Thanks for reporting a problem with Airsonic! Please complete all of the
following sections to make it easier to assist you.
## Problem description
*Describe your problem here. Describe what you want to happen, and what happens
if you try to do it. If you have a stack trace or any logs, please format them using
github's triple-backquote notation, or if they are large you may also consider
attaching them as a file or gist.*
### Steps to reproduce
*Describe how somebody else could observe the same behavior you do. If possible,
include relevant configuration or files that cause the problem. If sharing media
files, ensure you are legally permitted to share copies!*
1. *Frobnicate the Quux widget*
2. *Enable the turbo encabulator*
3. *Wait between 5 and 30 minutes for it to crash*
## System information
* **Airsonic version**: *the version listed on the About page*
* **Operating system**: *the operating system you're running Airsonic on.
Linux, what distribution; Windows or Mac, what version?*
* **Java version**: *the Java version you are using to run Airsonic.*
* **Proxy server**: *if running Airsonic behind a proxy, what server and
version? Otherwise,* None
* **Client**: *what browser and version you use to access the Airsonic web
interface, or the name and version of another app you're using.*
* **Language**: *which langauge/internationalization is in use*
## Additional notes
*Include any extra notes here. Otherwise you may remove this section.*