File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
(function (root, factory) { |
// if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
// define([], function () {
// return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory());
// });
// } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// // only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// // like Node.
// module.exports = factory();
// } else {
root['Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle'] = factory(); |
// }
}(this, function () { |
/** |
* Chartist.js plugin to display a title for 1 or 2 axises. |
* |
*/ |
/* global Chartist */ |
(function (window, document, Chartist) { |
'use strict'; |
var axisDefaults = { |
axisTitle: '', |
axisClass: 'ct-axis-title', |
offset: { |
x: 0, |
y: 0 |
}, |
textAnchor: 'middle', |
flipText: false |
}; |
var defaultOptions = { |
axisX: axisDefaults, |
axisY: axisDefaults |
}; |
Chartist.plugins = Chartist.plugins || {}; |
Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle = function (options) { |
options = Chartist.extend({}, defaultOptions, options); |
console.log(options); |
return function ctAxisTitle(chart) { |
chart.on('created', function (data) { |
// if (!options.axisX.axisTitle && !options.axisY.axisTitle) {
// throw new Error('ctAxisTitle plugin - You must provide at least one axis title');
// } else if (!data.axisX && !data.axisY) {
// throw new Error('ctAxisTitle plugin can only be used on charts that have at least one axis');
// }
var xPos; |
var yPos; |
var title; |
//position axis X title
if (options.axisX.axisTitle && data.axisX) { |
xPos = (data.axisX.axisLength / 2) + data.options.axisY.offset + data.options.chartPadding.left; |
yPos =; |
if (data.options.axisY.position === 'end') { |
xPos -= data.options.axisY.offset; |
} |
if (data.options.axisX.position === 'end') { |
yPos += data.axisY.axisLength; |
} |
title = new Chartist.Svg("text"); |
title.addClass(options.axisX.axisClass); |
title.text(options.axisX.axisTitle); |
title.attr({ |
x: xPos + options.axisX.offset.x, |
y: yPos + options.axisX.offset.y, |
"text-anchor": options.axisX.textAnchor |
}); |
data.svg.append(title, true); |
} |
//position axis Y title
if (options.axisY.axisTitle && data.axisY) { |
xPos = 0; |
yPos = (data.axisY.axisLength / 2) +; |
if (data.options.axisX.position === 'start') { |
yPos += data.options.axisX.offset; |
} |
if (data.options.axisY.position === 'end') { |
xPos = data.axisX.axisLength; |
} |
var transform = 'rotate(' + (options.axisY.flipText ? -90 : 90) + ', ' + xPos + ', ' + yPos + ')'; |
title = new Chartist.Svg("text"); |
title.addClass(options.axisY.axisClass); |
title.text(options.axisY.axisTitle); |
title.attr({ |
x: xPos + options.axisY.offset.x, |
y: yPos + options.axisY.offset.y, |
transform: transform, |
"text-anchor": options.axisY.textAnchor |
}); |
data.svg.append(title, true); |
} |
}); |
}; |
}; |
}(window, document, Chartist)); |
return Chartist.plugins.ctAxisTitle; |
})); |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ |
(function (root, factory) { |
// if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
// define([], function () {
// return (root.returnExportsGlobal = factory());
// });
// } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
// // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
// // only CommonJS-like enviroments that support module.exports,
// // like Node.
