comments, splitting

Ondřej Hruška 3 years ago
parent 57fd444f4e
commit 7bc4026d05
Signed by: MightyPork
GPG Key ID: 2C5FD5035250423D
  1. 28
  2. 5
  3. 272
  4. 7
  5. 192
  6. 57
  7. 353
  8. 92

Cargo.lock generated

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@ -290,7 +263,6 @@ dependencies = [

@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
use log::LevelFilter;
use yopa;
use yopa::model;
use yopa::model::DataType;
use crate::yopa::insert::{InsertObj, InsertValue, InsertRel};
use crate::yopa::data::TypedValue;
use yopa::insert::{InsertObj, InsertValue, InsertRel};
use yopa::data::TypedValue;
fn main() {

yopa/Cargo.lock generated

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
name = "yopa"
description = "Your Own Private Ass"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Ondřej Hruška <>"]
edition = "2018"
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log = "0.4.13"
uuid = { version = "0.8", features = ["serde", "v4"] }
uuid = { version = "0.8", features = ["serde", "v4"], optional = true }
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serde = { version = "1.0.120", features = ["derive"] }
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uuid-ids = ["uuid"]

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
//! Data value structs
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::ID;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::StorageError;
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use crate::model::DataType;
/// Value of a particular type
pub enum TypedValue {
/// Text
String(Cow<'static, str>),
/// Integer
/// Floating point number
/// Boolean yes/no
impl TypedValue {
/// Try ot cast to another type. On error, the original value is returned as Err.
pub fn cast_to(self, ty : DataType) -> Result<TypedValue, TypedValue> {
match (self, ty) {
// to string
(s @ TypedValue::String(_), DataType::String) => Ok(s),
(TypedValue::Integer(i), DataType::String) => Ok(TypedValue::String(i.to_string().into())),
(TypedValue::Decimal(f), DataType::String) => Ok(TypedValue::String(f.to_string().into())),
(TypedValue::Boolean(b), DataType::String) => Ok(TypedValue::String(Cow::Borrowed(if b { "1" } else { "0" }))),
// to int
(TypedValue::String(s), DataType::Integer) => {
match s.parse::<i64>() {
Ok(i) => Ok(TypedValue::Integer(i)),
Err(_) => Err(TypedValue::String(s))
(s @ TypedValue::Integer(_), DataType::Integer) => Ok(s),
(TypedValue::Decimal(f), DataType::Integer) => Ok(TypedValue::Integer(f.round() as i64)),
(TypedValue::Boolean(b), DataType::Integer) => Ok(TypedValue::Integer(if b { 1 } else { 0 })),
// to float
(TypedValue::String(s), DataType::Decimal) => {
match s.parse::<f64>() {
Ok(i) => Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(i)),
Err(_) => Err(TypedValue::String(s))
(TypedValue::Integer(i), DataType::Decimal) => Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(i as f64)),
(d @ TypedValue::Decimal(_), DataType::Decimal) => Ok(d),
(e @ TypedValue::Boolean(_), DataType::Decimal) => Err(e),
// to bool
(TypedValue::String(s), DataType::Boolean) => {
match &(&s).to_ascii_lowercase()[..] {
"y" | "yes" | "true" | "1" => {
"n" | "no" | "false" | "0" => {
_ => {
(TypedValue::Integer(i), DataType::Boolean) => Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(i != 0)),
(e @ TypedValue::Decimal(_), DataType::Boolean) => Err(e),
(b @ TypedValue::Boolean(_), DataType::Boolean) => Ok(b),
(s, _) => {
mod tests {
use crate::TypedValue;
use crate::model::DataType;
fn test_cast_to_bool() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Decimal(123.0)), TypedValue::Decimal(123.0).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("true".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("1".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("y".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("yes".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("false".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("0".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("n".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("no".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::String("blorg".into())), TypedValue::String("blorg".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
fn test_cast_to_int() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(1)), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(123)), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(123)), TypedValue::Decimal(123.0).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(-124)), TypedValue::Decimal(-123.7).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(123)), TypedValue::String("123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(-123)), TypedValue::String("-123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::String("0".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::String("123.456".into())), TypedValue::String("123.456".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::String("-123.456".into())), TypedValue::String("-123.456".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
fn test_cast_to_decimal() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(123.0)), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(-123.7)), TypedValue::Decimal(-123.7).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(123.0)), TypedValue::String("123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(-123.0)), TypedValue::String("-123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::String("0".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(-123.456)), TypedValue::String("-123.456".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
fn test_cast_to_string() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("1".into())), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("0".into())), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("123".into())), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("0".into())), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("0".into())), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("123".into())), TypedValue::Decimal(123.0).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("-123.5".into())), TypedValue::Decimal(-123.5).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("blorg".into())), TypedValue::String("blorg".into()).cast_to(DataType::String));
/// Instance of an object
pub struct Object {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Object template ID
pub model_id: ID,
/// Relation between two objects
pub struct Relation {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Source object ID
pub object_id : ID,
/// Relation template ID
pub model_id: ID,
/// Related object ID
pub related_id : ID,
/// Value attached to an object
pub struct Value {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Owning object ID
pub object_id : ID,
/// Property template ID
pub model_id: ID,
/// Property value
pub value : TypedValue,

