My fork of airsonic with experimental fixes and improvements. See branch "custom"
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Release Steps

  1. Ensure changelog is up to date

  2. Create a new minor branch if not already exists. Checkout branch

     git checkout -b release-X.Y
  3. Bump the maven pom

     mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y.Z-RELEASE
  4. Commit maven pom changes

  5. Create a new tag

     git tag -s vX.Y.Z -m 'Release vX.Y.Z' 
  6. Package

     mvn clean verify -P docker,sign
  7. push up branch and tag

     git push origin vX.Y.Z
     git push -u origin release-X.Y
  8. Create new release on github

    • Draft new Relase
    • Choose existing tag
    • Title is "Airsonic X.Y.Z"
    • Contents are the relevant entry of the file
    • Upload airsonic.war and airsonic.war.asc
  9. Update latest docker tag

     docker tag airsonic/airsonic:X.Y.Z-RELEASE airsonic/airsonic:latest
  10. Docker login with airsonic credentials in airsonic-passwords repo

    docker login
  11. Push images

    docker push airsonic/airsonic:X.Y.Z-RELEASE
    docker push airsonic/airsonic:latest
  12. Checkout master branch and bump maven version to next snapshot version

    git checkout master
    mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Y+1.0-SNAPSHOT
  13. Git commit and push