// module.exports = factory();
// } else {
root['Chartist.plugins.zoom'] = factory(); |
// }
}(this, function () { |
/** |
* Chartist.js zoom plugin. |
* |
*/ |
(function (window, document, Chartist) { |
'use strict'; |
var defaultOptions = { |
// onZoom
// resetOnRightMouseBtn
}; |
Chartist.plugins = Chartist.plugins || {}; |
Chartist.plugins.zoom = function (options) { |
options = Chartist.extend({}, defaultOptions, options); |
return function zoom(chart) { |
if (!(chart instanceof Chartist.Line)) { |
return; |
} |
var rect, svg, axisX, axisY, chartRect; |
var downPosition; |
var onZoom = options.onZoom; |
var ongoingTouches = []; |
chart.on('draw', function (data) { |
var type = data.type; |
if (type === 'line' || type === 'bar' || type === 'area' || type === 'point') { |
data.element.attr({ |
'clip-path': 'url(#zoom-mask)' |
}); |
} |
}); |
chart.on('created', function (data) { |
axisX = data.axisX; |
axisY = data.axisY; |
chartRect = data.chartRect; |
svg = data.svg._node; |
rect = data.svg.elem('rect', { |
x: 10, |
y: 10, |
width: 100, |
height: 100, |
}, 'ct-zoom-rect'); |
hide(rect); |
var defs = data.svg.querySelector('defs') || data.svg.elem('defs'); |
var width = chartRect.width(); |
var height = chartRect.height(); |
defs |
.elem('clipPath', { |
id: 'zoom-mask' |
}) |
.elem('rect', { |
x: chartRect.x1, |
y: chartRect.y2, |
width: width, |
height: height, |
fill: 'white' |
}); |
svg.addEventListener('mousedown', onMouseDown); |
svg.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); |
svg.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); |
svg.addEventListener('touchstart', onTouchStart); |
svg.addEventListener('touchmove', onTouchMove); |
svg.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchEnd); |
svg.addEventListener('touchcancel', onTouchCancel); |
}); |
function copyTouch(touch) { |
var p = position(touch, svg); |
| = touch.identifier; |
return p; |
} |
function ongoingTouchIndexById(idToFind) { |
for (var i = 0; i < ongoingTouches.length; i++) { |
var id = ongoingTouches[i].id; |
if (id === idToFind) { |
return i; |
} |
} |
return -1; |
} |
function onTouchStart(event) { |
var touches = event.changedTouches; |
for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { |
ongoingTouches.push(copyTouch(touches[i])); |
} |
if (ongoingTouches.length > 1) { |
rect.attr(getRect(ongoingTouches[0], ongoingTouches[1])); |
show(rect); |
} |
} |
function onTouchMove(event) { |
var touches = event.changedTouches; |
for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { |
var idx = ongoingTouchIndexById(touches[i].identifier); |
ongoingTouches.splice(idx, 1, copyTouch(touches[i])); |
} |
if (ongoingTouches.length > 1) { |
rect.attr(getRect(ongoingTouches[0], ongoingTouches[1])); |
show(rect); |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
} |
function onTouchCancel(event) { |
removeTouches(event.changedTouches); |
} |
function removeTouches(touches) { |
for (var i = 0; i < touches.length; i++) { |
var idx = ongoingTouchIndexById(touches[i].identifier); |
if (idx >= 0) { |
ongoingTouches.splice(idx, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
function onTouchEnd(event) { |
if (ongoingTouches.length > 1) { |
zoomIn(getRect(ongoingTouches[0], ongoingTouches[1])); |
} |
removeTouches(event.changedTouches); |
hide(rect); |
} |
function onMouseDown(event) { |
if (event.button === 0) { |
downPosition = position(event, svg); |
rect.attr(getRect(downPosition, downPosition)); |
show(rect); |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
} |
var reset = function () { |
chart.options.axisX.highLow = null; |
chart.options.axisY.highLow = null; |
chart.update(, chart.options); |
}; |
function onMouseUp(event) { |
if (event.button === 0) { |
var box = getRect(downPosition, position(event, svg)); |
zoomIn(box); |
downPosition = null; |
hide(rect); |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
else if (options.resetOnRightMouseBtn && event.button === 2) { |
reset(); |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
} |
function zoomIn(rect) { |
if (rect.width > 5 && rect.height > 5) { |
var x1 = rect.x - chartRect.x1; |
var x2 = x1 + rect.width; |
var y2 = chartRect.y1 - rect.y; |
var y1 = y2 - rect.height; |
chart.options.axisX.highLow = { low: project(x1, axisX), high: project(x2, axisX) }; |
chart.options.axisY.highLow = { low: project(y1, axisY), high: project(y2, axisY) }; |
chart.update(, chart.options); |
onZoom && onZoom(chart, reset); |
} |
} |
function onMouseMove(event) { |
if (downPosition) { |
var point = position(event, svg); |
rect.attr(getRect(downPosition, point)); |
event.preventDefault(); |
} |
} |
}; |
}; |
function hide(rect) { |
rect.attr({ style: 'display:none' }); |
} |
function show(rect) { |
rect.attr({ style: 'display:block' }); |
} |
