Source import

Ondřej Hruška 8 years ago
commit 13e5dd45b2
  1. 134
  2. 89
  3. 277
  4. 213
  5. 21
  6. 56
  7. 88
  8. 53

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# CPU type
MCU = atmega328p
# CPU frequency [Hz]
F_CPU = 16000000
# Fuses (refer to datasheet)
EFUSE = 0x05
# Avrdude settings
PROG_TYPE = arduino
PROG_ARGS = -b 57600 -P /dev/ttyUSB0
# Main file
BINARY = main
# Obj files to be built <- add .o for any .c files you add!
OBJS += lib/usart.o
OBJS += lib/iopins.o
# Dirs with header files
INCL_DIRS = . lib/
# Pre-defined macros
# C flags
CFLAGS = -std=gnu99 -mmcu=$(MCU) $(DEFS) $(INCL_DIRS:%=-I%)
CFLAGS += -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -ffreestanding
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wno-main -Wno-strict-prototypes -Wno-comment
CFLAGS += -g2 -Wextra -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
CFLAGS += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -Os
LDFLAGS = -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--relax -lm
#LD_FLAGS += -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm ## for floating-point printf
#LD_FLAGS += -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min ## for smaller printf
## Defined programs / locations
CC = avr-gcc
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
OBJDUMP = avr-objdump
AVRSIZE = avr-size
AVRDUDE = avrdude
JUNK = *.o *.d *.elf *.bin *.hex *.srec *.list *.lst *.map *.dis *.disasm *.eep *.eeprom *.lss
.SUFFIXES: .elf .bin .hex .lst .map .eeprom .pre
.PHONY: all elf bin hex lst pre ee eeprom dis size clean flash flashe shell fuses show_fuses set_default_fuses
all: hex size
elf: $(BINARY).elf
bin: $(BINARY).bin
hex: $(BINARY).hex
lst: $(BINARY).lst
pre: $(BINARY).pre
ee: $(BINARY).eeprom
eeprom: $(BINARY).eeprom
dis: lst
# Show how big the resulting program is
size: elf
$(AVRSIZE) -C --mcu=$(MCU) $(BINARY).elf
# --- Magic build targets ----------------
%.hex: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -R .eeprom -O ihex $< $@
%.elf $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $(*).elf
%.pre: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -E $(*).c --output $@
%.eeprom: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex $< $@
%.lst: %.elf
$(Q)$(OBJDUMP) -S $(*).elf > $(*).lst
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(*).o -c $(*).c
%.o: %.s
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(*).o -c $(*).s
# Clean all produced trash
rm -f $(JUNK)
cd lib && rm -f $(JUNK)
## === avrdude ===
flash: $(BINARY).hex
$(AVRDUDE) -c $(PROG_TYPE) -p $(MCU) $(PROG_ARGS) -U flash:w:$<
flashe: $(BINARY).eeprom
$(AVRDUDE) -c $(PROG_TYPE) -p $(MCU) $(PROG_ARGS) -U eeprom:w:$<
$(AVRDUDE) -c $(PROG_TYPE) -p $(MCU) $(PROG_ARGS) -nt
# === fuses ===
FUSE_STRING = -U lfuse:w:$(LFUSE):m -U hfuse:w:$(HFUSE):m -U efuse:w:$(EFUSE):m
$(AVRDUDE) -c $(PROG_TYPE) -p $(MCU) $(PROG_ARGS) -nv
set_default_fuses: FUSE_STRING = -U lfuse:w:$(LFUSE):m -U hfuse:w:$(HFUSE):m -U efuse:w:$(EFUSE):m
set_default_fuses: fuses

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#pragma once
// Bit and byte manipulation utilities
#include <stdint.h>
// --- Increment in range ---
// when overflown, wraps within range. Lower bound < upper bound.
// ..., upper bound excluded
#define inc_wrap(var, min, max) { if ((var) >= (max - 1)) { (var) = (min); } else { (var)++; } }
// ..., upper bound included
#define inc_wrapi(var, min, max) inc_wrap((var), (min), (max) + 1)
// --- Decrement in range ---
// when underflown, wraps within range. Lower bound < upper bound.
