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] |
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use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}; |
use std::convert::TryFrom; |
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32; |
use std::borrow::Cow; |
pub type DebugMsg = Cow<'static, str>; |
/// Immediate value
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub struct Value(pub i64); |
impl From<i64> for Value { |
fn from(n: i64) -> Self { |
Self(n) |
} |
} |
impl Display for Value { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
if f.alternate() { |
write!(f, "{:#010x}", self.0) |
} else { |
write!(f, "{}", self.0) |
} |
} |
} |
impl Value { |
pub fn as_u64(self) -> u64 { |
u64::from_ne_bytes(self.0.to_ne_bytes()) |
} |
pub fn as_u32(self) -> Option<u32> { |
u32::try_from(self.as_u64()).ok() |
} |
pub fn as_i32(self) -> Option<i32> { |
i32::try_from(self.0).ok() |
} |
} |
/// Immediate address
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub struct Addr(pub u64); |
impl Display for Addr { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
write!(f, "@{:#010x}", self.0) |
} |
} |
impl From<u64> for Addr { |
fn from(n: u64) -> Self { |
Self(n) |
} |
} |
/// Label name
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub enum Label { |
Named(String), |
Numbered(u32), |
} |
impl Label { |
/// Generate a unique numbered label from a counter
pub fn unique(counter : &AtomicU32) -> Self { |
Label::Numbered(counter.fetch_add(1, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed)) |
} |
} |
impl Display for Label { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
match self { |
Label::Named(name) => write!(f, ":{}", name), |
Label::Numbered(num) => write!(f, ":#{}", num), |
} |
} |
} |
impl From<&str> for Label { |
fn from(n: &str) -> Self { |
Self::Named(n.to_string()) |
} |
} |
impl From<String> for Label { |
fn from(n: String) -> Self { |
Self::Named(n) |
} |
} |
/// Routine name
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub struct RoutineName(pub String); |
impl Display for RoutineName { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
write!(f, "{}", self.0) |
} |
} |
impl From<&str> for RoutineName { |
fn from(n: &str) -> Self { |
Self(n.to_string()) |
} |
} |
impl From<String> for RoutineName { |
fn from(n: String) -> Self { |
Self(n) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
//! Mask applied to a data source or destination
use crate::error::AsmError; |
/// Bit mask to apply to a value
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub struct Mask { |
/// Length of the selected bit slice
len: u8, |
/// Offset of the selected bit slice from bit zero
offset: u8, |
} |
impl Default for Mask { |
fn default() -> Self { |
Mask { |
len: 64, |
offset: 0 |
} |
} |
} |
impl Mask { |
pub const BYTE: Mask = Mask { |
len: 8, |
offset: 0, |
}; |
pub const HALF_WORD: Mask = Mask { |
len: 16, |
offset: 0, |
}; |
pub const WORD: Mask = Mask { |
len: 32, |
offset: 0, |
}; |
pub const DOUBLE_WORD: Mask = Mask { |
len: 64, |
offset: 0, |
}; |
pub const FULL: Mask = Self::DOUBLE_WORD; |
pub fn new(len: u8, offset: u8) -> Result<Self, AsmError> { |
if len == 0 || offset >= 64 { |
// create the invalid mask to display it in the error
return Err(AsmError::BadMask(Mask { |
len, |
offset |
})); |
} |
Ok(Self { |
len: len.min(64 - offset), |
offset, |
}) |
} |
/// Get a binary mask representing the span
pub fn as_bitmask(self) -> u64 { |
((1 << self.len) - 1) << self.offset |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ |
use super::error::AsmError; |
pub(crate) mod literal; |
mod reg; |
mod mask; |
pub use reg::Register; |
pub use mask::Mask; |
use literal::Addr; |
use std::convert::TryFrom; |
use crate::data::literal::Value; |
/// Data source disposition
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub enum DataDisp { |