function getRect(firstPoint, secondPoint) { |
var x = firstPoint.x; |
var y = firstPoint.y; |
var width = secondPoint.x - x; |
var height = secondPoint.y - y; |
if (width < 0) { |
width = -width; |
x = secondPoint.x; |
} |
if (height < 0) { |
height = -height; |
y = secondPoint.y; |
} |
return { |
x: x, |
y: y, |
width: width, |
height: height |
}; |
} |
function position(event, svg) { |
return transform(event.clientX, event.clientY, svg); |
} |
function transform(x, y, svgElement) { |
var svg = svgElement.tagName === 'svg' ? svgElement : svgElement.ownerSVGElement; |
var matrix = svg.getScreenCTM(); |
var point = svg.createSVGPoint(); |
point.x = x; |
point.y = y; |
point = point.matrixTransform(matrix.inverse()); |
return point || { x: 0, y: 0 }; |
} |
function project(value, axis) { |
var max = axis.bounds.max; |
var min = axis.bounds.min; |
if (axis.scale && axis.scale.type === 'log') { |
var base = axis.scale.base; |
return Math.pow(base, |
value * baseLog(max / min, base) / axis.axisLength) * min; |
} |
return (value * axis.bounds.range / axis.axisLength) + min; |
} |
function baseLog(val, base) { |
return Math.log(val) / Math.log(base); |
} |
} (window, document, Chartist)); |
return Chartist.plugins.zoom; |
})); |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
// Scales for responsive SVG containers |
$ct-scales_orig: ((1), (15/16), (8/9), (5/6), (4/5), (3/4), (2/3), (5/8), (1/1.618), (3/5), (9/16), (8/15), (1/2), (2/5), (3/8), (1/3), (1/4)) !default; |
$ct-scales-names_orig: (ct-square, ct-minor-second, ct-major-second, ct-minor-third, ct-major-third, ct-perfect-fourth, ct-perfect-fifth, ct-minor-sixth, ct-golden-section, ct-major-sixth, ct-minor-seventh, ct-major-seventh, ct-octave, ct-major-tenth, ct-major-eleventh, ct-major-twelfth, ct-double-octave) !default; |
$ct-scales: ((9/16), (2/3)); |
$ct-scales-names: (ct-wide, ct-narrow); |
// Container ratio |
$ct-container-ratio: (1/1.618) !default; |
// Text styles for labels |
$ct-text-color: rgba(white, 0.8) !default; |
$ct-text-size: 0.75rem !default; |
$ct-text-align: flex-start !default; |
$ct-text-justify: flex-start !default; |
$ct-text-line-height: 1; |
$ct-axis-label-color: rgba(white, 0.8) !default; |
// Grid styles |
$ct-grid-color: rgba(white, 0.3) !default; |
$ct-grid-dasharray: 2px !default; |
$ct-grid-width: 1px !default; |
// Line chart properties |
$ct-line-width: 2px !default; |
$ct-line-dasharray: false !default; |
$ct-point-size: 4px !default; |
// Line chart point, can be either round or square |
$ct-point-shape: round !default; |
// Area fill transparency between 0 and 1 |
$ct-area-opacity: 0.1 !default; |
// Bar chart bar width |
$ct-bar-width: 10px !default; |
// Donut width (If donut width is to big it can cause issues where the shape gets distorted) |
$ct-donut-width: 60px !default; |
// If set to true it will include the default classes and generate CSS output. If you're planning to use the mixins you |
// should set this property to false |
$ct-include-classes: true !default; |
// If this is set to true the CSS will contain colored series. You can extend or change the color with the |
// properties below |
$ct-include-colored-series: $ct-include-classes !default; |
// If set to true this will include all responsive container variations using the scales defined at the top of the script |
$ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers: $ct-include-classes !default; |
// Series names and colors. This can be extended or customized as desired. Just add more series and colors. |
$ct-series-names: (a, b, c, d, e) !default; |
$ct-series-colors: ( |
#f05b4f, |
#6188e2, |
#59922b, |
#eacf7d, |
#a748ca |
) !default; |
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ |
@import "chartist-settings"; |
@mixin ct-responsive-svg-container($width: 100%, $ratio: $ct-container-ratio) { |
display: block; |
position: relative; |
width: $width; |
&:before { |
display: block; |
float: left; |
content: ""; |
width: 0; |
height: 0; |
padding-bottom: $ratio * 100%; |
} |
&:after { |
content: ""; |
display: table; |
clear: both; |
} |
> svg { |
display: block; |
position: absolute; |
top: 0; |
left: 0; |
} |
} |
@mixin ct-align-justify($ct-text-align: $ct-text-align, $ct-text-justify: $ct-text-justify) { |
align-items: $ct-text-align; |
justify-content: $ct-text-justify; |
// Fallback to text-align for non-flex browsers |
@if ($ct-text-justify == 'flex-start') { |
text-align: left; |
} @else if ($ct-text-justify == 'flex-end') { |
text-align: right; |
} @else { |
text-align: center; |
} |
} |
@mixin ct-chart-label($ct-text-color: $ct-text-color, $ct-text-size: $ct-text-size, $ct-text-line-height: $ct-text-line-height) { |
fill: $ct-text-color; |
color: $ct-text-color; |
font-size: $ct-text-size; |
line-height: $ct-text-line-height; |