// ..., upper bound excluded
#define dec_wrap(var, min, max) { if ((var) <= (min)) { (var) = (max) - 1; } else { (var)--; } }
// ..., upper bound included
#define dec_wrapi(var, min, max) dec_wrap((var), (min), (max) + 1)
// --- Bit manipulation --
// Set bit
#define sbi(reg, bit) { (reg) |= (1 << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// Clear bit
#define cbi(reg, bit) { (reg) &= ~(1 << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// Get n-th bit
#define get_bit(reg, bit) (((reg) >> (uint8_t)(bit)) & 0x1)
// Test n-th bit (Can't use bit_is_set, as it's redefined in sfr_def.h)
#define bit_is_high(reg, bit) get_bit(reg, bit)
#define bit_is_low(reg, bit) (!get_bit(reg, bit))
// Write value to n-th bit
#define set_bit(reg, bit, value) { (reg) = ((reg) & ~(1 << (uint8_t)(bit))) | (((uint8_t)(value) & 0x1) << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// Invert n-th bit
#define toggle_bit(reg, bit) { (reg) ^= (1 << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// --- Bit manipulation with pointer to variable ---
// Set n-th bit in pointee
#define sbi_p(reg_p, bit) { (*(reg_p)) |= (1 << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// Clear n-th bit in pointee
#define cbi_p(reg_p, bit) { (*(reg_p)) &= ~(1 << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// Get n-th bit in pointee
#define get_bit_p(reg_p, bit) ((*(reg_p) >> (uint8_t)(bit)) & 0x1)
// Test n-th bit in pointee (Can't use bit_is_set, as it's redefined in sfr_def.h)
#define bit_is_high_p(reg_p, bit) get_bit_p(reg_p, bit)
#define bit_is_low_p(reg_p, bit) (!get_bit_p(reg_p, bit))
// Write value to a bit in pointee
#define set_bit_p(reg_p, bit, value) { *(reg_p) = (*(reg_p) & ~(1 << ((uint8_t)(bit) & 0x1))) | (((uint8_t)(value) & 0x1) << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
#define toggle_bit_p(reg_p, bit) { *(reg_p) ^= (1 << (uint8_t)(bit)); }
// --- Nibble manipulation ---
// Replace nibble in a byte
#define set_low_nibble(reg, value) { (reg) = ((reg) & 0xF0) | ((uint8_t)(value) & 0xF); }
#define set_high_nibble(reg, value) { (reg) = ((reg) & 0x0F) | (((uint8_t)(value) & 0xF) << 4); }
#define set_low_nibble_p(reg_p, value) { *(reg_p) = (*(reg_p) & 0xF0) | ((uint8_t)(value) & 0xF); }
#define set_high_nibble_p(reg_p, value) { *(reg_p) = (*(reg_p) & 0x0F) | (((uint8_t)(value) & 0xF) << 4); }
#define low_nibble(x) ((uint8_t)(x) & 0xF)
#define high_nibble(x) (((uint8_t)(x) & 0xF0) >> 4)
// --- Range tests ---
// Test if X is within low..high, regardless of bounds order
#define in_range(x, low, high) ((((low) < (high)) && ((x) >= (low) && (x) < (high))) || (((low) > (high)) && ((x) >= (high) && (x) < (low))))
// ..., include greater bound
#define in_rangei(x, low, high) ((((low) <= (high)) && ((x) >= (low) && (x) <= (high))) || (((low) > (high)) && ((x) >= (high) && (x) <= (low))))
// Test if X in low..high, wrap around ends if needed.
