v0.2, refactor, improve some messages, fix lints

Ondřej Hruška 3 years ago
parent 8afc77dd60
commit 52cf8f8e97
Signed by: MightyPork
GPG Key ID: 2C5FD5035250423D
  1. 2
  2. 911
  3. 625
  4. 454
  5. 2
  6. 68
  7. 8
  8. 13

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ pub enum GroupError {
GroupNotExist, GroupNotExist,
#[error("Config error: {0}")] #[error("Config error: {0}")]
BadConfig(Cow<'static, str>), BadConfig(Cow<'static, str>),
#[error("API request timed out")]
#[error(transparent)] #[error(transparent)]
IoError(#[from] std::io::Error), IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error(transparent)] #[error(transparent)]

@ -1,911 +0,0 @@
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use elefren::{FediClient, StatusBuilder};
use elefren::debug::EventDisplay;
use elefren::debug::NotificationDisplay;
use elefren::debug::StatusDisplay;
use elefren::entities::event::Event;
use elefren::entities::notification::{Notification, NotificationType};
use elefren::entities::status::Status;
use elefren::status_builder::Visibility;
use futures::StreamExt;
use crate::command::StatusCommand;
use crate::error::GroupError;
use crate::store::ConfigStore;
use crate::store::data::GroupConfig;
use crate::utils::{LogError, normalize_acct};
/// This is one group's config store capable of persistence
pub struct GroupHandle {
pub(crate) client: FediClient,
pub(crate) config: GroupConfig,
pub(crate) store: Arc<ConfigStore>,
const DELAY_BEFORE_ACTION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
const DELAY_REOPEN_STREAM: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
const MAX_CATCHUP_NOTIFS: usize = 25;
// also statuses
const MAX_CATCHUP_STATUSES: usize = 50;
// higher because we can expect a lot of non-hashtag statuses here
const PERIODIC_SAVE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
const PING_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15); // must be < periodic save!
impl GroupHandle {
pub async fn save(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Saving group config & status");
pub async fn save_if_needed(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if self.config.is_dirty() {
pub async fn reload(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if let Some(g) = self.store.get_group_config(self.config.get_acct()).await {
self.config = g;
} else {
trait NotifTimestamp {
fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> u64;
impl NotifTimestamp for Notification {
fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> u64 {
self.created_at.timestamp_millis().max(0) as u64
impl NotifTimestamp for Status {
fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> u64 {
// this may not work well for unseen status tracking,
// if ancient statuses were to appear in the timeline :(
self.created_at.timestamp_millis().max(0) as u64
impl GroupHandle {
pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
loop {
debug!("Opening streaming API socket");
let mut next_save = Instant::now() + PERIODIC_SAVE; // so we save at start
let mut events = self.client.streaming_user().await?;
let socket_open_time = Instant::now();
let mut last_rx = Instant::now();
let mut last_ping = Instant::now();
match self.catch_up_with_missed_notifications().await {
Ok(true) => {
debug!("Some missed notifs handled");
Ok(false) => {
debug!("No notifs missed");
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to handle missed notifs: {}", e);
match self.catch_up_with_missed_statuses().await {
Ok(true) => {
debug!("Some missed statuses handled");
Ok(false) => {
debug!("No statuses missed");
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to handle missed statuses: {}", e);
if self.config.is_dirty() {
// save asap
next_save = Instant::now() - PERIODIC_SAVE
'rx: loop {
if next_save < Instant::now() {
debug!("Save time elapsed, saving if needed");
self.save_if_needed().await.log_error("Failed to save group");
next_save = Instant::now() + PERIODIC_SAVE;
if last_rx.elapsed() > PING_INTERVAL * 2 {
warn!("Socket idle too long, close");
break 'rx;
if socket_open_time.elapsed() > Duration::from_secs(120) {
debug!("Socket open too long, closing");
break 'rx;
debug!("Await msg");
let timeout = next_save
match tokio::time::timeout(timeout, events.next()).await {
Ok(Some(event)) => {
last_rx = Instant::now();
debug!("(@{}) Event: {}", self.config.get_acct(), EventDisplay(&event));
match event {
Event::Update(status) => {
self.handle_status(status).await.log_error("Error handling a status");
Event::Notification(n) => {
self.handle_notification(n).await.log_error("Error handling a notification");
Event::Delete(_id) => {}
Event::FiltersChanged => {}
Event::Heartbeat => {}
Ok(None) => {
warn!("Group @{} socket closed, restarting...", self.config.get_acct());
break 'rx;
Err(_) => {
// Timeout so we can save if needed
if last_ping.elapsed() > PING_INTERVAL {
last_ping = Instant::now();
if events.send_ping()
.await.is_err() {
break 'rx;
warn!("Notif stream closed, will reopen");
async fn handle_notification(&mut self, n: Notification) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Handling notif #{}", n.id);
let ts = n.timestamp_millis();
let group_acct = self.config.get_acct().to_string();
let notif_user_id = &n.account.id;
let notif_acct = normalize_acct(&n.account.acct, &group_acct)?;
if notif_acct == group_acct {
debug!("This is our post, ignore that");
return Ok(());
if self.config.is_banned(&notif_acct) {
warn!("Notification actor {} is banned!", notif_acct);
return Ok(());
match n.notification_type {
NotificationType::Mention => {
if let Some(status) = n.status {
NotificationType::Follow => {
info!("New follower!");
if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&notif_acct) {
// Already joined, just doing something silly, ignore this
debug!("User already a member, ignoring");
} else {
let text = if self.config.is_member_only() {
// Admins are listed without @, so they won't become handles here.
