SpriteHTTPD - embedded HTTP server with read-only filesystem and templating, originally developed for ESP8266, now stand-alone and POSIX compatible.
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Websocket support for esphttpd. Inspired by https://github.com/dangrie158/ESP-8266-WebSocket
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Jeroen Domburg <jeroen@spritesmods.com> wrote this file. As long as you retain
* this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day,
* and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string.h>
#include "httpd.h"
#include "httpd-platform.h"
#include "utils/sha1.h"
#include "utils/base64.h"
#include "cgiwebsocket.h"
#include "logging.h"
#define WS_KEY_IDENTIFIER "Sec-WebSocket-Key: "
#define WS_GUID "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
/* from IEEE RFC6455 sec 5.2
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length |
|I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) |
|N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) |
| |1|2|3| |K| | |
+-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Extended payload length continued, if payload len == 127 |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +-------------------------------+
| |Masking-key, if MASK set to 1 |
| Masking-key (continued) | Payload Data |
+-------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
: Payload Data continued ... :
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Payload Data continued ... |
#define FLAG_FIN (1 << 7)
#define OPCODE_TEXT 0x1
#define OPCODE_BINARY 0x2
#define OPCODE_CLOSE 0x8
#define OPCODE_PING 0x9
#define OPCODE_PONG 0xA
#define FLAGS_MASK ((uint8_t)0xF0)
#define OPCODE_MASK ((uint8_t)0x0F)
#define IS_MASKED ((uint8_t)(1<<7))
#define PAYLOAD_MASK ((uint8_t)0x7F)
typedef struct WebsockFrame WebsockFrame;
#define ST_FLAGS 0
#define ST_LEN0 1
#define ST_LEN1 2
#define ST_LEN2 3
#define ST_LEN8 9
#define ST_MASK1 10
#define ST_MASK4 13
#define ST_PAYLOAD 14
struct WebsockFrame {
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t len8;
uint64_t len;
uint8_t mask[4];
struct WebsockPriv {
struct WebsockFrame fr;
uint8_t maskCtr;
uint8_t frameCont;
uint8_t closedHere;
int wsStatus;
Websock *next; //in linked list
static Websock *llStart = NULL;
static int sendFrameHead(Websock *ws, int opcode, int len)
uint8_t buf[14];
int i = 0;
buf[i++] = opcode;
if (len > 65535) {
buf[i++] = 127;
buf[i++] = 0;
buf[i++] = 0;
buf[i++] = 0;
buf[i++] = 0;
buf[i++] = len >> 24;
buf[i++] = len >> 16;
buf[i++] = len >> 8;
buf[i++] = len;
} else if (len > 125) {
buf[i++] = 126;
buf[i++] = len >> 8;
buf[i++] = len;
} else {
buf[i++] = len;
// ws_dbg("WS: Sent frame head for payload of %d bytes.", len);
return httpdSend(ws->conn, (char *) buf, i);
int cgiWebsocketSend(Websock *ws, const char *data, int len, int flags)
int r = 0;
int fl = 0;
// Continuation frame has opcode 0
if (!(flags & WEBSOCK_FLAG_CONT)) {
if (flags & WEBSOCK_FLAG_BIN) {
} else {
// add FIN to last frame
if (!(flags & WEBSOCK_FLAG_MORE)) { fl |= FLAG_FIN; }
sendFrameHead(ws, fl, len);
if (len != 0) { r = httpdSend(ws->conn, data, len); }
r &= httpdFlushSendBuffer(ws->conn);
return r;
//Broadcast data to all websockets at a specific url. Returns the amount of connections sent to.
int cgiWebsockBroadcast(const char *resource, const char *data, int len, int flags)
Websock *lw = llStart;
int ret = 0;
while (lw != NULL) {
if (strcmp(lw->conn->url, resource) == 0) {
if (!cgiWebsocketSend(lw, data, len, flags)) {
// send failed, do not try further (assume memory is clogged due to max backlog size)
// HACK: If conn->conn is not NULL, {httpdConnSendFinish} would try to flush again
// (cgiWebsocketSend already tried to flush, and that's where the error came from, possibly)
// we remove it temporarily to bypass that
ConnTypePtr oldpriv = lw->conn->conn;
lw->conn->conn = NULL;
// -> and now we put it back for later
lw->conn->conn = oldpriv;
// Abort
return -1;
lw = lw->priv->next;
return ret;
/** this is used for estimation how full the ram is */
void cgiWebsockMeasureBacklog(const char *resource, int *total, int *max)
Websock *lw = llStart;
int bMax = 0;
int bTotal = 0;
while (lw != NULL) {
if (strcmp(lw->conn->url, resource) == 0) {
int bs = httpGetBacklogSize(lw->conn);
bTotal += bs;
if (bs > bMax) { bMax = bs; }
lw = lw->priv->next;
*total = bTotal;
*max = bMax;
void cgiWebsocketClose(Websock *ws, int reason)
char rs[2] = {reason >> 8, reason & 0xff};
sendFrameHead(ws, FLAG_FIN | OPCODE_CLOSE, 2);
httpdSend(ws->conn, rs, 2);
ws->priv->closedHere = 1;
static void websockFree(Websock *ws)
ws_dbg("Ws: Free");
if (ws->closeCb) { ws->closeCb(ws); }
//Clean up linked list
if (llStart == ws) {
llStart = ws->priv->next;
} else if (llStart) {
Websock *lws = llStart;
//Find ws that links to this one.
