@ -1,21 +1,469 @@ |
#include "mode_life.h" |
#include "mode_life.h" |
#include "utils/timebase.h" |
#include "com/debug.h" |
#include "dotmatrix.h" |
static bool life_enabled = false; |
static void show_board(bool do_show); |
static void apply_paint(void); |
#define BOARD_W 16 |
#define BOARD_H 16 |
#define SIZEOF_BOARD (BOARD_H*sizeof(uint32_t)) |
// 32-bit for easy blit
static bool is_orig_board = true; // marks that currently displayed board is the orig board to reset back to.
static uint32_t board_orig[BOARD_H]; |
static uint32_t board_prev[BOARD_H]; |
static uint32_t board[BOARD_H]; |
static task_pid_t task_gametick; // game update tick
static task_pid_t task_movetick; // repeated move
static task_pid_t task_start_moveticks; // scheduled task to start moveticks after a delay
static task_pid_t task_movepress; // move on press (delayed to allow for diagonals)
static task_pid_t task_blink; // periodic blink task
static task_pid_t task_blink2; // scheduled 'unblink' task
static ms_time_t step_time = 200; // game step time
#define BLINKLEN 350 // blink on time (total)
#define BLINKLEN_ONE 300 // blink on time for '1'
#define BLINKLEN_ZERO 10 // blink on time for '0'
#define MOVE_TIME 100 // mouse move
#define MOVE_START_TIME 700 |
static int cursorX = BOARD_W / 2 - 1; |
static int cursorY = BOARD_H / 2 - 1; |
static bool running = false; |
static bool painting_1 = false; |
static bool painting_0 = false; |
static bool modA_down = false; |
static bool modB_down = false; |
// X+,X-,Y+,Y-
typedef enum { |
DIR_NONE = 0b0000, |
// straight
DIR_N = 0b0010, |
DIR_S = 0b0001, |
DIR_E = 0b1000, |
DIR_W = 0b0100, |
// diagonals
} MoveDir; |
static MoveDir active_dir = DIR_NONE; |
// ---
static void board_set(int x, int y, bool color) |
{ |
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= BOARD_W || y >= BOARD_H) return; |
uint32_t mask = 1 << (BOARD_W - x - 1); |
if (color) { |
board[y] |= mask; |
} else { |
board[y] &= ~mask; |
} |
} |
static bool board_get(int x, int y) |
{ |
// wrap
while (x < 0) x += BOARD_W; |
while (y < 0) y += BOARD_H; |
while (x >= BOARD_W) x -= BOARD_W; |
while (y >= BOARD_H) y -= BOARD_H; |
return (board[y] >> (BOARD_W - x - 1)) & 1; |
} |
static bool board_prev_get(int x, int y) |
{ |
// wrap
while (x < 0) x += BOARD_W; |
while (y < 0) y += BOARD_H; |
while (x >= BOARD_W) x -= BOARD_W; |
while (y >= BOARD_H) y -= BOARD_H; |
return (board_prev[y] >> (BOARD_W - x - 1)) & 1; |
} |
static void move_cursor(void) |
{ |
if (active_dir & DIR_N) { |
cursorY++; |
} else if (active_dir & DIR_S) { |
cursorY--; |
} |
if (active_dir & DIR_E) { |
cursorX++; |
} else if (active_dir & DIR_W) { |
cursorX--; |
} |
// clamp
if (cursorX >= BOARD_W) cursorX = BOARD_W - 1; |
if (cursorX < 0) cursorX = 0; |
if (cursorY >= BOARD_H) cursorY = BOARD_H - 1; |
if (cursorY < 0) cursorY = 0; |
// apply paint if active
apply_paint(); |
show_board(true); |
dmtx_set(dmtx, cursorX, cursorY, 1); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_blink2); // abort unblink task FIXME ???
} |
static void apply_paint(void) |
{ |
if (painting_0) { |
board_set(cursorX, cursorY, 0); |
} |
if (painting_1) { |
board_set(cursorX, cursorY, 1); |
} |
} |
/** start periodic move */ |
static void start_moveticks_cb(void *unused) |
{ |
(void)unused; |
if (!life_enabled) return; |
task_start_moveticks = 0; |
enable_periodic_task(task_movetick, true); |
} |
/** Perform one game step */ |
static void gametick_cb(void *unused) |
{ |
(void)unused; |
if (!life_enabled) return; |
dbg("Game tick!"); |
memcpy(board_prev, board, SIZEOF_BOARD); |
for (int i = 0; i < BOARD_W; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < BOARD_H; j++) { |
int count = 0; |
// Above
count += board_prev_get(i - 1, j - 1); |
count += board_prev_get(i, j - 1); |
count += board_prev_get(i + 1, j - 1); |
// Sides
count += board_prev_get(i - 1, j); |
count += board_prev_get(i + 1, j); |
// Below
count += board_prev_get(i - 1, j + 1); |
count += board_prev_get(i, j + 1); |
count += board_prev_get(i + 1, j + 1); |
bool at = board_prev_get(i, j); |
if (at) { |
// live cell
board_set(i, j, count == 2 || count == 3); |
} else { |
board_set(i, j, count == 3); |
} |
} |
} |
show_board(true); |
} |
/** Move cursor one step in active direction */ |
static void movetick_cb(void *unused) |
{ |
(void)unused; |
if (!life_enabled) return; |
move_cursor(); |
} |
static void blink_cb(void *arg) |
{ |
if (!life_enabled) return; // pending leftover...