// Tagging all admins would be annoying.
let mut admins = self.config.get_admins().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
"@{user} Hi, this is a member-only group, you won't be \
able to post. You can still receive group posts though. If you'd like to join, \
please ask one of the group admins to add you:\n\n\
user = notif_acct,
admins = admins.join(", ")
} else {
.log_error("Failed to follow");
let post = StatusBuilder::new()
.expect("error build status");
// tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)).await;
let _ = self.client.new_status(post).await.log_error("Failed to post");
NotificationType::Favourite => {}
NotificationType::Reblog => {}
/// Handle a non-mention status
async fn handle_status(&mut self, s: Status) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Handling status #{}", s.id);
let ts = s.timestamp_millis();
let group_user = self.config.get_acct();
let status_user = normalize_acct(&s.account.acct, group_user)?;
if status_user == group_user {
debug!("This is our post, ignore that");
return Ok(());
// for m in &s.mentions {
// let ma = normalize_acct(&m.acct, gu)?;
// if ma == gu {
// debug!("Mention detected, handle status as mention notification!");
// return self.handle_mention_status(s).await;
// }
// }
if !s.content.contains('#') {
debug!("No tags in status");
return Ok(());
if s.visibility.is_private() {
debug!("Status is direct/private, not boosting");
return Ok(());
if s.content.contains("/add ") || s.content.contains("/remove ") {
debug!("Discard, looks like a hashtag manipulation command");
return Ok(());
if self.config.is_banned(&status_user) {
debug!("Status author @{} is banned.", status_user);
return Ok(());
if !self.config.is_member_or_admin(&status_user) {
debug!("Status author @{} is not a member.", status_user);
return Ok(());
let tags = crate::command::parse_status_tags(&s.content);
debug!("Tags in status: {:?}", tags);
for t in tags {
if self.config.is_tag_followed(&t) {
.log_error("Failed to reblog");
async fn follow_user(&mut self, id: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
async fn unfollow_user(&mut self, id: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
/// Catch up with missed notifications, returns true if any were handled
async fn catch_up_with_missed_notifications(&mut self) -> Result<bool, GroupError> {
let last_notif = self.config.get_last_notif();
let notifications = self.client.notifications().await?;
let mut iter = notifications.items_iter();
let mut notifs_to_handle = vec![];
// They are retrieved newest first, but we want oldest first for chronological handling
let mut num = 0;
while let Some(n) = iter.next_item().await {
let ts = n.timestamp_millis();
if ts <= last_notif {
break; // reached our last seen notif
debug!("Inspecting notif {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
num += 1;
warn!("Too many notifs missed to catch up!");
// sleep so we dont make the api angry
if notifs_to_handle.is_empty() {
return Ok(false);
debug!("{} notifications to catch up!", notifs_to_handle.len());
for n in notifs_to_handle {
debug!("Handling missed notification: {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
self.handle_notification(n).await.log_error("Error handling a notification");
/// Catch up with missed statuses, returns true if any were handled
async fn catch_up_with_missed_statuses(&mut self) -> Result<bool, GroupError> {
let last_status = self.config.get_last_status();
let statuses = self.client.get_home_timeline().await?;
let mut iter = statuses.items_iter();
let mut statuses_to_handle = vec![];
// They are retrieved newest first, but we want oldest first for chronological handling
let mut newest_status = None;
let mut num = 0;
while let Some(s) = iter.next_item().await {
let ts = s.timestamp_millis();
if ts <= last_status {
break; // reached our last seen status (hopefully there arent any retro-bumped)
debug!("Inspecting status {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
if newest_status.is_none() {
newest_status = Some(ts);
if s.content.contains('#') && !s.visibility.is_private() {
num += 1;
warn!("Too many statuses missed to catch up!");
// sleep so we dont make the api angry
if let Some(ts) = newest_status {
if statuses_to_handle.is_empty() {
return Ok(false);
debug!("{} statuses to catch up!", statuses_to_handle.len());
for s in statuses_to_handle {
debug!("Handling missed status: {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
.log_error("Error handling a status");
fn list_admins(&self, replies: &mut Vec<String>) {
let mut admins = self.config.get_admins().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for a in admins {
fn list_members(&self, replies: &mut Vec<String>) {
let admins = self.config.get_admins().collect::<HashSet<_>>();
let mut members = self.config.get_members().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for m in members {
if admins.contains(&m) {
replies.push(format!("{} [admin]", m));
} else {
async fn handle_mention_status(&mut self, status: Status) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let group_acct = self.config.get_acct().to_string();
let status_acct = normalize_acct(&status.account.acct, &group_acct)?;
let status_user_id = &status.account.id;
let can_write = self.config.can_write(&status_acct);
let is_admin = self.config.is_admin(&status_acct);
if self.config.is_banned(&status_acct) {
warn!("Status author {} is banned!", status_acct);
return Ok(());
let commands = crate::command::parse_slash_commands(&status.content);
let mut replies = vec![];
let mut announcements = vec![];
let mut do_boost_prev_post = false;
let mut any_admin_cmd = false;
let mut want_markdown = false;
if commands.is_empty() {
debug!("No commands in post");
if status.in_reply_to_id.is_none() {
if can_write {
// Someone tagged the group in OP, boost it.
info!("Boosting OP mention");
// tokio::time::sleep(DELAY_BEFORE_ACTION).await;
self.client.reblog(&status.id).await.log_error("Failed to boost");
} else {
replies.push("You are not allowed to post to this group".to_string());
} else {
debug!("Not OP, ignore mention");
} else {
for cmd in commands {
match cmd {
// ignore is first on purpose
StatusCommand::Ignore => {
debug!("Notif ignored because of ignore command");
return Ok(());
StatusCommand::Announce(a) => {
info!("Sending PSA");
StatusCommand::Boost => {
if can_write {
do_boost_prev_post = status.in_reply_to_id.is_some();
} else {
replies.push("You are not allowed to share to this group".to_string());
StatusCommand::BanUser(u) => {
let u = normalize_acct(&u, &group_acct)?;
if is_admin {
if !self.config.is_banned(&u) {
match self.config.ban_user(&u, true) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("User {} banned from group!", u));
// FIXME we need user ID, not handle - get it via API?