/// Constant value
Immediate(Value), |
/// Constant memory address
ImmediatePtr(Addr), |
/// Register
Register(Register), |
/// Pointer into memory, stored in a numbered register
RegisterPtr(Register), |
} |
/// Data source disposition
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub enum SrcDisp { |
/// Constant value
Immediate(Value), |
/// Constant memory address
ImmediatePtr(Addr), |
/// Register
Register(Register), |
/// Pointer into memory, stored in a numbered register
RegisterPtr(Register), |
} |
impl TryFrom<DataDisp> for SrcDisp { |
type Error = AsmError; |
fn try_from(value: DataDisp) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { |
match value { |
DataDisp::Immediate(x) => Ok(SrcDisp::Immediate(x)), |
DataDisp::ImmediatePtr(x) => Ok(SrcDisp::ImmediatePtr(x)), |
DataDisp::Register(x) => Ok(SrcDisp::Register(x)), |
DataDisp::RegisterPtr(x) => Ok(SrcDisp::RegisterPtr(x)), |
} |
} |
} |
/// Data destination disposition
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub enum DstDisp { |
/// Constant memory address
ImmediatePtr(Addr), |
/// Register
Register(Register), |
/// Pointer into memory, stored in a numbered register
RegisterPtr(Register), |
} |
impl TryFrom<DataDisp> for DstDisp { |
type Error = AsmError; |
fn try_from(value: DataDisp) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> { |
match value { |
DataDisp::Immediate(_x) => Err(AsmError::ValueAsOutput), |
DataDisp::ImmediatePtr(x) => Ok(DstDisp::ImmediatePtr(x)), |
DataDisp::Register(x) => Ok(DstDisp::Register(x)), |
DataDisp::RegisterPtr(x) => Ok(DstDisp::RegisterPtr(x)), |
} |
} |
} |
/// Data source argument (read-only)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub struct Rd(pub SrcDisp, pub Mask); |
impl Rd { |
pub fn new(src : SrcDisp) -> Self { |
Rd(src, Mask::default()) |
} |
} |
/// Data destination argument (read-write)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub struct Wr(pub DstDisp, pub Mask); |
impl Wr { |
pub fn new(dst : DstDisp) -> Self { |
Wr(dst, Mask::default()) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}; |
/// Register name
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub enum Register { |
/// Argument register, read-only
Arg(u8), |
/// Result register, read-only
Res(u8), |
/// General purpose register
Gen(u8) |
} |
impl Display for Register { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
match self { |
Register::Arg(n) => write!(f, "arg{}", n), |
Register::Res(n) => write!(f, "res{}", n), |
Register::Gen(n) => write!(f, "r{}", n), |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ |
use crate::instr::{Cond}; |
use crate::data::{Mask, Register}; |
use thiserror::Error; |
use std::borrow::Cow; |
/// csn_asm unified error type
#[derive(Error,Debug)] |
pub enum Error { |
#[error("S-expression syntax error: {0:?}")] |
PreParse(#[from] Box<sexp::Error>), |
#[error("Parse error: {0:?}")] |
Parse(Cow<'static, str>), |
#[error("Parse error in {1:?}: {0:?}")] |
ParseIn(Cow<'static, str>, sexp::Sexp), |
#[error("Assembler error: {0:?}")] |
Asm(AsmError), |
#[error("Architecture error: {0:?}")] |
Arch(ArchError), |
#[error(transparent)] |
Other(#[from] anyhow::Error), |
} |
/// Error from the assembler stage (after parsing S-expressions and basic validation)
#[derive(Error,Debug)] |
pub enum AsmError { |
#[error("Unknown instruction")] |
UnknownInstruction, |
#[error("Bad bit mask")] |
BadMask(Mask), |
#[error("Uneven operand size")] |
UnevenOperandSize(Mask, Mask), |
#[error("Value provided as output argument")] |
ValueAsOutput, |
#[error("Conditional branch already defined for \"{0}\"")] |
ConditionalAlreadyUsed(Cond), |
} |
/// Architectural error - the code is syntactically OK, but cannot run
#[derive(Error,Debug)] |
pub enum ArchError { |
#[error("Register {0} does not exist")] |
RegisterNotExist(Register), |
#[error("Register {0} is not writable")] |
