Ondřej Hruška MightyPork
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MightyPork pushed to master at electro/zavlaha-kzk

  • 9dd300e591 fix incorrect day counting with dry days option

3 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to master at electro/modbus-slave

3 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to master at electro/modbus-slave

3 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to master at electro/zavlaha-kzk

  • 73b5eb8d9f Optimize behavior when watering blocked by soil moisture

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to master at electro/zavlaha-kzk

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

  • e58dafad2b blbuvzdor 2 - exit manual mode after 1 hour

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

  • 3821e04bd9 fix variable shown when opening dryday page

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

  • 73e7f6520b fix manual control screen not refreshing, hide cursor

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

4 weeks ago

MightyPork created branch v2 in electro/zavlaha-kzk

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to v2 at electro/zavlaha-kzk

4 weeks ago

MightyPork pushed to master at MightyPork/sigmar

2 months ago

MightyPork pushed to master at electro/atmega-geiger

3 months ago

MightyPork created repository MightyPork/testrepo

5 months ago

MightyPork pushed to master at MightyPork/bird-detector

8 months ago

MightyPork pushed to master at MightyPork/bird-detector

8 months ago

MightyPork pushed to master at MightyPork/bird-detector

8 months ago

MightyPork pushed to master at MightyPork/bird-detector

8 months ago