#define in_range_wrap(x, low, high) ((((low) < (high)) && ((x) >= (low) && (x) < (high))) || (((low) > (high)) && ((x) >= (low) || (x) < (high))))
// ..., include upper bound
#define in_range_wrapi(x, low, high) ((((low) <= (high)) && ((x) >= (low) && (x) <= (high))) || (((low) > (high)) && ((x) >= (low) || (x) <= (high))))

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "calc.h"
#include "iopins.h"
void set_dir_n(uint8_t pin, uint8_t d)
switch(pin) {
case 0: set_dir(0, d); return;
case 1: set_dir(1, d); return;
case 2: set_dir(2, d); return;
case 3: set_dir(3, d); return;
case 4: set_dir(4, d); return;
case 5: set_dir(5, d); return;
case 6: set_dir(6, d); return;
case 7: set_dir(7, d); return;
case 8: set_dir(8, d); return;
case 9: set_dir(9, d); return;
case 10: set_dir(10, d); return;
case 11: set_dir(11, d); return;
case 12: set_dir(12, d); return;
case 13: set_dir(13, d); return;
case 14: set_dir(14, d); return;
case 15: set_dir(15, d); return;
case 16: set_dir(16, d); return;
case 17: set_dir(17, d); return;
case 18: set_dir(18, d); return;
case 19: set_dir(19, d); return;
case 20: set_dir(20, d); return;
case 21: set_dir(21, d); return;
void as_input_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: as_input(0); return;
case 1: as_input(1); return;
case 2: as_input(2); return;
case 3: as_input(3); return;
case 4: as_input(4); return;
case 5: as_input(5); return;
case 6: as_input(6); return;
case 7: as_input(7); return;
case 8: as_input(8); return;
case 9: as_input(9); return;
case 10: as_input(10); return;
case 11: as_input(11); return;
case 12: as_input(12); return;
case 13: as_input(13); return;
case 14: as_input(14); return;
case 15: as_input(15); return;
case 16: as_input(16); return;
case 17: as_input(17); return;
case 18: as_input(18); return;
case 19: as_input(19); return;
case 20: as_input(20); return;
case 21: as_input(21); return;
void as_input_pu_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: as_input_pu(0); return;
case 1: as_input_pu(1); return;
case 2: as_input_pu(2); return;
case 3: as_input_pu(3); return;
case 4: as_input_pu(4); return;
case 5: as_input_pu(5); return;
case 6: as_input_pu(6); return;
case 7: as_input_pu(7); return;
case 8: as_input_pu(8); return;
case 9: as_input_pu(9); return;
case 10: as_input_pu(10); return;
case 11: as_input_pu(11); return;
case 12: as_input_pu(12); return;
case 13: as_input_pu(13); return;
case 14: as_input_pu(14); return;
case 15: as_input_pu(15); return;
case 16: as_input_pu(16); return;
case 17: as_input_pu(17); return;
case 18: as_input_pu(18); return;
case 19: as_input_pu(19); return;
case 20: as_input_pu(20); return;
case 21: as_input_pu(21); return;
void as_output_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: as_output(0); return;
case 1: as_output(1); return;
case 2: as_output(2); return;
case 3: as_output(3); return;
case 4: as_output(4); return;
case 5: as_output(5); return;
case 6: as_output(6); return;
case 7: as_output(7); return;
case 8: as_output(8); return;
case 9: as_output(9); return;
case 10: as_output(10); return;
case 11: as_output(11); return;
case 12: as_output(12); return;
case 13: as_output(13); return;
case 14: as_output(14); return;
case 15: as_output(15); return;
case 16: as_output(16); return;
case 17: as_output(17); return;
case 18: as_output(18); return;
case 19: as_output(19); return;
case 20: as_output(20); return;
case 21: as_output(21); return;
void pin_set_n(uint8_t pin, uint8_t v)
switch(pin) {
case 0: pin_set(0, v); return;
case 1: pin_set(1, v); return;
case 2: pin_set(2, v); return;
case 3: pin_set(3, v); return;
case 4: pin_set(4, v); return;
case 5: pin_set(5, v); return;
case 6: pin_set(6, v); return;
case 7: pin_set(7, v); return;