// self.unfollow_user(&u).await
// .log_error("Failed to unfollow");
// no announcement here
Err(e) => {
replies.push(format!("Failed to ban user {}: {}", u, e));
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage user bans".to_string());
StatusCommand::UnbanUser(u) => {
let u = normalize_acct(&u, &group_acct)?;
if is_admin {
if self.config.is_banned(&u) {
match self.config.ban_user(&u, false) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("User {} un-banned!", u));
// no announcement here
Err(_) => {
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage user bans".to_string());
StatusCommand::BanServer(s) => {
if is_admin {
if !self.config.is_server_banned(&s) {
match self.config.ban_server(&s, true) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
announcements.push(format!("Server \"{}\" has been banned.", s));
replies.push(format!("Server {} banned from group!", s));
Err(e) => {
replies.push(format!("Failed to ban server {}: {}", s, e));
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage server bans".to_string());
StatusCommand::UnbanServer(s) => {
if is_admin {
if self.config.is_server_banned(&s) {
match self.config.ban_server(&s, false) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
announcements.push(format!("Server \"{}\" has been un-banned.", s));
replies.push(format!("Server {} un-banned!", s));
Err(_) => {
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage server bans".to_string());
StatusCommand::AddMember(u) => {
let u = normalize_acct(&u, &group_acct)?;
if is_admin {
if !self.config.is_member(&u) {
match self.config.set_member(&u, true) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("User {} added to the group!", u));
self.follow_user(status_user_id).await.log_error("Failed to follow");
Err(e) => {
replies.push(format!("Failed to add user {} to group: {}", u, e));
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage members".to_string());
StatusCommand::RemoveMember(u) => {
let u = normalize_acct(&u, &group_acct)?;
if is_admin {
if self.config.is_member(&u) {
match self.config.set_member(&u, false) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("User {} removed from the group.", u));
// FIXME we need user ID, not handle - get it via API?
// self.unfollow_user(&u).await
// .log_error("Failed to unfollow");
Err(_) => {
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage members".to_string());
StatusCommand::AddTag(tag) => {
if is_admin {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("Tag #{} added to the group!", tag));
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage group tags".to_string());
StatusCommand::RemoveTag(tag) => {
if is_admin {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("Tag #{} removed from the group!", tag));
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage group tags".to_string());
StatusCommand::GrantAdmin(u) => {
let u = normalize_acct(&u, &group_acct)?;
if is_admin {
if !self.config.is_admin(&u) {
match self.config.set_admin(&u, true) {
Ok(_) => {
// try to make the config a little more sane, admins should be members
let _ = self.config.set_member(&u, true);
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("User {} is now a group admin!", u));
.push(format!("User @{} can now manage this group!", u));
Err(e) => {
"Failed to make user {} a group admin: {}",
u, e
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage admins".to_string());
StatusCommand::RemoveAdmin(u) => {
let u = normalize_acct(&u, &group_acct)?;
if is_admin {
if self.config.is_admin(&u) {
match self.config.set_admin(&u, false) {
Ok(_) => {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push(format!("User {} is no longer a group admin!", u));
.push(format!("User @{} no longer manages this group.", u));
Err(e) => {
.push(format!("Failed to revoke {}'s group admin: {}", u, e));
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can manage admins".to_string());
StatusCommand::OpenGroup => {
if is_admin {
if self.config.is_member_only() {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push("Group changed to open-access".to_string());
announcements.push("This group is now open-access!".to_string());
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can set group options".to_string());
StatusCommand::CloseGroup => {
if is_admin {
if !self.config.is_member_only() {
any_admin_cmd = true;
replies.push("Group changed to member-only".to_string());
announcements.push("This group is now member-only!".to_string());
} else {
replies.push("Only admins can set group options".to_string());
StatusCommand::Help => {
want_markdown = true;
if self.config.is_member_only() {
replies.push("This is a member-only group. ".to_string());
} else {
replies.push("This is a public-access group. ".to_string());
if self.config.can_write(&status_acct) {
if is_admin {
replies.push("*You are an admin.*".to_string());
} else {
replies.push("*You are a member.*".to_string());
} else {
if self.config.is_member_only() {
replies.push("*You are not a member, ask one of the admins to add you.*".to_string());
} else {
replies.push("*You are not a member, follow or use /join to join the group.*".to_string());
"\nTo share an original post, mention the group user.\n\
Replies and mentions with commands won't be shared.\n\
**Supported commands:**\n\
`/boost, /b` - boost the replied-to post into the group\n\
`/ignore, /i` - make the group completely ignore the post\n\
`/ping` - check that the service is alive\n\
`/join` - join the group\n\
`/leave` - leave the group".to_string(),
if self.config.is_member_only() {
replies.push("`/members, /who` - show group members / admins".to_string());
} else {
replies.push("`/members, /who` - show group admins".to_string());
if is_admin {
**Admin commands:**\n\
`/add user` - add a member (use e-mail style address)\n\
`/kick, /remove user` - kick a member\n\
`/ban x` - ban a user or a server\n\
`/unban x` - lift a ban\n\
`/op, /admin user` - grant admin rights\n\
`/deop, /deadmin user` - revoke admin rights\n\
`/opengroup` - make member-only\n\
`/closegroup` - make public-access\n\
`/announce x` - make a public announcement from the rest of the status"
StatusCommand::ListMembers => {
let mut show_admins = false;
if is_admin {
replies.push("Group members:".to_string());
self.list_members(&mut replies);
} else {
replies.push("Group admins:".to_string());
self.list_admins(&mut replies);
StatusCommand::ListTags => {
replies.push("Group tags:".to_string());
let mut tags = self.config.get_tags().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for t in tags {
replies.push(format!("#{}", t));
StatusCommand::Leave => {
if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&status_acct) {
// admin can leave but that's a bad idea
any_admin_cmd = true;
let _ = self.config.set_member(&status_acct, false);
replies.push("You're no longer a group member. Unfollow the group user to stop receiving group messages.".to_string());