} |
@mixin ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray) { |
stroke: $ct-grid-color; |
stroke-width: $ct-grid-width; |
@if ($ct-grid-dasharray) { |
stroke-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray; |
} |
} |
@mixin ct-chart-point($ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape) { |
stroke-width: $ct-point-size; |
stroke-linecap: $ct-point-shape; |
} |
@mixin ct-chart-line($ct-line-width: $ct-line-width, $ct-line-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray) { |
fill: none; |
stroke-width: $ct-line-width; |
@if ($ct-line-dasharray) { |
stroke-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray; |
} |
} |
@mixin ct-chart-area($ct-area-opacity: $ct-area-opacity) { |
stroke: none; |
fill-opacity: $ct-area-opacity; |
} |
@mixin ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width) { |
fill: none; |
stroke-width: $ct-bar-width; |
} |
//@mixin ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width) { |
// fill: none; |
// stroke-width: $ct-donut-width; |
//} |
@mixin ct-chart-series-color($color) { |
.ct-point, .ct-line, .ct-bar /*, .ct-slice-donut*/ |
{ |
stroke: $color; |
} |
.ct-slice-pie, .ct-area { |
fill: $color; |
} |
} |
@mixin ct-chart( |
$ct-container-ratio: $ct-container-ratio, |
$ct-text-color: $ct-text-color, |
$ct-text-size: $ct-text-size, |
$ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, |
$ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, |
$ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray, |
$ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, |
$ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape, |
$ct-line-width: $ct-line-width, |
$ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width, |
//$ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width, |
$ct-series-names: $ct-series-names, |
$ct-series-colors: $ct-series-colors) { |
.ct-axis-title { |
fill: $ct-axis-label-color; |
} |
// --- Label --- |
.ct-label { |
@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size); |
&.ct-horizontal.ct-start { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start); |
text-anchor: start; // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects |
} |
&.ct-horizontal.ct-end { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start); |
text-anchor: start; |
// EDIT: added for angled horiz labels |
transform: translate(-4px, 0%) rotate(45deg); |
} |
&.ct-vertical.ct-start { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-end); |
text-anchor: end; |
transform: translate(0, 20%); |
} |
&.ct-vertical.ct-end { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start); |
text-anchor: start; |
} |
} |
.ct-chart-line .ct-label, |
.ct-chart-bar .ct-label { |
display: flex; |
} |
// --- Bar labels --- |
.ct-chart-bar { |
.ct-label.ct-horizontal.ct-start { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, center); |
text-anchor: start; |
} |
.ct-label.ct-horizontal.ct-end { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, center); |
text-anchor: start; |
} |
&.ct-horizontal-bars .ct-label { |
&.ct-horizontal.ct-start { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start); |
text-anchor: start; |
} |
&.ct-horizontal.ct-end { |
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start); |
text-anchor: start; |
} |
&.ct-vertical.ct-start { |
//@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size, center, $ct-vertical-text-justify); |
@include ct-align-justify(center, flex-end); |
text-anchor: end; |
} |
&.ct-vertical.ct-end { |
@include ct-align-justify(center, flex-start); |
text-anchor: end; |
} |
} |
} |
.ct-grid { |
@include ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray); |
} |
.ct-point { |
@include ct-chart-point($ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape); |
} |
.ct-line { |
@include ct-chart-line($ct-line-width); |
} |
.ct-area { |
@include ct-chart-area(); |
} |
.ct-bar { |
@include ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width); |
} |
//.ct-slice-donut { |
// @include ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width); |
//} |
@if $ct-include-colored-series { |
@for $i from 0 to length($ct-series-names) { |
.ct-series-#{nth($ct-series-names, $i + 1)} { |
$color: nth($ct-series-colors, $i + 1); |
@include ct-chart-series-color($color); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@if $ct-include-classes { |
@include ct-chart(); |
@if $ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers { |
@for $i from 0 to length($ct-scales-names) { |
.#{nth($ct-scales-names, $i + 1)} { |
@include ct-responsive-svg-container($ratio: nth($ct-scales, $i + 1)); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
xterm -title "ESP html build" -e "source $HOME/.bashrc && cd html_src && gulp watch" |
Reference in new issue