case 8: pin_set(8, v); return;
case 9: pin_set(9, v); return;
case 10: pin_set(10, v); return;
case 11: pin_set(11, v); return;
case 12: pin_set(12, v); return;
case 13: pin_set(13, v); return;
case 14: pin_set(14, v); return;
case 15: pin_set(15, v); return;
case 16: pin_set(16, v); return;
case 17: pin_set(17, v); return;
case 18: pin_set(18, v); return;
case 19: pin_set(19, v); return;
case 20: pin_set(20, v); return;
case 21: pin_set(21, v); return;
void pin_down_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: pin_down(0); return;
case 1: pin_down(1); return;
case 2: pin_down(2); return;
case 3: pin_down(3); return;
case 4: pin_down(4); return;
case 5: pin_down(5); return;
case 6: pin_down(6); return;
case 7: pin_down(7); return;
case 8: pin_down(8); return;
case 9: pin_down(9); return;
case 10: pin_down(10); return;
case 11: pin_down(11); return;
case 12: pin_down(12); return;
case 13: pin_down(13); return;
case 14: pin_down(14); return;
case 15: pin_down(15); return;
case 16: pin_down(16); return;
case 17: pin_down(17); return;
case 18: pin_down(18); return;
case 19: pin_down(19); return;
case 20: pin_down(20); return;
case 21: pin_down(21); return;
void pin_up_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: pin_up(0); return;
case 1: pin_up(1); return;
case 2: pin_up(2); return;
case 3: pin_up(3); return;
case 4: pin_up(4); return;
case 5: pin_up(5); return;
case 6: pin_up(6); return;
case 7: pin_up(7); return;
case 8: pin_up(8); return;
case 9: pin_up(9); return;
case 10: pin_up(10); return;
case 11: pin_up(11); return;
case 12: pin_up(12); return;
case 13: pin_up(13); return;
case 14: pin_up(14); return;
case 15: pin_up(15); return;
case 16: pin_up(16); return;
case 17: pin_up(17); return;
case 18: pin_up(18); return;
case 19: pin_up(19); return;
case 20: pin_up(20); return;
case 21: pin_up(21); return;
void pin_toggle_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: pin_toggle(0); return;
case 1: pin_toggle(1); return;
case 2: pin_toggle(2); return;
case 3: pin_toggle(3); return;
case 4: pin_toggle(4); return;
case 5: pin_toggle(5); return;
case 6: pin_toggle(6); return;
case 7: pin_toggle(7); return;
case 8: pin_toggle(8); return;
case 9: pin_toggle(9); return;
case 10: pin_toggle(10); return;
case 11: pin_toggle(11); return;
case 12: pin_toggle(12); return;
case 13: pin_toggle(13); return;
case 14: pin_toggle(14); return;
case 15: pin_toggle(15); return;
case 16: pin_toggle(16); return;
case 17: pin_toggle(17); return;
case 18: pin_toggle(18); return;
case 19: pin_toggle(19); return;
case 20: pin_toggle(20); return;
case 21: pin_toggle(21); return;
bool pin_read_n(uint8_t pin)
switch(pin) {
case 0: return pin_read(0);
case 1: return pin_read(1);
case 2: return pin_read(2);
case 3: return pin_read(3);
case 4: return pin_read(4);
case 5: return pin_read(5);
case 6: return pin_read(6);
case 7: return pin_read(7);
case 8: return pin_read(8);
case 9: return pin_read(9);
case 10: return pin_read(10);
case 11: return pin_read(11);
case 12: return pin_read(12);
case 13: return pin_read(13);
case 14: return pin_read(14);
case 15: return pin_read(15);
case 16: return pin_read(16);
case 17: return pin_read(17);
case 18: return pin_read(18);
case 19: return pin_read(19);
case 20: return pin_read(20);
case 21: return pin_read(21);
return false;
bool pin_is_low_n(uint8_t pin)
return !pin_read_n(pin);
bool pin_is_high_n(uint8_t pin)
return pin_read_n(pin);

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
#pragma once
// * Utilities for pin aliasing / numbering. *
// Designed for Arduino.
// If you know the pin number beforehand, you can use the macros.
// If you need to use a variable for pin number, use the `_n` functions.
