a small relational database with user-editable schema for manual data entry
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

245 lines
7.4 KiB

extern crate actix_web;
extern crate log;
3 years ago
extern crate thiserror;
extern crate serde_json;
3 years ago
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use actix_session::CookieSession;
use actix_web::{web, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer};
3 years ago
use actix_web_static_files;
use actix_web_static_files::ResourceFiles as StaticFiles;
use clap::Arg;
3 years ago
use log::LevelFilter;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use rand::Rng;
use tera::Tera;
use yopa::Storage;
use crate::tera_ext::TeraExt;
3 years ago
mod routes;
mod session_ext;
mod tera_ext;
mod utils;
3 years ago
// Embed static files
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/static_files.rs"));
// Embed templates
static TEMPLATES: include_dir::Dir = include_dir::include_dir!("./resources/templates");
pub(crate) static TERA: Lazy<Tera> = Lazy::new(|| {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
3 years ago
// Special filter for the TypedValue map
use serde_json::Value;
|v: &Value, _: &HashMap<String, Value>| -> tera::Result<Value> {
if v.is_null() {
return Ok(v.clone());
if let Value::Object(map) = v {
if let Some((_, v)) = map.iter().next() {
return Ok(v.clone());
Err(tera::Error::msg("Expected nonenmpty object"))
3 years ago
// opt(checked=foo.is_checked)
|args: &HashMap<String, Value>| -> tera::Result<Value> {
if args.len() != 1 {
return Err("Expected 1 argument".into());
match args.iter().nth(0) {
Some((name, &Value::Bool(true))) => Ok(Value::String(name.clone())),
Some((_, &Value::Bool(false))) => Ok(Value::Null),
_ => Err("Expected bool argument".into()),
3 years ago
// selected(val=foo.color,opt="Red")
|args: &HashMap<String, Value>| -> tera::Result<Value> {
match (args.get("val"), args.get("opt")) {
(Some(v), Some(w)) => {
if v == w {
} else {
_ => Err("Expected val and opt args".into()),
// TODO need to inject HttpRequest::url_for() into tera context, but it then can't be accessed by the functions.
// tera.register_function("url_for", |args: HashMap<String, Value>| -> tera::Result<Value> {
// match args.get("name") {
// Some(Value::String(s)) => {
// let r =
// },
// _ => Err("Expected string argument".into()),
// }
// });
3 years ago
type YopaStoreWrapper = web::Data<tokio::sync::RwLock<yopa::Storage>>;
3 years ago
const DEF_ADDRESS: &str = "";
3 years ago
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let def_addr_help = format!("Set custom server address, default {}", DEF_ADDRESS);
let app = clap::App::new("yopa")
.help("Show version and exit"),
.help("Increase verbosity of logging"),
.help("Use JSON storage format instead of binary"),
.arg(Arg::with_name("file").help("Database file to use"));
let matches = app.get_matches();
if matches.is_present("version") {
"yopa-web {}, using yopa {}",
return Ok(());
simple_logging::log_to_stderr(match matches.occurrences_of("verbose") {
0 => LevelFilter::Warn,
1 => LevelFilter::Info,
2 => LevelFilter::Debug,
_ => LevelFilter::Trace,
debug!("Load Tera templates");
// Ensure the lazy ref is initialized early (to catch template bugs ASAP)
let _ = TERA.deref();
let json = matches.is_present("json");
let file = matches.value_of("file").unwrap_or(if json {
} else {
let file_path = if file.starts_with('/') {
} else {
debug!("Using database file: {}", file_path.display());
let store = if json {
} else {
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;
let yopa_store: YopaStoreWrapper = web::Data::new(tokio::sync::RwLock::new(store));
let mut session_key = [0u8; 32];
rand::thread_rng().fill(&mut session_key);
trace!("Cookie session key: {:?}", session_key);
let server_address = matches.value_of("address").unwrap_or(DEF_ADDRESS);
println!("Starting web interface at http://{}", server_address);
3 years ago
HttpServer::new(move || {
let static_files =
StaticFiles::new("/static", included_static_files()).do_not_resolve_defaults();
3 years ago
debug!("Starting server thread");
3 years ago
/* Middlewares */
/* Bind shared objects */
/* Routes */
3 years ago
.default_service(web::to(|| {
HttpResponse::NotFound().body("File or endpoint not found")
3 years ago
3 years ago