RegisterNotWritable(Register), |
#[error("Register {0} is not readable")] |
RegisterNotReadable(Register), |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ |
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter}; |
use std::ops::Not; |
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] |
pub enum Cond { |
Equal, |
NotEqual, |
Zero, |
NotZero, |
Less, |
LessOrEqual, |
Greater, |
GreaterOrEqual, |
Positive, |
NonPositive, |
Negative, |
NonNegative, |
Overflow, |
NotOverflow, |
Carry, |
NotCarry, |
} |
impl Display for Cond { |
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { |
f.write_str(match self { |
Cond::Equal => "eq", |
Cond::NotEqual => "ne", |
Cond::Zero => "z", |
Cond::NotZero => "nz", |
Cond::Less => "lt", |
Cond::LessOrEqual => "le", |
Cond::Greater => "gt", |
Cond::GreaterOrEqual => "ge", |
Cond::Positive => "pos", |
Cond::Negative => "neg", |
Cond::NonPositive => "npos", |
Cond::NonNegative => "nneg", |
Cond::Overflow => "ov", |
Cond::Carry => "c", |
Cond::NotCarry => "nc", |
Cond::NotOverflow => "nov" |
}) |
} |
} |
impl Not for Cond { |
type Output = Cond; |
fn not(self) -> Self::Output { |
match self { |
Cond::Equal => Cond::NotEqual, |
Cond::Zero => Cond::NotZero, |
Cond::Overflow => Cond::NotOverflow, |
Cond::Carry => Cond::NotCarry, |
Cond::Positive => Cond::NonPositive, |
Cond::Negative => Cond::NonNegative, |
Cond::NonPositive => Cond::Positive, |
Cond::NonNegative => Cond::Negative, |
Cond::NotEqual => Cond::Equal, |
Cond::NotZero => Cond::Zero, |
Cond::NotOverflow => Cond::Overflow, |
Cond::NotCarry => Cond::Carry, |
Cond::Less => Cond::GreaterOrEqual, |
Cond::Greater => Cond::LessOrEqual, |
Cond::LessOrEqual => Cond::Greater, |
Cond::GreaterOrEqual => Cond::Less, |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
mod op; |
mod cond; |
pub use op::Op; |
pub use cond::Cond; |
use crate::data::literal::{Label, RoutineName}; |
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU32}; |
use std::collections::HashMap; |
use crate::error::{AsmError, Error}; |
/// A higher-level instruction
pub struct Instr { |
pub op: Op, |
pub branches: Option<Vec<(Cond, Vec<Instr>)>>, |
} |
/// A routine
pub struct Routine { |
pub name: RoutineName, |
pub body: Vec<Instr>, |
} |
/// A trait for something that can turn into multiple instructions
pub trait Flatten { |
fn flatten(self, label_num: &AtomicU32) -> Result<Vec<Op>, Error>; |
} |
impl Flatten for Instr { |
fn flatten(self, label_num: &AtomicU32) -> Result<Vec<Op>, Error> { |
let mut ops = vec![self.op]; |
if let Some(branches) = self.branches { |
let labels = HashMap::<Cond, u32>::new(); |
let _branch_count = branches.len(); |
for (_cnt, (cond, branch)) in branches.into_iter().enumerate() { |
if labels.contains_key(&cond) { |
return Err(Error::Asm(AsmError::ConditionalAlreadyUsed(cond))); |
} |
let next_lbl = Label::unique(label_num); |
ops.push(Op::JumpIf(!cond, next_lbl.clone())); |
for branch_instr in branch { |
ops.extend(branch_instr.flatten(label_num)?); |
} |
ops.push(Op::Label(next_lbl)); |
} |
} |
Ok(ops) |
} |
} |
impl Flatten for Routine { |
fn flatten(self, label_num: &AtomicU32) -> Result<Vec<Op>, Error> { |
let mut ops = vec![ |
Op::Routine(, |
]; |
for instr in self.body { |
ops.extend(instr.flatten(label_num)?); |
} |
ops.push(Op::Barrier(Some(format!("Routine \"{}\" overrun",; |
Ok(ops) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ |
use crate::data::{ |
Wr, Rd, |
literal::Label, |
literal::RoutineName, |
literal::DebugMsg, |
}; |
use crate::instr::{Cond}; |
/// A low level instruction
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)] |
pub enum Op { |
/* Marker instructions */ |
/// Mark a jump target.
/// Is optimized out when jumps are replaced by relative skips
Label(Label), |
/// Mark a far jump target (can be jumped to from another routine).
/// This label is preserved in optimized code.