.log_error("Failed to unfollow");
StatusCommand::Join => {
if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&status_acct) {
// Already a member, so let's try to follow the user
// again, maybe first time it failed
.log_error("Failed to follow");
} else {
// Not a member yet
if self.config.is_member_only() {
// No you can't
"Hi, this group is closed to new sign-ups.\n\
Please ask one of the group admins to add you:"));
self.list_admins(&mut replies);
} else {
// Open access
.log_error("Failed to follow");
// This only fails if the user is banned, but that is filtered above
let _ = self.config.set_member(&status_acct, true);
Thanks for joining, you are now a member and the group user will \
follow you so you can use group hashtags. Make sure you follow the \
group user to receive group messages."));
StatusCommand::Ping => {
// tokio::time::sleep(DELAY_BEFORE_ACTION).await;
if do_boost_prev_post {
.log_error("Failed to boost");
if !replies.is_empty() {
debug!("replies={:?}", replies);
let r = replies.join("\n");
debug!("r={}", r);
let post = StatusBuilder::new()
.status(format!("@{user}\n{msg}", user = status_acct, msg = r))
.content_type(if want_markdown {
} else {
.expect("error build status");
let _ = self.client.new_status(post).await.log_error("Failed to post");
if !announcements.is_empty() {
let msg = announcements.join("\n");
let post = StatusBuilder::new()
.status(format!("**📢 Group announcement**\n{msg}", msg = msg))
.expect("error build status");
let _ = self.client.new_status(post).await.log_error("Failed to post");
if any_admin_cmd {
debug!("Saving after admin cmd");
self.save_if_needed().await.log_error("Failed to save");
fn make_welcome_text(user: &str) -> String {
"@{user} Welcome to the group! To share a post, tag the group user \
or use one of the group hashtags. Use /help for more info.",
user = user
trait VisExt: Copy {
/// Check if is private or direct
fn is_private(self) -> bool;
impl VisExt for Visibility {
fn is_private(self) -> bool {
self == Visibility::Direct || self == Visibility::Private

@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::time::Duration;
use elefren::{FediClient, SearchType, StatusBuilder};
use elefren::entities::prelude::Status;
use elefren::status_builder::Visibility;
use crate::command::StatusCommand;
use crate::error::GroupError;
use crate::group_handler::GroupHandle;
use crate::store::data::GroupConfig;
use crate::utils::{LogError, normalize_acct};
pub struct ProcessMention<'a> {
status: Status,
config: &'a mut GroupConfig,
client: &'a mut FediClient,
group_acct: String,
status_acct: String,
status_user_id: String,
can_write: bool,
is_admin: bool,
replies: Vec<String>,
announcements: Vec<String>,
do_boost_prev_post: bool,
want_markdown: bool,
impl<'a> ProcessMention<'a> {
async fn lookup_acct_id(&self, acct: &str, followed: bool) -> Result<Option<String>, GroupError> {
debug!("Looking up user ID by acct: {}", acct);
match tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(5), self.client.search_v2(
)).await {
Err(_) => {
warn!("Account lookup timeout!");
Ok(Err(e)) => {
// Elefren error
Ok(Ok(res)) => {
if let Some(item) = res.accounts.into_iter().next() {
debug!("Search done, account found");
} else {
debug!("Search done, nothing found");
fn append_admin_list_to_reply(&mut self) {
let mut admins = self.config.get_admins().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for a in admins {
fn append_member_list_to_reply(&mut self) {
let admins = self.config.get_admins().collect::<HashSet<_>>();
let mut members = self.config.get_members().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for m in members {
self.replies.push(if admins.contains(&m) {
format!("{} [admin]", m)
} else {
async fn follow_user(&self, id: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
async fn unfollow_user(&self, id: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
pub(crate) async fn run(gh: &'a mut GroupHandle, status: Status) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let group_acct = gh.config.get_acct().to_string();
let status_acct = normalize_acct(&status.account.acct, &group_acct)?.to_string();
if gh.config.is_banned(&status_acct) {
warn!("Status author {} is banned!", status_acct);
return Ok(());
let pm = Self {
status_user_id: status.account.id.to_string(),
client: &mut gh.client,
can_write: gh.config.can_write(&status_acct),
is_admin: gh.config.is_admin(&status_acct),
replies: vec![],
announcements: vec![],
do_boost_prev_post: false,
want_markdown: false,
config: &mut gh.config,
async fn reblog_status(&self) {
.log_error("Failed to reblog status")
fn add_reply(&mut self, line: impl ToString) {
fn add_announcement(&mut self, line: impl ToString) {
async fn handle(mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let commands = crate::command::parse_slash_commands(&self.status.content);
if commands.is_empty() {
} else {
if commands.contains(&StatusCommand::Ignore) {
debug!("Notif ignored because of ignore command");
return Ok(());
for cmd in commands {
match cmd {
StatusCommand::Ignore => {
unreachable!(); // Handled above
StatusCommand::Announce(a) => {
StatusCommand::Boost => {
StatusCommand::BanUser(u) => {
.log_error("Error handling ban-user cmd");
StatusCommand::UnbanUser(u) => {
.log_error("Error handling unban-user cmd");
StatusCommand::BanServer(s) => {
StatusCommand::UnbanServer(s) => {
StatusCommand::AddMember(u) => {
.log_error("Error handling add-member cmd");
StatusCommand::RemoveMember(u) => {
.log_error("Error handling remove-member cmd");
StatusCommand::AddTag(tag) => {
StatusCommand::RemoveTag(tag) => {
StatusCommand::GrantAdmin(u) => {
.log_error("Error handling grant-admin cmd");
StatusCommand::RemoveAdmin(u) => {
.log_error("Error handling grant-admin cmd");
StatusCommand::OpenGroup => {
StatusCommand::CloseGroup => {
StatusCommand::Help => {
StatusCommand::ListMembers => {
StatusCommand::ListTags => {
StatusCommand::Leave => {
StatusCommand::Join => {
StatusCommand::Ping => {
if self.do_boost_prev_post {
.log_error("Failed to boost");
if !self.replies.is_empty() {
debug!("replies={:?}", self.replies);
let r = self.replies.join("\n");
debug!("r={}", r);
if let Ok(post) = StatusBuilder::new()
.status(format!("@{user}\n{msg}", user = self.status_acct, msg = r))
.content_type(if self.want_markdown {
} else {
.visibility(self.status.visibility) // Copy visibility
let _ = self.client.new_status(post)
.await.log_error("Failed to post");
if !self.announcements.is_empty() {
let msg = self.announcements.join("\n");
let post = StatusBuilder::new()
.status(format!("**📢 Group announcement**\n{msg}", msg = msg))
.expect("error build status");
let _ = self.client.new_status(post)
.await.log_error("Failed to post");
async fn handle_post_with_no_commands(&mut self) {
debug!("No commands in post");
if self.status.in_reply_to_id.is_none() {
if self.can_write {
// Someone tagged the group in OP, boost it.
info!("Boosting OP mention");
// tokio::time::sleep(DELAY_BEFORE_ACTION).await;
} else {
self.add_reply("You are not allowed to post to this group");
} else {
debug!("Not OP, ignore mention");
async fn cmd_announce(&mut self, msg: String) {
info!("Sending PSA");
async fn cmd_boost(&mut self) {
if self.can_write {
self.do_boost_prev_post = self.status.in_reply_to_id.is_some();
} else {
self.add_reply("You are not allowed to share to this group");
async fn cmd_ban_user(&mut self, user: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let u = normalize_acct(user, &self.group_acct)?;
if self.is_admin {
if !self.config.is_banned(&u) {
match self.config.ban_user(&u, true) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_reply(format!("User {} banned from group!", u));
.log_error("Failed to unfollow banned user");
Err(e) => {
self.add_reply(format!("Failed to ban user {}: {}", u, e));
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage user bans");
async fn cmd_unban_user(&mut self, user: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let u = normalize_acct(user, &self.group_acct)?;
if self.is_admin {
if self.config.is_banned(&u) {
match self.config.ban_user(&u, false) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_reply(format!("User {} un-banned!", u));
// no announcement here
Err(_) => {
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage user bans");
async fn cmd_ban_server(&mut self, s: &str) {
if self.is_admin {
if !self.config.is_server_banned(s) {
match self.config.ban_server(s, true) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_announcement(format!("Server \"{}\" has been banned.", s));
self.add_reply(format!("Server {} banned from group!", s));
Err(e) => {
self.add_reply(format!("Failed to ban server {}: {}", s, e));
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage server bans");
async fn cmd_unban_server(&mut self, s: &str) {
if self.is_admin {
if self.config.is_server_banned(s) {
match self.config.ban_server(s, false) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_announcement(format!("Server \"{}\" has been un-banned.", s));
self.add_reply(format!("Server {} un-banned!", s));
Err(_) => {
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage server bans");
async fn cmd_add_member(&mut self, user: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let u = normalize_acct(user, &self.group_acct)?;
if self.is_admin {
if !self.config.is_member(&u) {
match self.config.set_member(&u, true) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_reply(format!("User {} added to the group!", u));
.await.log_error("Failed to follow");
Err(e) => {
self.add_reply(format!("Failed to add user {} to group: {}", u, e));
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage members");
async fn cmd_remove_member(&mut self, user: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let u = normalize_acct(user, &self.group_acct)?;
if self.is_admin {
if self.config.is_member(&u) {
match self.config.set_member(&u, false) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_reply(format!("User {} removed from the group.", u));
.log_error("Failed to unfollow removed user");
Err(_) => {
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage members");
async fn cmd_add_tag(&mut self, tag: String) {
if self.is_admin {
self.add_reply(format!("Tag #{} added to the group!", tag));
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage group tags");
async fn cmd_remove_tag(&mut self, tag: String) {
if self.is_admin {
self.add_reply(format!("Tag #{} removed from the group!", tag));
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage group tags");
async fn cmd_grant_member(&mut self, user: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let u = normalize_acct(user, &self.group_acct)?;
if self.is_admin {
if !self.config.is_admin(&u) {
match self.config.set_admin(&u, true) {
Ok(_) => {
// try to make the config a little more sane, admins should be members
let _ = self.config.set_member(&u, true);
self.add_reply(format!("User {} is now a group admin!", u));
self.add_announcement(format!("User @{} can now manage this group!", u));
Err(e) => {
"Failed to make user {} a group admin: {}",
u, e
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage admins");
async fn cmd_revoke_member(&mut self, user: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let u = normalize_acct(user, &self.group_acct)?;
if self.is_admin {
if self.config.is_admin(&u) {
match self.config.set_admin(&u, false) {
Ok(_) => {
self.add_reply(format!("User {} is no longer a group admin!", u));
self.add_announcement(format!("User @{} no longer manages this group.", u));
Err(e) => {
self.add_reply(format!("Failed to revoke {}'s group admin: {}", u, e));
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can manage admins");
async fn cmd_open_group(&mut self) {
if self.is_admin {
if self.config.is_member_only() {
self.add_reply("Group changed to open-access");
self.add_announcement("This group is now open-access!");
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can set group options");
async fn cmd_close_group(&mut self) {
if self.is_admin {
if !self.config.is_member_only() {
self.add_reply("Group changed to member-only");
self.add_announcement("This group is now member-only!");
} else {
self.add_reply("Only admins can set group options");
async fn cmd_help(&mut self) {
self.want_markdown = true;
if self.config.is_member_only() {
self.add_reply("This is a member-only group. ");
} else {
self.add_reply("This is a public-access group. ");
if self.config.can_write(&self.status_acct) {
if self.is_admin {
self.add_reply("*You are an admin.*");
} else {
self.add_reply("*You are a member.*");
} else {
if self.config.is_member_only() {
self.add_reply("*You are not a member, ask one of the admins to add you.*");
} else {
self.add_reply("*You are not a member, follow or use /join to join the group.*");
To share an original post, mention the group user.\n\
Replies and mentions with commands won't be shared.\n\
**Supported commands:**\n\
`/boost, /b` - boost the replied-to post into the group\n\
`/ignore, /i` - make the group completely ignore the post\n\
`/ping` - check that the service is alive\n\
`/join` - join the group\n\
`/leave` - leave the group");
if self.config.is_member_only() {
self.add_reply("`/members, /who` - show group members / admins");
} else {
self.add_reply("`/members, /who` - show group admins");
if self.is_admin {
**Admin commands:**\n\
`/add user` - add a member (use e-mail style address)\n\
`/kick, /remove user` - kick a member\n\
`/ban x` - ban a user or a server\n\
`/unban x` - lift a ban\n\
`/op, /admin user` - grant admin rights\n\
`/deop, /deadmin user` - revoke admin rights\n\
`/opengroup` - make member-only\n\
`/closegroup` - make public-access\n\
`/announce x` - make a public announcement from the rest of the status");
async fn cmd_list_members(&mut self) {
if self.is_admin {
self.add_reply("Group members:");
} else {
self.add_reply("Group admins:");
async fn cmd_list_tags(&mut self) {
self.add_reply("Group tags:");
let mut tags = self.config.get_tags().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for t in tags {
self.replies.push(format!("#{}", t).to_string());
async fn cmd_leave(&mut self) {
if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&self.status_acct) {
// admin can leave but that's a bad idea
let _ = self.config.set_member(&self.status_acct, false);
self.add_reply("You're no longer a group member. Unfollow the group user to stop receiving group messages.");
.log_error("Failed to unfollow");
async fn cmd_join(&mut self) {
if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&self.status_acct) {
