOFF_DC_1_HOUR 100
#define BACKOFF_DC_10_HOURS 1000
#define BACKOFF_DC_24_HOURS 10000
static uint8_t CountChannels( uint16_t mask, uint8_t nbBits )
uint8_t nbActiveBits = 0;
for( uint8_t j = 0; j < nbBits; j++ )
if( ( mask & ( 1 << j ) ) == ( 1 << j ) )
return nbActiveBits;
uint16_t RegionCommonGetJoinDc( TimerTime_t elapsedTime )
uint16_t dutyCycle = 0;
if( elapsedTime < 3600000 )
dutyCycle = BACKOFF_DC_1_HOUR;
else if( elapsedTime < ( 3600000 + 36000000 ) )
dutyCycle = BACKOFF_DC_10_HOURS;
dutyCycle = BACKOFF_DC_24_HOURS;
return dutyCycle;
bool RegionCommonChanVerifyDr( uint8_t nbChannels, uint16_t* channelsMask, int8_t dr, int8_t minDr, int8_t maxDr, ChannelParams_t* channels )
if( RegionCommonValueInRange( dr, minDr, maxDr ) == 0 )
return false;
for( uint8_t i = 0, k = 0; i < nbChannels; i += 16, k++ )
for( uint8_t j = 0; j < 16; j++ )
if( ( ( channelsMask[k] & ( 1 << j ) ) != 0 ) )
{// Check datarate validity for enabled channels
if( RegionCommonValueInRange( dr, ( channels[i + j].DrRange.Fields.Min & 0x0F ),
( channels[i + j].DrRange.Fields.Max & 0x0F ) ) == 1 )
// At least 1 channel has been found we can return OK.
return true;
return false;
uint8_t RegionCommonValueInRange( int8_t value, int8_t min, int8_t max )
if( ( value >= min ) && ( value <= max ) )
return 1;
return 0;
bool RegionCommonChanDisable( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t id, uint8_t maxChannels )
uint8_t index = id / 16;
if( ( index > ( maxChannels / 16 ) ) || ( id >= maxChannels ) )
return false;
// Deactivate channel
channelsMask[index] &= ~( 1 << ( id % 16 ) );
return true;
uint8_t RegionCommonCountChannels( uint16_t* channelsMask, uint8_t startIdx, uint8_t stopIdx )
uint8_t nbChannels = 0;
if( channelsMask == NULL )
return 0;
for( uint8_t i = startIdx; i < stopIdx; i++ )
nbChannels += CountChannels( channelsMask[i], 16 );
return nbChannels;
void RegionCommonChanMaskCopy( uint16_t* channelsMaskDest, uint16_t* channelsMaskSrc, uint8_t len )
if( ( channelsMaskDest != NULL ) && ( channelsMaskSrc != NULL ) )
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < len; i++ )
channelsMaskDest[i] = channelsMaskSrc[i];
void RegionCommonSetBandTxDone( bool joined, Band_t* band, TimerTime_t lastTxDone )
if( joined == true )
band->LastTxDoneTime = lastTxDone;
band->LastTxDoneTime = lastTxDone;
band->LastJoinTxDoneTime = lastTxDone;
TimerTime_t RegionCommonUpdateBandTimeOff( bool joined, bool dutyCycle, Band_t* bands, uint8_t nbBands )
TimerTime_t nextTxDelay = ( TimerTime_t )( -1 );
// Update bands Time OFF
for( uint8_t i = 0; i < nbBands; i++ )
if( joined == false )
uint32_t txDoneTime = MAX( TimerGetElapsedTime( bands[i].LastJoinTxDoneTime ),
( dutyCycle == true ) ? TimerGetElapsedTime( bands[i].LastTxDoneTime ) : 0 );
if( bands[i].TimeOff <= txDoneTime )
bands[i].TimeOff = 0;
if( bands[i].TimeOff != 0 )
nextTxDelay = MIN( bands[i].TimeOff - txDoneTime, nextTxDelay );
if( dutyCycle == true )
if( bands[i].TimeOff <= TimerGetElapsedTime( bands[i].LastTxDoneTime ) )
bands[i].TimeOff = 0;
if( bands[i].TimeOff != 0 )
nextTxDelay = MIN( bands[i].TimeOff - TimerGetElapsedTime( bands[i].LastTxDoneTime ),
nextTxDelay );
nextTxDelay = 0;
bands[i].TimeOff = 0;
return nextTxDelay;
uint8_t RegionCommonParseLinkAdrReq( uint8_t* payload, RegionCommonLinkAdrParams_t* linkAdrParams )
uint8_t retIndex = 0;
if( payload[0] == SRV_MAC_LINK_ADR_REQ )
// Parse datarate and tx power
linkAdrParams->Datarate = payload[1];
linkAdrParams->TxPower = linkAdrParams->Datarate & 0x0F;
linkAdrParams->Datarate = ( linkAdrParams->Datarate >> 4 ) & 0x0F;
// Parse ChMask
linkAdrParams->ChMask = ( uint16_t )payload[2];
linkAdrParams->ChMask |= ( uint16_t )payload[3] << 8;
// Parse ChMaskCtrl and nbRep
linkAdrParams->NbRep = payload[4];
linkAdrParams->ChMaskCtrl = ( linkAdrParams->NbRep >> 4 ) & 0x07;
linkAdrParams->NbRep &= 0x0F;
// LinkAdrReq has 4 bytes length + 1 byte CMD
retIndex = 5;
return retIndex;
uint8_t RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams( RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams_t* verifyParams, int8_t* dr, int8_t* txPow, uint8_t* nbRep )
uint8_t status = verifyParams->Status;
int8_t datarate = verifyParams->Datarate;
int8_t txPower = verifyParams->TxPower;
int8_t nbRepetitions = verifyParams->NbRep;
// Handle the case when ADR is off.
