Personal Finance Projector - plot how your account balance will develop in the future
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from calendar import monthrange
import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.cbook as cbook
import pandas as pd
def parse_month(month) -> int:
""" Parse string month to a number 1-12 """
map = {
'jan': 1,
'feb': 2,
'mar': 3,
'apr': 4,
'may': 5,
'jun': 6,
'jul': 7,
'aug': 8,
'sep': 9,
'oct': 10,
'nov': 11,
'dec': 12,
'sept': 9,
'january': 1,
'february': 2,
'march': 3,
'april': 4,
'june': 6,
'july': 7,
'august': 8,
'september': 9,
'october': 10,
'november': 11,
'december': 12
k = str(month).lower()
if k in map:
return map[k]
return int(month) # try it as numeric
class Projector:
def __init__(self):
self.incomes = []
self.cursor =
self.oldest = None
def date(self, year:int, month='Jan', day:int=1) -> 'Projector':
self.cursor =, parse_month(month), day)
if self.oldest is None:
self.oldest = self.cursor
return self
def project_to(self, year, month='Dec', day=31, verbose=True):
records = []
end = None
aday = day
while aday >= 28:
end =, parse_month(month), aday)
except ValueError:
aday -= 1
if end is None:
raise ValueError("Bad projection end date")
now = self.oldest
balance = 0
while now <= end:
buf = ""
any_non_balance = False
any = False
for inc in self.incomes:
ain = inc.get_absolute_income_on(now)
if ain is not None:
balance = ain
any = True
if verbose:
buf += "\nSet Balance: %d" % balance
inco = inc.get_income_on(now)
if inco is not None and inco != 0:
any = True
any_non_balance = True
balance += inco
if verbose:
buf += "\n| %20s ... %s%d" % (, '+' if inco>0 else '', inco)
if any:
if verbose:
if any_non_balance:
print('End Balance: %d' % balance)
records.append({'date': now, 'balance': balance})
now += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
return records
def graph(self, samples, currency='CZK'):
""" Show samples from project_to() in a line graph """
years = mdates.YearLocator() # every year
months = mdates.MonthLocator() # every month
yearsFmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y')
r = pd.DataFrame().from_records(samples)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.step(, r.balance, where='post')
# format the ticks
# round to nearest years...
datemin = np.datetime64([0], 'Y')
datemax = np.datetime64([len(], 'Y') + np.timedelta64(1, 'Y')
ax.set_xlim(datemin, datemax)
# format the coords message box
def price(x):
return currency+' %1.0f' % x
ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')
ax.format_ydata = price
# rotates and right aligns the x labels, and moves the bottom of the
# axes up to make room for them
def balance(self, balance:int) -> 'Projector':
""" Set known balance at a date cursor (this modifies the total value) """
self.incomes.append(SetBalance(self, balance))
return self
def monthly(self, name: str, income: int, day=1) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Monthly recurrent expense or income """
m = MonthlyIncome(self, name, per_month=income, payday=day)
return m
def receive(self, name, money) -> 'SingleIncome':
""" Once-off Income """
return self.single(name, +abs(money))
def expend(self, name, money) -> 'SingleIncome':
""" Expense """
return self.single(name, -abs(money))
def single(self, name, money) -> 'SingleIncome':
""" Non-recurrent expense or income """
m = SingleIncome(self, name, money=money)
return m
def borrow(self, name, money) -> 'SimpleLoan':
""" Borrow money with no interest, to be repaid """
m = SimpleLoan(self, name, money=money)
return m
class AIncome:
""" Abstract income record """
def __init__(self, name:str, pf:Projector): = pf = name
self.date_start = pf.cursor
self.date_end = None
self.started = False
self.ended = False
def get_income_on(self, date):
""" Get income on a given date """
if self.ended:
return 0
if self.date_end is not None and self.date_end <= date:
self.ended = True
if not self.started and self.date_start <= date:
self.started = True
if self.started:
return self._day_income(date)
def _day_income(self, date):
""" Day's income, end dates have been already checked and are OK """
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_absolute_income_on(self, date):
""" Get absolute income value (used for SetBalance) """
return None
class MonthlyIncome(AIncome):
""" Periodic income with monthly period """
def __init__(self, pf: Projector, name:str, per_month:int, payday:int=1):
payday - the day of the month when the money is sent or received
per_month - money sent or received per month
super().__init__(name, pf)
self.skip_dates = []
self.monthly = per_month
self.payday = payday
self.remains = None
self.spreading = False
def on(self, day:int) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Set the payday """
self.payday = day
return self
def _day_income(self, -> int:
if, date.month, 1) in self.skip_dates:
return 0
if self.spreading:
if self.remains is not None:
if self.remains > 0:
if abs(self.monthly) > self.remains:
self.ended = True
topay = self.remains
self.remains = 0
return topay if self.monthly > 0 else -topay
self.remains -= round(abs(self.monthly) / monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1])
return 0
x = round(self.monthly / monthrange(date.year, date.month)[1])
return x
if == self.payday:
if self.remains is not None:
if self.remains > 0:
if abs(self.monthly) > self.remains:
self.ended = True
topay = self.remains
self.remains = 0
return topay if self.monthly > 0 else -topay
self.remains -= abs(self.monthly)
return 0
return self.monthly
return 0
def skip_month(self, year, month) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Skip a month """
self.skip_dates.append(, parse_month(month), 1))
return self
def start(self, year=None, month=1, day=1) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Set the start date """
if year is None:
self.date_start =
self.date_start =, parse_month(month), day)
return self
def end(self, year=None, month=1, day=1) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Set the end date """
if year is None:
self.date_end =,,
monthrange(,[1]) # last day of the month
self.date_end =, parse_month(month), day)
return self
def total(self, total) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Set the total after which the payment is stopped """
self.remains = total
return self
def spread(self, doSpread=True) -> 'MonthlyIncome':
""" Spread over the month """
self.spreading = doSpread
return self
class SingleIncome(AIncome):
""" Single-shot income """
def __init__(self, pf: Projector, name:str, money:int):
super().__init__(name, pf) = money
self.start = pf.cursor
self.end = pf.cursor
def _day_income(self, date):
def on(self, year, month=1, day=1) -> 'SingleIncome':
""" Set the exact date """
self.date_start = self.date_end =, parse_month(month), day)
return self
class SimpleLoan(AIncome):
""" Simple interest-free loan """
def __init__(self, pf: Projector, name:str, money:int):
Money is the total borrowed money
super().__init__(name, pf)
self.borrowed = money
self.start = pf.cursor
self.end = pf.cursor
self.receipt = pf.receive(name, money)
self.repay = None
def on(self, year, month=1, day=1) -> 'SimpleLoan':
""" Set borrow date """
self.start =, parse_month(month), day)
self.receipt.on(year, month, day)
return self
def repay_monthly(self, payment, day=1) -> 'SimpleLoan':
Configure monthly payments.
payment - how much to pay monthly
day - day of the month to pay
self.repay =, -abs(payment), day=day).total(abs(self.borrowed))
return self.begin(self.start.year, self.start.month)
def begin(self, year, month) -> 'SimpleLoan':
""" Set the payments start month """
self.repay.start(year, month)
return self
def _day_income(self, date):
return None
class SetBalance (AIncome):
""" Set balance to a known value """
def __init__(self, pf: Projector, balance:int):
super().__init__('Balance', pf)
self.balance = balance
self.start = pf.cursor
self.end = pf.cursor
def _day_income(self, date):
return 0
def get_absolute_income_on(self, date):
if date == self.start:
return self.balance
return None