debug!("Already member or admin, try to follow-back again");
// Already a member, so let's try to follow the user
// again, maybe first time it failed
.log_error("Failed to follow");
} else {
// Not a member yet
if self.config.is_member_only() {
// No you can't
Sorry, this group is closed to new sign-ups.\n\
Please ask one of the group admins to add you:");
} else {
// Open access, try to follow back
.log_error("Failed to follow");
// This only fails if the user is banned, but that is filtered above
let _ = self.config.set_member(&self.status_acct, true);
Welcome to the group! The group user will now follow you to complete the sign-up. \
Make sure you follow back to receive shared posts!\n\n\
Use /help for more info.");
async fn cmd_ping(&mut self) {
self.add_reply(format!("pong, this is fedigroups service v{}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")));
async fn unfollow_by_acct(&self, acct: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
// Try to unfollow
if let Ok(Some(id)) = self.lookup_acct_id(acct, true).await {

@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use elefren::{FediClient, StatusBuilder};
use elefren::debug::EventDisplay;
use elefren::debug::NotificationDisplay;
use elefren::debug::StatusDisplay;
use elefren::entities::event::Event;
use elefren::entities::notification::{Notification, NotificationType};
use elefren::entities::status::Status;
use elefren::status_builder::Visibility;
use futures::StreamExt;
use handle_mention::ProcessMention;
use crate::error::GroupError;
use crate::store::ConfigStore;
use crate::store::data::GroupConfig;
use crate::utils::{LogError, normalize_acct, VisExt};
mod handle_mention;
/// This is one group's config store capable of persistence
pub struct GroupHandle {
pub(crate) client: FediClient,
pub(crate) config: GroupConfig,
pub(crate) store: Arc<ConfigStore>,
// const DELAY_BEFORE_ACTION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(250);
const DELAY_REOPEN_STREAM: Duration = Duration::from_millis(500);
const MAX_CATCHUP_NOTIFS: usize = 25;
// also statuses
const MAX_CATCHUP_STATUSES: usize = 50;
// higher because we can expect a lot of non-hashtag statuses here
const PERIODIC_SAVE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
const PING_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15); // must be < periodic save!
impl GroupHandle {
pub async fn save(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Saving group config & status");
pub async fn save_if_needed(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if self.config.is_dirty() {
pub async fn reload(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if let Some(g) = self.store.get_group_config(self.config.get_acct()).await {
self.config = g;
} else {
trait NotifTimestamp {
fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> u64;
impl NotifTimestamp for Notification {
fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> u64 {
self.created_at.timestamp_millis().max(0) as u64
impl NotifTimestamp for Status {
fn timestamp_millis(&self) -> u64 {
// this may not work well for unseen status tracking,
// if ancient statuses were to appear in the timeline :(
self.created_at.timestamp_millis().max(0) as u64
impl GroupHandle {
pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
loop {
debug!("Opening streaming API socket");
let mut next_save = Instant::now() + PERIODIC_SAVE; // so we save at start
let mut events = self.client.streaming_user().await?;
let socket_open_time = Instant::now();
let mut last_rx = Instant::now();
let mut last_ping = Instant::now();
match self.catch_up_with_missed_notifications().await {
Ok(true) => {
debug!("Some missed notifs handled");
Ok(false) => {
debug!("No notifs missed");
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to handle missed notifs: {}", e);
match self.catch_up_with_missed_statuses().await {
Ok(true) => {
debug!("Some missed statuses handled");
Ok(false) => {
debug!("No statuses missed");
Err(e) => {
error!("Failed to handle missed statuses: {}", e);
if self.config.is_dirty() {
// save asap
next_save = Instant::now() - PERIODIC_SAVE
'rx: loop {
if next_save < Instant::now() {
trace!("Save time elapsed, saving if needed");
self.save_if_needed().await.log_error("Failed to save group");
next_save = Instant::now() + PERIODIC_SAVE;
if last_rx.elapsed() > PING_INTERVAL * 2 {
warn!("Socket idle too long, close");
break 'rx;
if socket_open_time.elapsed() > Duration::from_secs(120) {
debug!("Socket open too long, closing");
break 'rx;
trace!("Waiting for message");
let timeout = next_save
match tokio::time::timeout(timeout, events.next()).await {
Ok(Some(event)) => {
last_rx = Instant::now();
debug!("(@{}) Event: {}", self.config.get_acct(), EventDisplay(&event));
match event {
Event::Update(status) => {
self.handle_status(status).await.log_error("Error handling a status");
Event::Notification(n) => {
self.handle_notification(n).await.log_error("Error handling a notification");
Event::Delete(_id) => {}
Event::FiltersChanged => {}
Event::Heartbeat => {}
Ok(None) => {
warn!("Group @{} socket closed, restarting...", self.config.get_acct());
break 'rx;
Err(_) => {
// Timeout so we can save if needed
if last_ping.elapsed() > PING_INTERVAL {
last_ping = Instant::now();
if events.send_ping()
.await.is_err() {
break 'rx;
warn!("Notif stream closed, will reopen");
async fn handle_notification(&mut self, n: Notification) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Handling notif #{}", n.id);
let ts = n.timestamp_millis();
let group_acct = self.config.get_acct().to_string();
let notif_user_id = &n.account.id;
let notif_acct = normalize_acct(&n.account.acct, &group_acct)?;
if notif_acct == group_acct {
debug!("This is our post, ignore that");
return Ok(());
if self.config.is_banned(&notif_acct) {
warn!("Notification actor {} is banned!", notif_acct);
return Ok(());
match n.notification_type {
NotificationType::Mention => {
if let Some(status) = n.status {
NotificationType::Follow => {
info!("New follower!");
// Just greet the user always
self.handle_new_follow(&notif_acct, notif_user_id).await;
// if self.config.is_member_or_admin(&notif_acct) {
// // Already joined, just doing something silly, ignore this
// debug!("User already a member, ignoring");
// } else {
// }
NotificationType::Favourite => {}
NotificationType::Reblog => {}
NotificationType::Other(_) => {}
/// Handle a non-mention status
async fn handle_status(&mut self, s: Status) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Handling status #{}", s.id);
let ts = s.timestamp_millis();
if s.visibility.is_private() {
debug!("Status is direct/private, discard");
return Ok(());
if !s.content.contains('#') {
debug!("No tags in status, discard");
return Ok(());
let group_user = self.config.get_acct();
let status_user = normalize_acct(&s.account.acct, group_user)?;
if status_user == group_user {
debug!("This is our post, discard");
return Ok(());
if s.content.contains("/add ")
|| s.content.contains("/remove ")
|| s.content.contains("\\add ")
|| s.content.contains("\\remove ")
debug!("Looks like a hashtag manipulation command, discard");
return Ok(());
if self.config.is_banned(&status_user) {
debug!("Status author @{} is banned.", status_user);
return Ok(());
if !self.config.is_member_or_admin(&status_user) {
debug!("Status author @{} is not a member.", status_user);
return Ok(());
let tags = crate::command::parse_status_tags(&s.content);
debug!("Tags in status: {:?}", tags);
'tags: for t in tags {
if self.config.is_tag_followed(&t) {
info!("REBLOG #{} STATUS", &t);
.log_error("Failed to reblog");
break 'tags; // do not reblog multiple times!