FarLabel(Label), |
/* Control flow */ |
/// Jump to a label
Jump(Label), |
/// Jump to a label that can be in another function
FarJump(Label), |
/// Call a routine with arguments
Call(RoutineName, Vec<Rd>), |
/// Exit the current routine with return values
Ret(Vec<Rd>), |
/* Synthetic instructions */ |
/// Mark a routine entry point (call target)
Routine(RoutineName), |
/// Skip backward or forward
Skip(Rd), |
/// Jump to a label if a flag is set
JumpIf(Cond, Label), |
/// Deny jumps, skips and run across this address, producing a run-time fault with a message.
Barrier(Option<DebugMsg>), |
/// Generate a run-time fault with a debugger message
Fault(Option<DebugMsg>), |
/* Arithmetic */ |
/// Copy a value
Mov(Wr, Rd), |
/// Compare two values and set conditional flags
Cmp(Rd, Rd), |
// Increment a value
Inc(Wr), |
// Decrement a value
Dec(Wr), |
// TODO arithmetics, bit manipulation, byte operations
} |
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ |
mod data; |
mod error; |
mod instr; |
mod parse; |
mod patches; |
pub use parse::parse; |
#[cfg(test)] |
mod tests { |
use crate::parse; |
use crate::instr::{Op, Flatten}; |
use crate::data::{Wr, DstDisp, Register, SrcDisp, Rd}; |
use crate::data::literal::{Value, Addr}; |
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32; |
#[test] |
fn test_parse_empty() { |
let parsed = parse(" |
() |
").unwrap(); |
assert_eq!(Vec::<Op>::new(), parsed); |
} |
#[test] |
fn test_parse_empty_routine() { |
let parsed = parse(" |
( |
(hello) |
) |
").unwrap(); |
assert_eq!(vec![ |
Op::Routine("hello".into()), |
Op::Barrier(Some("Routine \"hello\" overrun".into())) |
], parsed); |
let parsed = parse(" |
( |
(hello) |
(world) |
) |
").unwrap(); |
assert_eq!(vec![ |
Op::Routine("hello".into()), |
Op::Barrier(Some("Routine \"hello\" overrun".into())), |
Op::Routine("world".into()), |
Op::Barrier(Some("Routine \"world\" overrun".into())) |
], parsed); |
} |
#[test] |
fn test_parse_data_formats() { |
let parsed = parse(" |
( |
(move |
(mov r0 r1) |
(mov r15 7) |
(mov r15 0xabcd) |
(mov r7 0b11110000) |
(mov r7 arg1) |
(mov r255 arg255) |
(mov r7 res0) |
(mov r7 res255) |
(mov @r0 @r0) ; test in both Rd and Wr positions |
(mov @r0 @arg0) |
(mov @r0 @res0) |
(mov @123456 @0x123456) |
(mov @0b010101 @0b010101) |
) |
) |
").unwrap(); |
assert_eq!(vec![ |
Op::Routine("move".into()), |
// (mov r0 r1)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(0))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Register(Register::Gen(1))), |
), |
// (mov r15 7)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(15))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Immediate(Value(7))), |
), |
// (mov r15 0xabcd)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(15))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Immediate(Value(0xabcd))), |
), |
// (mov r7 0b11110000)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(7))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Immediate(Value(0b11110000))), |
), |
// (mov r7 arg1)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(7))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Register(Register::Arg(1))), |
), |
// (mov r255 arg255)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(255))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Register(Register::Arg(255))), |
), |
// (mov r7 res0)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(7))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Register(Register::Res(0))), |
), |
// (mov r7 res255)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(7))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Register(Register::Res(255))), |
), |
// (mov @r0 @r0)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::RegisterPtr(Register::Gen(0))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::RegisterPtr(Register::Gen(0))), |