uint32_t which = (uint32_t)arg; |
if (which == 0) { |
// first
show_board(false); |
bool at = board_get(cursorX, cursorY); |
dmtx_set(dmtx, cursorX, cursorY, 1); |
dmtx_show(dmtx); |
// schedule unblink
schedule_task(blink_cb, (void*)1, at ? BLINKLEN_ONE : BLINKLEN_ZERO, true); |
} else { |
show_board(false); |
dmtx_set(dmtx, cursorX, cursorY, 0); |
dmtx_show(dmtx); |
} |
} |
// ---
static void show_board(bool do_show) |
{ |
dmtx_set_block(dmtx, 0, 0, board, 16, 16); |
if (do_show) dmtx_show(dmtx); |
} |
// ---
void mode_life_init(void) |
void mode_life_init(void) |
{ |
{ |
// prepare tasks
task_gametick = add_periodic_task(gametick_cb, NULL, step_time, true); |
task_movetick = add_periodic_task(movetick_cb, NULL, MOVE_TIME, true); |
task_blink = add_periodic_task(blink_cb, 0, BLINKLEN, true); |
// stop all - we may not be starting this mode just yet
enable_periodic_task(task_gametick, false); |
enable_periodic_task(task_movetick, false); |
enable_periodic_task(task_blink, false); |
} |
} |
void mode_life_start(void) |
void mode_life_start(void) |
{ |
{ |
life_enabled = true; |
enable_periodic_task(task_blink, true); |
// if (running) {
// enable_periodic_task(task_gametick, true);
// } else {
// enable_periodic_task(task_blink, true);
// }
} |
} |
void mode_life_stop(void) |
void mode_life_stop(void) |
{ |
{ |
enable_periodic_task(task_gametick, false); |
enable_periodic_task(task_movetick, false); |
enable_periodic_task(task_blink, false); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_blink2); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_movepress); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_start_moveticks); |
painting_1 = painting_0 = false; |
modA_down = modB_down = false; |
running = false; // stop
life_enabled = false; |
} |
static void toggle_game(bool run) |
{ |
if (run) { |
running = true; |
enable_periodic_task(task_movetick, false); |
enable_periodic_task(task_blink, false); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_movepress); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_start_moveticks); |
// Go!!
enable_periodic_task(task_gametick, true); |
} else { |
running = false; |
enable_periodic_task(task_gametick, false); |
enable_periodic_task(task_blink, true); |
} |
show_board(true); |
} |
/** do move (had ample time to press both arrows for diagonal) */ |
static void movepress_cb(void *unused) |
{ |
(void)unused; |
if (!life_enabled) return; |
move_cursor(); |
task_movepress = 0; |
task_start_moveticks = schedule_task(start_moveticks_cb, NULL, MOVE_START_TIME, true); |
} |
} |
void mode_life_btn(char key) |
void mode_life_btn(char key) |
{ |
{ |
// Common for run / stop mode
switch(key) { |
case 'A': modA_down = true; break; |
case 'a': modA_down = false; break; |
case 'B': modB_down = true; break; |
case 'b': modB_down = false; break; |
case 'K': |
// Reset btn
if (modA_down) { |
// total reset
dbg("Reset to blank"); |
memset(board_orig, 0, SIZEOF_BOARD); |
memset(board, 0, SIZEOF_BOARD); |
toggle_game(false); |
is_orig_board = true; |
} else { |
// reset to orig
dbg("Reset to original"); |
memcpy(board, board_orig, SIZEOF_BOARD); |
toggle_game(false); |
is_orig_board = true; |
} |
break; |
} |
if (running) { |
switch (key) { |
case 'X': // slower
if (step_time < 1000) { |
step_time += 50; |
set_periodic_task_interval(task_gametick, step_time); |
} |
break; |
case 'Y': // faster
if (step_time > 50) { |
step_time -= 50; |
set_periodic_task_interval(task_gametick, step_time); |
} |
break; |
case 'J': // stop
dbg("STOP game!"); |
toggle_game(false); |
break; |
} |
} else { |
bool want_move = false; |
bool clear_moveticks = false; |
bool want_apply_paint = false; |
// Groups
switch (key) { |
case 'U': |
case 'D': |
case 'R': |
case 'L': |
want_move = true; |
break; |
case 'u': |
case 'd': |
case 'r': |
case 'l': |
clear_moveticks = true; |
break; |
case 'Y': // AA
case 'X': // BB
want_apply_paint = true; |
break; |
} |
// Individual effects
switch (key) { |
// --- ARROW DOWN ---
case 'U': |
active_dir &= ~DIR_S; |
active_dir |= DIR_N; |
break; |
case 'D': |
active_dir &= ~DIR_N; |
active_dir |= DIR_S; |
break; |
case 'R': |
active_dir &= ~DIR_W; |
active_dir |= DIR_E; |
break; |
case 'L': |
active_dir &= ~DIR_E; |
active_dir |= DIR_W; |
break; |
// --- ARROW UP ---
case 'u': active_dir &= ~DIR_N; break; |
case 'd': active_dir &= ~DIR_S; break; |
case 'r': active_dir &= ~DIR_E; break; |
case 'l': active_dir &= ~DIR_W; break; |
// --- Paint BTN ---
case 'Y': painting_1 = true; break; |
case 'y': painting_1 = false; break; |
case 'X': painting_0 = true; break; |
case 'x': painting_0 = false; break; |
// --- Control ---
case 'J': |
dbg("Start game!"); |
// starting
if (is_orig_board) { |
// save
memcpy(board_orig, board, SIZEOF_BOARD); |
} |
is_orig_board = false; |
toggle_game(true); |
break; |
} |
if (clear_moveticks) { |
enable_periodic_task(task_movetick, false); |
abort_scheduled_task(task_start_moveticks); |
} |
if (want_apply_paint) { |
apply_paint(); |
} |
if (want_move) { |
if (task_movepress == 0) { |
task_movepress = schedule_task(movepress_cb, NULL, 10, true); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue