SpriteHTTPD - embedded HTTP server with read-only filesystem and templating, originally developed for ESP8266, now stand-alone and POSIX compatible.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

109 lines
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* Utility functions for users and internal use of the HTTP server
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "httpd-types.h"
// Custom helpers
#define streq(a, b) (strcmp((const char*)(a), (const char*)(b)) == 0)
#define strneq(a, b, n) (strncmp((const char*)(a), (const char*)(b), (n)) == 0)
#define strstarts(a, b) strneq((a), (b), (int)strlen((b)))
#define last_char_n(str, n) ((str))[strlen((str)) - (n)]
#define last_char(str) last_char_n((str), 1)
#ifndef container_of
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \
(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
* Turn a nibble (0-15) to a hex char.
* Only the bottom 4 bits are considered.
* @param val
* @return hex char, uppercase
char httpdHexNibble(uint8_t val);
* Turn a hex char into integer
* @param c - char to convert, [0-9a-fA-F]
* @return integer value 0-15
uint8_t httpdHexVal(char c);
* Decode a percent-encoded value.
* Takes the valLen bytes stored in val, and converts it into at most retLen bytes that
* are stored in the ret buffer. Returns the actual amount of bytes used in ret. Also
* zero-terminates the ret buffer.
* @param val - the encoded value
* @param valLen - length of the encoded value field
* @param buff - output buffer, the string will be zero-terminated
* @param buffLen - output buffer size
* @return
int httpdUrlDecode(const char *val, size_t valLen, char *buff, size_t buffLen);
* Find a specific arg in a string of get- or post-data.
* Line is the string of post/get-data, arg is the name of the value to find. The
* zero-terminated result is written in buff, with at most buffLen bytes used. The
* function returns the length of the result, or -1 if the value wasn't found. The
* returned string will be urldecoded already.
* @param line - line to parse
* @param arg - name of the argument to retrieve
* @param[out] buff - output buffer, the string will be zero-terminated
* @param buffLen - output buffer size
* @return
int httpdFindArg(const char *line, const char *arg, char *buff, size_t buffLen);
* Returns a static char* to a mime type for a given url to a file.
* @param url - URL or filename to parse
* @return mime type string; NULL if unknown.
const char *httpdGetMimetype(const char *url);
* Get mimetype or default
* @param url - URL or filename to parse
* @param fallback - fallback mime if none was resolved
* @return mime string
static inline const char *httpdGetMimetypeOr(const char *url, const char *fallback) {
const char *mime = httpdGetMimetype(url);
if (!mime) {
mime = fallback;
return mime;
* Turn HTTP method to text
* @param m - method enum
* @return text, e.g. GET
const char *httpdMethodName(httpd_method m);
* Get text version of a HTTP status code
* @param code - code
* @return text, e.g OK or Forbidden
const char *httpdStatusName(int code);