), |
// (mov @r0 @arg0)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::RegisterPtr(Register::Gen(0))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::RegisterPtr(Register::Arg(0))), |
), |
// (mov @r0 @res0)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::RegisterPtr(Register::Gen(0))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::RegisterPtr(Register::Res(0))), |
), |
// (mov @123456 @0x123456)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::ImmediatePtr(Addr(123456))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::ImmediatePtr(Addr(0x123456))), |
), |
// (mov @0b010101 @0b010101)
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::ImmediatePtr(Addr(0b010101))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::ImmediatePtr(Addr(0b010101))), |
), |
Op::Barrier(Some("Routine \"move\" overrun".into())), |
], parsed); |
} |
fn parse_single_instr(src : &str) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Op>> { |
let num = AtomicU32::new(0); |
Ok(parse::parse_instructions(vec![sexp::parse(src)?])?.remove(0).flatten(&num)?) |
} |
#[test] |
fn test_parse_single() { |
let parsed = parse_single_instr("(mov r0 r1)").unwrap(); |
assert_eq!(vec![ |
Op::Mov( |
Wr::new(DstDisp::Register(Register::Gen(0))), |
Rd::new(SrcDisp::Register(Register::Gen(1))), |
), |
], parsed); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
use crate::instr::{Routine, Op, Flatten}; |
use crate::error::Error; |
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU32; |
use crate::parse::sexp_expect::expect_list; |
mod parse_cond; |
mod parse_instr; |
mod parse_data; |
mod parse_routines; |
mod sexp_expect; |
mod parse_op; |
use parse_routines::parse_routines; |
pub use parse_instr::parse_instructions; |
pub fn parse(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Op>, Error> { |
let root = sexp::parse(source)?; |
let subs: Vec<Routine> = parse_routines(expect_list(Some(root), true)?)?; |
let mut combined = vec![]; |
let label_num = AtomicU32::new(0); |
for sub in subs { |
combined.extend(sub.flatten(&label_num)?); |
} |
Ok(combined) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ |
use crate::parse::sexp_expect::{expect_list, expect_string_atom}; |
use sexp::Sexp; |
use crate::instr::{Cond, Instr}; |
use crate::error::Error; |
use crate::parse::parse_instr::parse_instructions; |
use crate::patches::TryRemove; |
pub fn parse_cond_branch(tok: Sexp) -> Result<(Cond, Vec<Instr>), Error> { |
let mut list = expect_list(Some(tok), false)?; |
let kw = expect_string_atom(list.try_remove(0))?; |
if !kw.ends_with('?') { |
return Err(Error::Parse(format!("Condition must end with '?': {}", kw).into())); |
} |
Ok((parse_cond(&kw)?, parse_instructions(list)?)) |
} |
pub fn parse_cond(text: &str) -> Result<Cond, Error> { |
Ok(match text.trim_end_matches('?') { |
"eq" | "=" | "==" => Cond::Equal, |
"ne" | "<>" | "!=" | "≠" => Cond::NotEqual, |
"z" | "0" => Cond::Zero, |
"nz" | "<>0" | "!0" => Cond::NotZero, |
"lt" | "<" => Cond::Less, |
"le" | "<=" | "≤" => Cond::LessOrEqual, |
"gt" => Cond::Greater, |
"ge" | ">=" | "≥" => Cond::GreaterOrEqual, |
"pos" | "+" | ">0" => Cond::Positive, |
"neg" | "-" | "<0" => Cond::Negative, |
"npos" | "!+" | "0-" | "<=0" | "≥0" => Cond::NonPositive, |
"nneg" | "!-" | "0+" | ">=0" | "≤0" => Cond::NonNegative, |
"ov" | "^" => Cond::Overflow, |
"c" => Cond::Carry, |
"nc" | "!c" => Cond::NotCarry, |
"nov" | "!ov" | "!^" => Cond::NotOverflow, |
_ => { |
return Err(Error::Parse(format!("Unknown cond: {}", text).into())); |
} |
}) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ |
use sexp::{Sexp, Atom}; |
use crate::data::{DataDisp, Register, Rd, Mask, Wr, DstDisp, SrcDisp}; |
use crate::error::Error; |