if( verifyParams->AdrEnabled == false )
// When ADR is off, we are allowed to change the channels mask and the NbRep,
// if the datarate and the TX power of the LinkAdrReq are set to 0x0F.
if( ( verifyParams->Datarate != 0x0F ) || ( verifyParams->TxPower != 0x0F ) )
status = 0;
nbRepetitions = verifyParams->CurrentNbRep;
// Get the current datarate and tx power
datarate = verifyParams->CurrentDatarate;
txPower = verifyParams->CurrentTxPower;
if( status != 0 )
// Verify datarate. The variable phyParam. Value contains the minimum allowed datarate.
if( RegionCommonChanVerifyDr( verifyParams->NbChannels, verifyParams->ChannelsMask, datarate,
verifyParams->MinDatarate, verifyParams->MaxDatarate, verifyParams->Channels ) == false )
status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO
// Verify tx power
if( RegionCommonValueInRange( txPower, verifyParams->MaxTxPower, verifyParams->MinTxPower ) == 0 )
// Verify if the maximum TX power is exceeded
if( verifyParams->MaxTxPower > txPower )
{ // Apply maximum TX power. Accept TX power.
txPower = verifyParams->MaxTxPower;
status &= 0xFB; // TxPower KO
// If the status is ok, verify the NbRep
if( status == 0x07 )
if( nbRepetitions == 0 )
{ // Keep the current one
nbRepetitions = verifyParams->CurrentNbRep;
// Apply changes
*dr = datarate;
*txPow = txPower;
*nbRep = nbRepetitions;
return status;
double RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeLoRa( uint8_t phyDr, uint32_t bandwidth )
return ( ( double )( 1 << phyDr ) / ( double )bandwidth ) * 1000;
double RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeFsk( uint8_t phyDr )
return ( 8.0 / ( double )phyDr ); // 1 symbol equals 1 byte
void RegionCommonComputeRxWindowParameters( double tSymbol, uint8_t minRxSymbols, uint32_t rxError, uint32_t wakeUpTime, uint32_t* windowTimeout, int32_t* windowOffset )
*windowTimeout = MAX( ( uint32_t )ceil( ( ( 2 * minRxSymbols - 8 ) * tSymbol + 2 * rxError ) / tSymbol ), minRxSymbols ); // Computed number of symbols
*windowOffset = ( int32_t )ceil( ( 4.0 * tSymbol ) - ( ( *windowTimeout * tSymbol ) / 2.0 ) - wakeUpTime );
int8_t RegionCommonComputeTxPower( int8_t txPowerIndex, float maxEirp, float antennaGain )
int8_t phyTxPower = 0;
phyTxPower = ( int8_t )floor( ( maxEirp - ( txPowerIndex * 2U ) ) - antennaGain );
return phyTxPower;
void RegionCommonCalcBackOff( RegionCommonCalcBackOffParams_t* calcBackOffParams )
uint8_t bandIdx = calcBackOffParams->Channels[calcBackOffParams->Channel].Band;
uint16_t dutyCycle = calcBackOffParams->Bands[bandIdx].DCycle;
uint16_t joinDutyCycle = 0;
// Reset time-off to initial value.
calcBackOffParams->Bands[bandIdx].TimeOff = 0;
if( calcBackOffParams->Joined == false )
// Get the join duty cycle
joinDutyCycle = RegionCommonGetJoinDc( calcBackOffParams->ElapsedTime );
// Apply the most restricting duty cycle
dutyCycle = MAX( dutyCycle, joinDutyCycle );
// Reset the timeoff if the last frame was not a join request and when the duty cycle is not enabled
if( ( calcBackOffParams->DutyCycleEnabled == false ) && ( calcBackOffParams->LastTxIsJoinRequest == false ) )
// This is the case when the duty cycle is off and the last uplink frame was not a join.
// This could happen in case of a rejoin, e.g. in compliance test mode.
// In this special case we have to set the time off to 0, since the join duty cycle shall only
// be applied after the first join request.
calcBackOffParams->Bands[bandIdx].TimeOff = 0;
// Apply band time-off.
calcBackOffParams->Bands[bandIdx].TimeOff = calcBackOffParams->TxTimeOnAir * dutyCycle - calcBackOffParams->TxTimeOnAir;
if( calcBackOffParams->DutyCycleEnabled == true )
calcBackOffParams->Bands[bandIdx].TimeOff = calcBackOffParams->TxTimeOnAir * dutyCycle - calcBackOffParams->TxTimeOnAir;
calcBackOffParams->Bands[bandIdx].TimeOff = 0;