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
//! Helper struct for inserting relational data in the database
use super::ID;
use super::data::TypedValue;
use serde::{Serialize,Deserialize};
/// Value to insert
pub struct InsertValue {
pub model_id: ID,
pub value: TypedValue
impl InsertValue {
pub fn new(model_id : ID, value : TypedValue) -> Self {
Self {
/// Info for inserting a relation
pub struct InsertRel {
pub model_id: ID,
pub related_id: ID,
pub values: Vec<InsertValue>
impl InsertRel {
pub fn new(model_id : ID, related_id: ID, values : Vec<InsertValue>) -> Self {
Self {
/// Info for inserting a relation
pub struct InsertObj {
pub model_id: ID,
pub values: Vec<InsertValue>,
pub relations: Vec<InsertRel>,
impl InsertObj {
pub fn new(model_id : ID, values : Vec<InsertValue>, relations: Vec<InsertRel>) -> Self {
Self {

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use data::TypedValue;
mod cool;
pub mod id {
/// Common identifier type
@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ pub mod id {
pub mod id {
/// Common identifier type
@ -52,352 +52,9 @@ pub mod id {
pub use id::ID;
use id::next_id;
/// Data model structs and enums
pub mod model {
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use super::ID;
use super::data::TypedValue;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::fmt;
/// Get a description of a struct
pub trait Describe {
/// Short but informative description for error messages
fn describe(&self) -> String;
/// Object template
pub struct ObjectModel {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Template name, unique within the database
pub name: String,
/// Parent object template ID
pub parent_tpl_id: Option<ID>,
/// Relation between templates
pub struct RelationModel {
/// PK
pub id: ID,
/// Object template ID
pub object_tpl_id: ID,
/// Relation name, unique within the parent object
pub name: String,
/// Relation is optional
pub optional: bool,
/// Relation can be multiple
pub multiple: bool,
/// Related object template ID
pub related_tpl_id: ID,
/// Property definition
pub struct PropertyModel {
/// PK
pub id: ID,
/// Object or Reference template ID
pub parent_tpl_id: ID,
/// Property name, unique within the parent object or reference
pub name: String,
/// Property is optional
pub optional: bool,
/// Property can be multiple
pub multiple: bool,
/// Property data type
pub data_type: DataType,
/// Default value, used for newly created objects
pub default: Option<TypedValue>,
/// Value data type
pub enum DataType {
/// Text
/// Integer
/// Floating point number
/// Boolean yes/no
impl Display for ObjectModel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "object \"{}\" ({})",,
impl Display for RelationModel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "relation \"{}\" ({})",,
impl Display for PropertyModel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "property \"{}\" ({})",,
/// Data value structs
pub mod data {
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use crate::ID;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::StorageError;
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use crate::model::DataType;
/// Value of a particular type
pub enum TypedValue {
/// Text
String(Cow<'static, str>),
/// Integer
/// Floating point number
/// Boolean yes/no
impl TypedValue {
/// Try ot cast to another type. On error, the original value is returned as Err.
pub fn cast_to(self, ty : DataType) -> Result<TypedValue, TypedValue> {
match (self, ty) {
// to string
(s @ TypedValue::String(_), DataType::String) => Ok(s),
(TypedValue::Integer(i), DataType::String) => Ok(TypedValue::String(i.to_string().into())),
(TypedValue::Decimal(f), DataType::String) => Ok(TypedValue::String(f.to_string().into())),
(TypedValue::Boolean(b), DataType::String) => Ok(TypedValue::String(Cow::Borrowed(if b { "1" } else { "0" }))),
// to int
(TypedValue::String(s), DataType::Integer) => {
match s.parse::<i64>() {
Ok(i) => Ok(TypedValue::Integer(i)),
Err(_) => Err(TypedValue::String(s))
(s @ TypedValue::Integer(_), DataType::Integer) => Ok(s),
(TypedValue::Decimal(f), DataType::Integer) => Ok(TypedValue::Integer(f.round() as i64)),
(TypedValue::Boolean(b), DataType::Integer) => Ok(TypedValue::Integer(if b { 1 } else { 0 })),
// to float
(TypedValue::String(s), DataType::Decimal) => {
match s.parse::<f64>() {
Ok(i) => Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(i)),
Err(_) => Err(TypedValue::String(s))
(TypedValue::Integer(i), DataType::Decimal) => Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(i as f64)),
(d @ TypedValue::Decimal(_), DataType::Decimal) => Ok(d),
(e @ TypedValue::Boolean(_), DataType::Decimal) => Err(e),
// to bool
(TypedValue::String(s), DataType::Boolean) => {
match &(&s).to_ascii_lowercase()[..] {
"y" | "yes" | "true" | "1" => {
"n" | "no" | "false" | "0" => {
_ => {
(TypedValue::Integer(i), DataType::Boolean) => Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(i != 0)),
(e @ TypedValue::Decimal(_), DataType::Boolean) => Err(e),
(b @ TypedValue::Boolean(_), DataType::Boolean) => Ok(b),
(s, _) => {
mod tests {
use crate::TypedValue;
use crate::model::DataType;
fn test_cast_to_bool() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Decimal(123.0)), TypedValue::Decimal(123.0).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("true".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("1".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("y".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::String("yes".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("false".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("0".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("n".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::String("no".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::String("blorg".into())), TypedValue::String("blorg".into()).cast_to(DataType::Boolean));
fn test_cast_to_int() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(1)), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(123)), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(123)), TypedValue::Decimal(123.0).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(-124)), TypedValue::Decimal(-123.7).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(123)), TypedValue::String("123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(-123)), TypedValue::String("-123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Integer(0)), TypedValue::String("0".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::String("123.456".into())), TypedValue::String("123.456".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::String("-123.456".into())), TypedValue::String("-123.456".into()).cast_to(DataType::Integer));
fn test_cast_to_decimal() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Boolean(true)), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Err(TypedValue::Boolean(false)), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(123.0)), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(-123.7)), TypedValue::Decimal(-123.7).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(123.0)), TypedValue::String("123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(-123.0)), TypedValue::String("-123".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(0.0)), TypedValue::String("0".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::Decimal(-123.456)), TypedValue::String("-123.456".into()).cast_to(DataType::Decimal));
fn test_cast_to_string() {
// Cast to bool
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("1".into())), TypedValue::Boolean(true).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("0".into())), TypedValue::Boolean(false).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("123".into())), TypedValue::Integer(123).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("0".into())), TypedValue::Integer(0).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("0".into())), TypedValue::Decimal(0.0).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("123".into())), TypedValue::Decimal(123.0).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("-123.5".into())), TypedValue::Decimal(-123.5).cast_to(DataType::String));
assert_eq!(Ok(TypedValue::String("blorg".into())), TypedValue::String("blorg".into()).cast_to(DataType::String));
/// Instance of an object
pub struct Object {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Object template ID
pub model_id: ID,
/// Relation between two objects
pub struct Relation {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Source object ID
pub object_id : ID,
/// Relation template ID
pub model_id: ID,
/// Related object ID
pub related_id : ID,
/// Value attached to an object
pub struct Value {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Owning object ID
pub object_id : ID,
/// Property template ID
pub model_id: ID,
/// Property value
pub value : TypedValue,
/// Helper struct for inserting relational data in the database
pub mod insert {
use super::ID;
use super::data::TypedValue;
use serde::{Serialize,Deserialize};
/// Value to insert
pub struct InsertValue {
pub model_id: ID,
pub value: TypedValue
impl InsertValue {
pub fn new(model_id : ID, value : TypedValue) -> Self {
Self {
/// Info for inserting a relation
pub struct InsertRel {
pub model_id: ID,
pub related_id: ID,
pub values: Vec<InsertValue>
impl InsertRel {
pub fn new(model_id : ID, related_id: ID, values : Vec<InsertValue>) -> Self {
Self {
/// Info for inserting a relation
pub struct InsertObj {
pub model_id: ID,
pub values: Vec<InsertValue>,
pub relations: Vec<InsertRel>,
impl InsertObj {
pub fn new(model_id : ID, values : Vec<InsertValue>, relations: Vec<InsertRel>) -> Self {
Self {
pub mod model;
pub mod data;
pub mod insert;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct InMemoryStorage {