while (lws != NULL && lws->priv->next != ws) { lws = lws->priv->next; }
if (lws != NULL) { lws->priv->next = ws->priv->next; }
if (ws->priv) { httpdPlatFree(ws->priv); }
httpd_cgi_state cgiWebSocketRecv(HttpdConnData *connData, char *data, int len)
int i, j, sl;
httpd_cgi_state r = HTTPD_CGI_MORE;
int wasHeaderByte;
Websock *ws = (Websock *) connData->cgiData;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// httpd_printf("Ws: State %d byte 0x%02X\n", ws->priv->wsStatus, data[i]);
wasHeaderByte = 1;
if (ws->priv->wsStatus == ST_FLAGS) {
ws->priv->maskCtr = 0;
ws->priv->frameCont = 0;
ws->priv->fr.flags = (uint8_t) data[i];
ws->priv->wsStatus = ST_LEN0;
} else if (ws->priv->wsStatus == ST_LEN0) {
ws->priv->fr.len8 = (uint8_t) data[i];
if ((ws->priv->fr.len8 & 127) >= 126) {
ws->priv->fr.len = 0;
ws->priv->wsStatus = ST_LEN1;
} else {
ws->priv->fr.len = ws->priv->fr.len8 & 127;
ws->priv->wsStatus = (ws->priv->fr.len8 & IS_MASKED) ? ST_MASK1 : ST_PAYLOAD;
} else if (ws->priv->wsStatus <= ST_LEN8) {
ws->priv->fr.len = (ws->priv->fr.len << 8) | data[i];
if (((ws->priv->fr.len8 & 127) == 126 && ws->priv->wsStatus == ST_LEN2) || ws->priv->wsStatus == ST_LEN8) {
ws->priv->wsStatus = (ws->priv->fr.len8 & IS_MASKED) ? ST_MASK1 : ST_PAYLOAD;
} else {
} else if (ws->priv->wsStatus <= ST_MASK4) {
ws->priv->fr.mask[ws->priv->wsStatus - ST_MASK1] = data[i];
} else {
//Was a payload byte.
wasHeaderByte = 0;
if (ws->priv->wsStatus == ST_PAYLOAD && wasHeaderByte) {
//We finished parsing the header, but i still is on the last header byte. Move one forward so
//the payload code works as usual.
//Also finish parsing frame if we haven't received any payload bytes yet, but the length of the frame
//is zero.
if (ws->priv->wsStatus == ST_PAYLOAD) {
//Okay, header is in; this is a data byte. We're going to process all the data bytes we have
//received here at the same time; no more byte iterations till the end of this frame.
//First, unmask the data
sl = len - i;
// ws_dbg("Ws: Frame payload. wasHeaderByte %d fr.len %d sl %d cmd 0x%x", wasHeaderByte, (int)ws->priv->fr.len, (int)sl, ws->priv->fr.flags);
if (sl > ws->priv->fr.len) { sl = ws->priv->fr.len; }
for (j = 0; j < sl; j++) { data[i + j] ^= (ws->priv->fr.mask[(ws->priv->maskCtr++) & 3]); }
// if (DEBUG_WS) {
// ws_dbg("Unmasked: ");
// for (j = 0; j < sl; j++) httpd_printf("%02X ", data[i + j] & 0xff);
// ws_dbg("\n");
// }
//Inspect the header to see what we need to do.