use crate::data::literal::{Value, Addr, Label}; |
use std::convert::TryFrom; |
use crate::parse::sexp_expect::expect_string_atom; |
pub fn parse_label(name : Option<Sexp>) -> Result<Label, Error> { |
let name = expect_string_atom(name)?; |
Ok(Label::Named(name.trim_start_matches(':').into())) |
} |
/// Parse data disposition (address/value, without the read/write restriction)
pub fn parse_data_disp(tok: Option<Sexp>) -> Result<DataDisp, Error> { |
let tok = if let Some(tok) = tok { |
tok |
} else { |
return Err(Error::Parse("Expected data disposition token".into())); |
}; |
// TODO implement masks
match &tok { |
Sexp::Atom(Atom::I(val)) => { |
Ok(DataDisp::Immediate(Value(*val))) |
}, |
Sexp::Atom(Atom::S(s)) => { |
if let Some(reference) = s.strip_prefix('@') { |
if reference.starts_with(|c : char| c.is_ascii_digit()) { |
let val : u64 = parse_u64(reference)?; |
Ok(DataDisp::ImmediatePtr(Addr(val))) |
} else { |
Ok(DataDisp::RegisterPtr(parse_reg(reference)?)) |
} |
} else if s.starts_with(|c : char| c.is_ascii_digit()) { |
Ok(DataDisp::Immediate(Value(parse_i64(s)?))) |
} else { |
Ok(DataDisp::Register(parse_reg(s)?)) |
} |
}, |
_ => { |
Err(Error::Parse(format!("bad data disp: {:?}", tok).into())) |
}, |
} |
} |
pub fn parse_reg(name : &str) -> anyhow::Result<Register> { |
if let Some(rn) = name.strip_prefix("arg") { |
let val : u8 = rn.parse()?; |
Ok(Register::Arg(val)) |
} else if let Some(rn) = name.strip_prefix("res") { |
let val : u8 = rn.parse()?; |
Ok(Register::Res(val)) |
} else if let Some(rn) = name.strip_prefix("r") { |
let val : u8 = rn.parse()?; |
Ok(Register::Gen(val)) |
} else { |
Err(Error::Parse(format!("Bad reg name: {}", name).into()))? |
} |
} |
pub fn parse_u64(literal : &str) -> anyhow::Result<u64> { |
if let Some(hex) = literal.strip_prefix("0x") { |
Ok(u64::from_str_radix(hex, 16)?) |
} else if let Some(hex) = literal.strip_prefix("0b") { |
Ok(u64::from_str_radix(hex, 2)?) |
} else { |
Ok(u64::from_str_radix(literal, 10)?) |
} |
} |
pub fn parse_i64(literal : &str) -> anyhow::Result<i64> { |
if let Some(_value) = literal.strip_prefix("-") { |
Ok(-1 * i64::try_from(parse_u64(literal)?)?) |
} else { |
Ok(i64::try_from(parse_u64(literal)?)?) |
} |
} |
pub fn parse_rd(tok: Option<Sexp>) -> anyhow::Result<Rd> { |
Ok(Rd(SrcDisp::try_from(parse_data_disp(tok)?)?, Mask::default())) |
} |
pub fn parse_wr(tok: Option<Sexp>) -> anyhow::Result<Wr> { |
Ok(Wr(DstDisp::try_from(parse_data_disp(tok)?)?, Mask::default())) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ |
use sexp::Sexp; |
use crate::instr::{Instr, Op}; |
use crate::error::Error; |
use crate::parse::parse_cond::{parse_cond_branch, parse_cond}; |
use crate::data::literal::{Label, RoutineName}; |
use crate::parse::parse_data::{parse_rd, parse_wr}; |
use crate::parse::sexp_expect::{expect_list, expect_string_atom}; |
use crate::patches::SexpIsA; |
use super::parse_op::parse_op; |
pub fn parse_instructions(instrs: Vec<Sexp>) -> Result<Vec<Instr>, Error> { |
let mut parsed = vec![]; |
for expr in instrs { |
let tokens = expect_list(Some(expr), false)?; |
let mut toki = tokens.into_iter(); |
let mut name = expect_string_atom(; |
let far = if name == "far" { |
name = expect_string_atom(; |
true |
} else { |
false |
}; |
let arg_tokens = toki.clone().take_while(|e| e.is_atom()); |
let branch_tokens = toki |
.skip_while(|e| e.is_atom()) |
.take_while(|e| e.is_list()); |
let branches = { |
let mut branches = vec![]; |
for t in branch_tokens { |
branches.push(parse_cond_branch(t)?); |
} |
if branches.is_empty() { |
None |
} else { |
Some(branches) |
} |
}; |
parsed.push(Instr { |
op: parse_op(name.as_str(), far, arg_tokens)?, |
branches |
}); |
} |
Ok(parsed) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ |
use crate::instr::Op; |
use sexp::Sexp; |