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
//! Data model structs and enums
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use super::ID;
use super::data::TypedValue;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::fmt;
/// Get a description of a struct
pub trait Describe {
/// Short but informative description for error messages
fn describe(&self) -> String;
/// Object template
pub struct ObjectModel {
/// PK
pub id : ID,
/// Template name, unique within the database
pub name: String,
/// Parent object template ID
pub parent_tpl_id: Option<ID>,
/// Relation between templates
pub struct RelationModel {
/// PK
pub id: ID,
/// Object template ID
pub object_tpl_id: ID,
/// Relation name, unique within the parent object
pub name: String,
/// Relation is optional
pub optional: bool,
/// Relation can be multiple
pub multiple: bool,
/// Related object template ID
pub related_tpl_id: ID,
/// Property definition
pub struct PropertyModel {
/// PK
pub id: ID,
/// Object or Reference template ID
pub parent_tpl_id: ID,
/// Property name, unique within the parent object or reference
pub name: String,
/// Property is optional
pub optional: bool,
/// Property can be multiple
pub multiple: bool,
/// Property data type
pub data_type: DataType,
/// Default value, used for newly created objects
pub default: Option<TypedValue>,
/// Value data type
pub enum DataType {
/// Text
/// Integer
/// Floating point number
/// Boolean yes/no
impl Display for ObjectModel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "object \"{}\" ({})",,
impl Display for RelationModel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "relation \"{}\" ({})",,
impl Display for PropertyModel {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "property \"{}\" ({})",,