if ((ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK) == OPCODE_PING) {
if (ws->priv->fr.len > 125) {
if (!ws->priv->frameCont) { cgiWebsocketClose(ws, 1002); }
} else {
if (!ws->priv->frameCont) { sendFrameHead(ws, OPCODE_PONG | FLAG_FIN, ws->priv->fr.len); }
if (sl > 0) { httpdSend(ws->conn, data + i, sl); }
} else if ((ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK) == OPCODE_TEXT ||
(ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK) == OPCODE_BINARY ||
(ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK) == OPCODE_CONTINUE) {
if (sl > ws->priv->fr.len) { sl = ws->priv->fr.len; }
if (!(ws->priv->fr.len8 & IS_MASKED)) {
//We're a server; client should send us masked packets.
cgiWebsocketClose(ws, 1002);
} else {
int flags = 0;
if ((ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK) == OPCODE_BINARY) { flags |= WEBSOCK_FLAG_BIN; }
if ((ws->priv->fr.flags & FLAG_FIN) == 0) { flags |= WEBSOCK_FLAG_MORE; }
if (ws->recvCb) { ws->recvCb(ws, data + i, sl, flags); }
} else if ((ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK) == OPCODE_CLOSE) {
// ws_dbg("WS: Got close frame");
if (!ws->priv->closedHere) {
// ws_dbg("WS: Sending response close frame, %x %x (i=%d, len=%d)", data[i], data[i+1], i, len);
int cause = 1000;
if (i <= len - 2) {
cause = ((data[i] << 8) & 0xff00) + (data[i + 1] & 0xff);
cgiWebsocketClose(ws, cause);
} else {
if (!ws->priv->frameCont) ws_error("WS: Unknown opcode 0x%X", ws->priv->fr.flags & OPCODE_MASK);
i += sl - 1;
ws->priv->fr.len -= sl;
if (ws->priv->fr.len == 0) {
ws->priv->wsStatus = ST_FLAGS; //go receive next frame
} else {
ws->priv->frameCont = 1; //next payload is continuation of this frame.
if (r == HTTPD_CGI_DONE) {
//We're going to tell the main webserver we're done. The webserver expects us to clean up by ourselves
//we're chosing to be done. Do so.
connData->cgiData = NULL;
return r;
//Websocket 'cgi' implementation
httpd_cgi_state cgiWebsocket(HttpdConnData *connData)
char buff[256];
int i;
sha1nfo s;
if (connData->conn == NULL) {
//Connection aborted. Clean up.
ws_dbg("WS: Cleanup");
if (connData->cgiData) {
Websock *ws = (Websock *) connData->cgiData;
connData->cgiData = NULL;
if (connData->cgiData == NULL) {
// httpd_printf("WS: First call\n");
//First call here. Check if client headers are OK, send server header.
i = httpdGetHeader(connData, "Upgrade", buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
ws_dbg("WS: Upgrade: %s", buff);
if (i && strcasecmp(buff, "websocket") == 0) {
i = httpdGetHeader(connData, "Sec-WebSocket-Key", buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
if (i) {
// httpd_printf("WS: Key: %s\n", buff);
//Seems like a WebSocket connection.
// Alloc structs
connData->cgiData = httpdPlatMalloc(sizeof(Websock));
if (connData->cgiData == NULL) {
ws_error("Can't allocate mem for websocket");
memset(connData->cgiData, 0, sizeof(Websock));
Websock *ws = (Websock *) connData->cgiData;
ws->priv = httpdPlatMalloc(sizeof(WebsockPriv));
if (ws->priv == NULL) {
ws_error("Can't allocate mem for websocket priv");
connData->cgiData = NULL;
memset(ws->priv, 0, sizeof(WebsockPriv));
ws->conn = connData;
//Reply with the right headers.
strcat(buff, WS_GUID);
sha1_write(&s, buff, strlen(buff));
httdSetTransferMode(connData, HTTPD_TRANSFER_NONE);
httpdStartResponse(connData, 101);
httpdHeader(connData, "Upgrade", "websocket");
httpdHeader(connData, "Connection", "upgrade");
base64_encode(20, sha1_result(&s), sizeof(buff), buff);
httpdHeader(connData, "Sec-WebSocket-Accept", buff);
//Set data receive handler
connData->recvHdl = cgiWebSocketRecv;
//Inform CGI function we have a connection
WsConnectedCb connCb = connData->cgiArg;
//Insert ws into linked list
if (llStart == NULL) {
llStart = ws;
} else {
Websock *lw = llStart;
while (lw->priv->next) { lw = lw->priv->next; }
lw->priv->next = ws;
//No valid websocket connection
httpdStartResponse(connData, 500);
//Sending is done. Call the sent callback if we have one.
Websock *ws = (Websock *) connData->cgiData;
if (ws && ws->sentCb) { ws->sentCb(ws); }