SpriteHTTPD - embedded HTTP server with read-only filesystem and templating, originally developed for ESP8266, now stand-alone and POSIX compatible.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#pragma once
#include "httpd.h"
#define WEBSOCK_FLAG_MORE (1<<0) //Set if the data is not the final data in the message; more follows
#define WEBSOCK_FLAG_BIN (1<<1) //Set if the data is binary instead of text
#define WEBSOCK_FLAG_CONT (1<<2) // set if this is a continuation frame (after WEBSOCK_FLAG_MORE)
typedef struct Websock Websock;
typedef struct WebsockPriv WebsockPriv;
typedef void(*WsConnectedCb)(Websock *ws);
typedef void(*WsRecvCb)(Websock *ws, char *data, int len, int flags);
typedef void(*WsSentCb)(Websock *ws);
typedef void(*WsCloseCb)(Websock *ws);
struct Websock {
void *userData;
HttpdConnData *conn;
uint8_t status;
WsRecvCb recvCb;
WsSentCb sentCb;
WsCloseCb closeCb;
WebsockPriv *priv;
httpd_cgi_state cgiWebsocket(HttpdConnData *connData);
int cgiWebsocketSend(Websock *ws, const char *data, int len, int flags);
void cgiWebsocketClose(Websock *ws, int reason);
httpd_cgi_state cgiWebSocketRecv(HttpdConnData *connData, char *data, int len);
int cgiWebsockBroadcast(const char *resource, const char *data, int len, int flags);
void cgiWebsockMeasureBacklog(const char *resource, int *total, int *max);