esp32 firmware for a toaster reflow oven WIP!!!!!
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Ondřej Hruška e22d4fb9e2
add a "popup" menu variant (for the reflow profile editor)
4 年前
aseprite_c better icon, bugfix in bitmaps generator script 4 年前
components add firehazard.c 4 年前
main add a "popup" menu variant (for the reflow profile editor) 4 年前
.gitignore add firehazard.c 4 年前
CMakeLists.txt add crude debouncer 4 年前
Makefile init 4 年前 better readme 4 年前
pt100_lookup.ods add firehazard.c 4 年前
sdkconfig add crude debouncer 4 年前


is a toaster oven mod with a thermistor, SSR and ESP32.

It can bake bread or reflow PCBs.