FAT16 library written for an ATmega project with SD card
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Ondřej Hruška 91f2963c1f renamed ff_open to ff_find, added "savepos" thing to a few funcs 9 年前
imgs source import 9 年前
.gitignore Recursive delete. 9 年前
LICENSE Initial commit 9 年前
Makefile Recursive delete. 9 年前
README.md Initial commit 9 年前
blockdev.h Added great improvements from avr-lib, including huge name changes. 9 年前
fat16.c renamed ff_open to ff_find, added "savepos" thing to a few funcs 9 年前
fat16.h renamed ff_open to ff_find, added "savepos" thing to a few funcs 9 年前
fat16_internal.h Added great improvements from avr-lib, including huge name changes. 9 年前
main.c Added great improvements from avr-lib, including huge name changes. 9 年前
style.astylerc added astyle config 9 年前



Lightweight simplified FAT16 implementation