async fn follow_user(&mut self, id: &str) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
/// Catch up with missed notifications, returns true if any were handled
async fn catch_up_with_missed_notifications(&mut self) -> Result<bool, GroupError> {
let last_notif = self.config.get_last_notif();
let notifications = self.client.notifications().await?;
let mut iter = notifications.items_iter();
let mut notifs_to_handle = vec![];
// They are retrieved newest first, but we want oldest first for chronological handling
let mut num = 0;
while let Some(n) = iter.next_item().await {
let ts = n.timestamp_millis();
if ts <= last_notif {
break; // reached our last seen notif
debug!("Inspecting notif {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
num += 1;
warn!("Too many notifs missed to catch up!");
// sleep so we dont make the api angry
if notifs_to_handle.is_empty() {
return Ok(false);
debug!("{} notifications to catch up!", notifs_to_handle.len());
for n in notifs_to_handle {
debug!("Handling missed notification: {}", NotificationDisplay(&n));
self.handle_notification(n).await.log_error("Error handling a notification");
/// Catch up with missed statuses, returns true if any were handled
async fn catch_up_with_missed_statuses(&mut self) -> Result<bool, GroupError> {
let last_status = self.config.get_last_status();
let statuses = self.client.get_home_timeline().await?;
let mut iter = statuses.items_iter();
let mut statuses_to_handle = vec![];
// They are retrieved newest first, but we want oldest first for chronological handling
let mut newest_status = None;
let mut num = 0;
while let Some(s) = iter.next_item().await {
let ts = s.timestamp_millis();
if ts <= last_status {
break; // reached our last seen status (hopefully there arent any retro-bumped)
debug!("Inspecting status {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
if newest_status.is_none() {
newest_status = Some(ts);
if s.content.contains('#') && !s.visibility.is_private() {
num += 1;
warn!("Too many statuses missed to catch up!");
// sleep so we dont make the api angry
if let Some(ts) = newest_status {
if statuses_to_handle.is_empty() {
return Ok(false);
debug!("{} statuses to catch up!", statuses_to_handle.len());
for s in statuses_to_handle {
debug!("Handling missed status: {}", StatusDisplay(&s));
.log_error("Error handling a status");
async fn handle_mention_status(&mut self, status: Status) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let res = ProcessMention::run(self, status).await;
.log_error("Failed to save");
async fn handle_new_follow(&mut self, notif_acct: &str, notif_user_id: &str) {
let mut follow_back = false;
let text = if self.config.is_member_only() {
// Admins are listed without @, so they won't become handles here.
// Tagging all admins would be annoying.
let mut admins = self.config.get_admins().cloned().collect::<Vec<_>>();
@{user} Welcome! This group has posting restricted to members. \
If you'd like to join, please ask one of the group admins:\n\
user = notif_acct,
admins = admins.join(", ")
} else {
follow_back = true;
@{user} Welcome to the group! The group user will now follow you back to complete the sign-up. \
To share a post, tag the group user or use one of the group hashtags.\n\n\
Use /help for more info.",
user = notif_acct
let post = StatusBuilder::new()
.expect("error build status");
.log_error("Failed to post");
if follow_back {
.log_error("Failed to follow back");

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use crate::utils::acct_to_server;
mod command; mod command;
mod error; mod error;
mod group_handle; mod group_handler;
mod store; mod store;
mod utils; mod utils;

@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ pub(crate) struct Config {
} }
impl Config { impl Config {
pub(crate) fn iter_groups(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &GroupConfig> { // pub(crate) fn iter_groups(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &GroupConfig> {
self.groups.values() // self.groups.values()
} // }
pub(crate) fn get_group_config(&self, acct: &str) -> Option<&GroupConfig> { pub(crate) fn get_group_config(&self, acct: &str) -> Option<&GroupConfig> {
self.groups.get(acct) self.groups.get(acct)
@ -103,9 +103,11 @@ impl GroupConfig {
} }
pub(crate) fn set_appdata(&mut self, appdata: AppData) { pub(crate) fn set_appdata(&mut self, appdata: AppData) {
self.appdata = appdata; if self.appdata != appdata {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
} }
self.appdata = appdata;
pub(crate) fn get_admins(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &String> { pub(crate) fn get_admins(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &String> {
self.admin_users.iter() self.admin_users.iter()
@ -120,18 +122,22 @@ impl GroupConfig {
} }
pub(crate) fn set_last_notif(&mut self, ts: u64) { pub(crate) fn set_last_notif(&mut self, ts: u64) {
self.last_notif_ts = self.last_notif_ts.max(ts); if self.last_notif_ts != ts {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
} }
self.last_notif_ts = self.last_notif_ts.max(ts);
pub(crate) fn get_last_notif(&self) -> u64 { pub(crate) fn get_last_notif(&self) -> u64 {
self.last_notif_ts self.last_notif_ts
} }
pub(crate) fn set_last_status(&mut self, ts: u64) { pub(crate) fn set_last_status(&mut self, ts: u64) {
self.last_status_ts = self.last_status_ts.max(ts); if self.last_status_ts != ts {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
} }
self.last_status_ts = self.last_status_ts.max(ts);
pub(crate) fn get_last_status(&self) -> u64 { pub(crate) fn get_last_status(&self) -> u64 {
self.last_status_ts self.last_status_ts
@ -177,77 +183,93 @@ impl GroupConfig {
} }
pub(crate) fn set_admin(&mut self, acct: &str, admin: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> { pub(crate) fn set_admin(&mut self, acct: &str, admin: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if admin { let change = if admin {