// They are much slower, so always check if you really need them
// - and they aren't fit for things where precise timing is required.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "calc.h"
// type: pointer to port
typedef volatile uint8_t* PORT_P;
/** Pin numbering reference */
#define D0 0
#define D1 1
#define D2 2
#define D3 3
#define D4 4
#define D5 5
#define D6 6
#define D7 7
#define D8 8
#define D9 9
#define D10 10
#define D11 11
#define D12 12
#define D13 13
#define D14 14
#define D15 15
#define D16 16
#define D17 17
#define D18 18
#define D19 19
#define D20 20
#define D21 21
#define A0 14
#define A1 15
#define A2 16
#define A3 17
#define A4 18
#define A5 19
#define A6 20
#define A7 21
#define _ddr(pin) _DDR_##pin
#define _pin(pin) _PIN_##pin
#define _pn(pin) _PN_##pin
#define _port(pin) _PORT_##pin
/** Set pin direction */
#define set_dir(pin, d) set_bit( _ddr(pin), _pn(pin), d )
void set_dir_n(const uint8_t pin, const uint8_t d);
/** Configure pin as input */
#define as_input(pin) cbi( _ddr(pin), _pn(pin) )
void as_input_n(const uint8_t pin);
/** Configure pin as input, with pull-up enabled */
#define as_input_pu(pin) { as_input(pin); pin_up(pin); }
void as_input_pu_n(const uint8_t pin);
/** Configure pin as output */
#define as_output(pin) sbi( _ddr(pin), _pn(pin) )
void as_output_n(const uint8_t pin);
/** Write value to a pin */
#define pin_set(pin, v) set_bit( _port(pin), _pn(pin), v )
void pin_set_n(const uint8_t pin, const uint8_t v);
/** Write 0 to a pin */
#define pin_down(pin) cbi( _port(pin), _pn(pin) )
void pin_down_n(const uint8_t pin);
/** Write 1 to a pin */
#define pin_up(pin) sbi( _port(pin), _pn(pin) )
void pin_up_n(uint8_t pin);
/** Toggle a pin state */
#define pin_toggle(pin) sbi( _pin(pin), _pn(pin) )
void pin_toggle_n(uint8_t pin);
/** Read a pin value */
#define pin_read(pin) get_bit( _pin(pin), _pn(pin) )
bool pin_read_n(uint8_t pin);
/** CHeck if pin is low */
#define pin_is_low(pin) (get_pin(pin) == 0)
bool pin_is_low_n(uint8_t pin);
/** CHeck if pin is high */
#define pin_is_high(pin) (get_pin(pin) != 0)
bool pin_is_high_n(uint8_t pin);
// Helper macros
#define _PORT_0 PORTD
#define _PORT_1 PORTD
#define _PORT_2 PORTD
#define _PORT_3 PORTD
#define _PORT_4 PORTD
#define _PORT_5 PORTD
#define _PORT_6 PORTD
#define _PORT_7 PORTD
#define _PORT_8 PORTB
#define _PORT_9 PORTB
#define _PORT_10 PORTB
#define _PORT_11 PORTB
#define _PORT_12 PORTB
#define _PORT_13 PORTB
#define _PORT_14 PORTC
#define _PORT_15 PORTC
#define _PORT_16 PORTC
#define _PORT_17 PORTC
#define _PORT_18 PORTC
#define _PORT_19 PORTC
#define _PORT_20 PORTC
#define _PORT_21 PORTC
#define _PIN_0 PIND
#define _PIN_1 PIND
#define _PIN_2 PIND
#define _PIN_3 PIND
#define _PIN_4 PIND
#define _PIN_5 PIND
#define _PIN_6 PIND
#define _PIN_7 PIND
#define _PIN_8 PINB
#define _PIN_9 PINB
#define _PIN_10 PINB
#define _PIN_11 PINB
#define _PIN_12 PINB
#define _PIN_13 PINB
#define _PIN_14 PINC
#define _PIN_15 PINC
#define _PIN_16 PINC
#define _PIN_17 PINC
#define _PIN_18 PINC
#define _PIN_19 PINC
#define _PIN_20 PINC
#define _PIN_21 PINC
#define _DDR_0 DDRD
#define _DDR_1 DDRD
#define _DDR_2 DDRD
#define _DDR_3 DDRD
#define _DDR_4 DDRD
#define _DDR_5 DDRD
#define _DDR_6 DDRD
#define _DDR_7 DDRD
#define _DDR_8 DDRB
#define _DDR_9 DDRB
#define _DDR_10 DDRB
#define _DDR_11 DDRB
#define _DDR_12 DDRB
#define _DDR_13 DDRB
#define _DDR_14 DDRC
#define _DDR_15 DDRC
#define _DDR_16 DDRC
#define _DDR_17 DDRC
#define _DDR_18 DDRC
#define _DDR_19 DDRC
#define _DDR_20 DDRC
#define _DDR_21 DDRC
#define _PN_0 0
#define _PN_1 1
#define _PN_2 2
#define _PN_3 3
#define _PN_4 4
#define _PN_5 5
#define _PN_6 6
#define _PN_7 7
#define _PN_8 0
#define _PN_9 1
#define _PN_10 2
#define _PN_11 3
#define _PN_12 4
#define _PN_13 5
#define _PN_14 0
#define _PN_15 1
#define _PN_16 2
#define _PN_17 3
#define _PN_18 4
#define _PN_19 5
#define _PN_20 6
#define _PN_21 7

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#pragma once
// Functions for precise delays (nanoseconds / cycles)
