Basic vanilla C boilerplate for STM32L100xC (Discovery L100C). Uses GCC. This was some class project without much practical use
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#pragma once
#include "common.h"
// AUTHOR : Ondrej Hruska
// DATE : 12/2015
// DESCR : Base library file. This file must be included before any other library
// files. This file defines memory map and base addresses of peripherals.
#define FLASH_BASE 0x08000000 // FLASH base address in the alias region
#define SRAM_BASE 0x20000000 // SRAM base address in the alias region
#define PERIPH_BASE 0x40000000 // Peripheral base address in the alias region
#define SRAM_BB_BASE (SRAM_BASE + 0x02000000) // SRAM base address in the bit-band region
#define PERIPH_BB_BASE (PERIPH_BASE + 0x02000000) // Peripheral base address in the bit-band region
// ------------------------- System Config Blocks -----------------------------
#define _SCS_BASE 0xE000E000 // System Control Space base
#define _SCB (_SCS_BASE + 0x0D00) // System Control Block base
#define _NVIC (_SCS_BASE + 0x0100) // Nested Interrupt Vector Controller base
#define _OB 0x1FF80000 // FLASH Option Bytes base address
#define _AES 0x50060000 // Encryption module
#define _FSMC 0xA0000000 // External Memory Control base
#define _DBGMCU 0xE0042000 // Debug MCU registers base address
// ----------------------------- Peripherals ----------------------------------
// *** Peripheral bus bases ***
#define _APB1 PERIPH_BASE // Advanced Peripheral Bus 1 base
#define _APB2 (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000) // Advanced Peripheral Bus 2 base
#define _AHB (PERIPH_BASE + 0x20000) // Advanced High-speed Bus base
// *** Peripheral Bus 1 devices ***
#define _TIM2 (_APB1 + 0x0000) // Timer bases
#define _TIM3 (_APB1 + 0x0400)
#define _TIM4 (_APB1 + 0x0800)
#define _TIM5 (_APB1 + 0x0C00)
#define _TIM6 (_APB1 + 0x1000)
#define _TIM7 (_APB1 + 0x1400)
#define _LCD (_APB1 + 0x2400) // LCD controller base
#define _RTC (_APB1 + 0x2800) // RTC base
#define _WWDG (_APB1 + 0x2C00) // Window Watchdog base
#define _IWDG (_APB1 + 0x3000) // Independent Watchdog base
#define _SPI2 (_APB1 + 0x3800) // SPI base
#define _SPI3 (_APB1 + 0x3C00)
#define _USART2 (_APB1 + 0x4400) // USART base
#define _USART3 (_APB1 + 0x4800)
#define _UART4 (_APB1 + 0x4C00) // UART base (?)
#define _UART5 (_APB1 + 0x5000)
#define _I2C1 (_APB1 + 0x5400) // I2C base
#define _I2C2 (_APB1 + 0x5800)
#define _PWR (_APB1 + 0x7000) // Power Control block base
#define _DAC (_APB1 + 0x7400) // D/A config base
#define _COMP (_APB1 + 0x7C00) // Analog Comparator base
#define _RI (_APB1 + 0x7C04) // Routing Interface base (analog pin connections)
#define _OPAMP (_APB1 + 0x7C5C) // OpAmp config base
#define _USB (_APB1 + 0x5C00) // USB registers base
// *** Peripheral Bus 2 devices ***
#define _TIM9 (_APB2 + 0x0800) // Timer base
#define _TIM10 (_APB2 + 0x0C00)
#define _TIM11 (_APB2 + 0x1000)
#define _SYSCFG (_APB2 + 0x0000) // System config block base
#define _EXTI (_APB2 + 0x0400) // External interrupt settings base
#define _ADC1 (_APB2 + 0x2400) // A/D 1
#define _ADCC (_APB2 + 0x2700) // common A/D registers base
#define _SDIO (_APB2 + 0x2C00) // SD host
#define _SPI1 (_APB2 + 0x3000) // SPI
#define _USART1 (_APB2 + 0x3800)
// *** High Speed Bus devices ***
#define _GPIO (_AHB + 0x0000) // GPIO block base
#define _CRC (_AHB + 0x3000) // CRC module base
#define _RCC (_AHB + 0x3800) // Reset and Clock Config base
#define _DMA1 (_AHB + 0x6000) // DMA control base
#define _DMA2 (_AHB + 0x6400)
#define _FLASH (_AHB + 0x3C00) // FLASH control base