if self.is_banned(acct) { if self.is_banned(acct) {
return Err(GroupError::UserIsBanned); return Err(GroupError::UserIsBanned);
} }
self.admin_users.insert(acct.to_owned()); self.admin_users.insert(acct.to_owned())
} else { } else {
self.admin_users.remove(acct); self.admin_users.remove(acct)
} };
if change {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
pub(crate) fn set_member(&mut self, acct: &str, member: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> { pub(crate) fn set_member(&mut self, acct: &str, member: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if member { let change = if member {
if self.is_banned(acct) { if self.is_banned(acct) {
return Err(GroupError::UserIsBanned); return Err(GroupError::UserIsBanned);
} }
self.member_users.insert(acct.to_owned()); self.member_users.insert(acct.to_owned())
} else { } else {
self.member_users.remove(acct); self.member_users.remove(acct)
} };
if change {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
pub(crate) fn ban_user(&mut self, acct: &str, ban: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> { pub(crate) fn ban_user(&mut self, acct: &str, ban: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
let mut change = false;
if ban { if ban {
if self.is_admin(acct) { if self.is_admin(acct) {
return Err(GroupError::UserIsAdmin); return Err(GroupError::UserIsAdmin);
} }
self.banned_users.insert(acct.to_owned()); // Banned user is also kicked
change |= self.member_users.remove(acct);
change |= self.banned_users.insert(acct.to_owned());
} else { } else {
self.banned_users.remove(acct); change |= self.banned_users.remove(acct);
if change {
} }
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
pub(crate) fn ban_server(&mut self, server: &str, ban: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> { pub(crate) fn ban_server(&mut self, server: &str, ban: bool) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
if ban { let changed = if ban {
for acct in &self.admin_users { for acct in &self.admin_users {
let acct_server = acct_to_server(acct); let acct_server = acct_to_server(acct);
if acct_server == server { if acct_server == server {
return Err(GroupError::AdminsOnServer); return Err(GroupError::AdminsOnServer);
} }
} }
self.banned_servers.insert(server.to_owned()); self.banned_servers.insert(server.to_owned())
} else { } else {
self.banned_servers.remove(server); self.banned_servers.remove(server)
} };
if changed {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
Ok(()) Ok(())
} }
pub(crate) fn add_tag(&mut self, tag: &str) { pub(crate) fn add_tag(&mut self, tag: &str) {
self.group_tags.insert(tag.to_string()); if self.group_tags.insert(tag.to_string()) {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
} }
pub(crate) fn remove_tag(&mut self, tag: &str) { pub(crate) fn remove_tag(&mut self, tag: &str) {
self.group_tags.remove(tag); if self.group_tags.remove(tag) {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
} }
pub(crate) fn is_tag_followed(&self, tag: &str) -> bool { pub(crate) fn is_tag_followed(&self, tag: &str) -> bool {
self.group_tags.contains(tag) self.group_tags.contains(tag)
} }
pub(crate) fn set_member_only(&mut self, member_only: bool) { pub(crate) fn set_member_only(&mut self, member_only: bool) {
self.member_only = member_only; if self.member_only != member_only {
self.mark_dirty(); self.mark_dirty();
} }
self.member_only = member_only;
pub(crate) fn is_member_only(&self) -> bool { pub(crate) fn is_member_only(&self) -> bool {
self.member_only self.member_only

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use data::{Config, GroupConfig}; use data::{Config, GroupConfig};
use crate::error::GroupError; use crate::error::GroupError;
use crate::group_handle::GroupHandle; use crate::group_handler::GroupHandle;
use std::time::Duration; use std::time::Duration;
pub(crate) mod data; pub(crate) mod data;
@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ impl ConfigStore {
//noinspection RsSelfConvention //noinspection RsSelfConvention
/// Set group config to the store. The store then saved. /// Set group config to the store. The store then saved.
pub(crate) async fn set_group_config(&self, config: GroupConfig) -> Result<(), GroupError> { pub(crate) async fn set_group_config(&self, config: GroupConfig) -> Result<(), GroupError> {
debug!("Locking mutex"); trace!("Locking mutex");
if let Ok(mut data) = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), self.data.write()).await { if let Ok(mut data) = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), self.data.write()).await {
debug!("Locked"); trace!("Locked");
data.set_group_config(config); data.set_group_config(config);
debug!("Writing file"); trace!("Writing file");
self.persist(&data).await?; self.persist(&data).await?;
} else { } else {
error!("DEADLOCK? Timeout waiting for data RW Lock in settings store"); error!("DEADLOCK? Timeout waiting for data RW Lock in settings store");

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
use std::borrow::Cow; use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error::Error; use std::error::Error;
use elefren::status_builder::Visibility;
use crate::error::GroupError; use crate::error::GroupError;
pub trait LogError { pub trait LogError {
@ -82,3 +84,14 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(Err(GroupError::BadConfig("_".into())), normalize_acct("piggo", "uhh")); assert_eq!(Err(GroupError::BadConfig("_".into())), normalize_acct("piggo", "uhh"));
} }
} }
pub trait VisExt: Copy {
/// Check if is private or direct
fn is_private(self) -> bool;
impl VisExt for Visibility {
fn is_private(self) -> bool {
self == Visibility::Direct || self == Visibility::Private