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay_basic.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* Convert nanoseconds to cycle count */
#define ns2cycles(ns) ( (ns) / (1000000000L / (signed long) F_CPU) )
/** Wait c cycles */
#define delay_c(c) (((c) > 0) ? __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(c) : __builtin_avr_delay_cycles(0))
/** Wait n nanoseconds, plus c cycles */
#define delay_ns_c(ns, c) delay_c(ns2cycles(ns) + (c))
/** Wait n nanoseconds */
#define delay_ns(ns) delay_c(ns2cycles(ns))

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "calc.h"
#include "usart.h"
void usart_init(uint16_t ubrr)
/*Set baud rate */
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(ubrr >> 8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t) ubrr;
// Enable Rx and Tx
UCSR0B = (1 << RXEN0) | (1 << TXEN0);
// 8-bit data, 1 stop bit
UCSR0C = (0b11 << UCSZ00);
/** Send string over USART */
void usart_puts(const char* str)
while (*str)
/** Send progmem string over USART */
void usart_puts_P(const char* str)
char c;
while ((c = pgm_read_byte(str++)))
/** Clear receive buffer */
void usart_clear_rx()
uint8_t dummy;
while (bit_is_high(UCSR0A, RXC0))
dummy = UDR0;

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#pragma once
// Utilities for UART communication.
// First, init uart with usart_init().
// Then enable interrupts you want with usart_XXX_isr_enable().
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/** Init UART with a UBRR value */
void usart_init(uint16_t ubrr);
// this is an alternative method of init:
/** Init UART for given baudrate (works only for low values like 9600) */
#define usart_init_baud(baud) usart_init(F_CPU / 16 / (baud) - 1)
/** Check if there's a byte in the RX register */
#define usart_rx_ready() (0 != (UCSR0A & (1 << RXC0)))
/** Check if transmission of everything is done */
#define usart_tx_ready() (0 != (UCSR0A & (1 << UDRE0)))
// ---- Enable UART interrupts ------------
/** Enable or disable RX ISR */
inline void usart_rx_isr_enable(bool yes)
set_bit(UCSR0B, RXCIE0, yes);
/** Enable or disable TX ISR (1 byte is sent) */
inline void usart_tx_isr_enable(bool yes)
set_bit(UCSR0B, TXCIE0, yes);
/** Enable or disable DRE ISR (all is sent) */
inline void usart_dre_isr_enable(bool yes)
set_bit(UCSR0B, UDRIE0, yes);
// ---- Basic IO --------------------------
/** Send byte over USART */
inline void usart_tx(uint8_t data)
// Wait for transmit buffer
while (!usart_tx_ready());
// send it
UDR0 = data;
/** Receive one byte over USART */
inline uint8_t usart_rx(void)
// Wait for data to be received
while (!usart_rx_ready());
// Get and return received data from buffer
return UDR0;
/** Send byte over UART */
#define usart_putc(data) usart_tx((data))
/** Clear receive buffer */
void usart_clear_rx();
// ---- Strings ---------------------------
/** Send string over UART */
void usart_puts(const char* str);
/** Send progmem string over UART */
void usart_puts_P(const char* str);

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <avr/io.h> // register definitions
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // storing data in program memory
#include <avr/interrupt.h> // interrupt vectors
#include <util/delay.h> // delay functions
#include <stdint.h> // C header for int types like uint8_t
#include <stdbool.h> // C header for the bool type
// Include stuff from the library
#include "lib/iopins.h"
#include "lib/usart.h"
void main() __attribute__ ((noreturn));
// Pins
#define LED 13
// UART receive handler
uint8_t b = usart_rx();
usart_tx(b); // send back
void main()
usart_init(8); // set usart @ 115200 (8 is a UBRR value)
usart_rx_isr_enable(true); // enable RX interrupt handler
// configure pins
// globally enable interrupts (for the USART_RX handler)
while (1) {
// This string is in the program memory
// PSTR is a special macro that puts it there.
// That means it does not waste ram space, but
// needs special treatment when being read.
// (avr-gcc is a bit dumb in this)
usart_puts_P( PSTR("Hello World\r\n") ); // Print a string to USART
// This one is copied to RAM before being printed = bad.
usart_puts("Wastin' RAM!\r\n");