A simple library for building and parsing data frames for serial interfaces (like UART / RS232)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

88 lines
1.9 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "TinyFrame.h"
typedef unsigned char* pu8;
static void dumpFrame(const uint8_t *buff, TF_LEN len);
* This function should be defined in the application code.
* It implements the lowest layer - sending bytes to UART (or other)
void TF_WriteImpl(const uint8_t *buff, TF_LEN len)
printf("\033[32mTF_WriteImpl - sending frame:\033[0m\n");
dumpFrame(buff, len);
// Send it back as if we received it
TF_Accept(buff, len);
/** An example listener function */
bool myListener(TF_MSG *msg)
printf("\033[33mRX frame\n"
" type: %02Xh\n"
" data: \"%.*s\"\n"
" len: %u\n"
" id: %Xh\033[0m\n",
msg->type, msg->len, msg->data, msg->len, msg->frame_id);
return true;
bool testIdListener(TF_MSG *msg)
printf("OK - ID Listener triggered for msg (type %02X, id %Xh)!",
msg->type, msg->frame_id);
return true;
void main(void)
// Set up the TinyFrame library
TF_Init(TF_MASTER); // 1 = master, 0 = slave
printf("------ Simulate sending a message --------\n");
TF_MSG msg;
msg.type = 0x22;
msg.data = (pu8)"Hello TinyFrame";
msg.len = 16;
TF_Send(&msg, NULL, 0);
const char *longstr = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.";
msg.type = 0x33;
msg.data = (pu8)longstr;
msg.len = strlen(longstr)+1; // add the null byte
TF_Send(&msg, NULL, 0);
msg.type = 0x44;
msg.data = (pu8)"Hello2";
msg.len = 7;
TF_Send(&msg, NULL, 0);
msg.len = 0;
msg.type = 0x77;
TF_Send(&msg, testIdListener, 0);
// helper func for testing
static void dumpFrame(const uint8_t *buff, TF_LEN len)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
printf("%3u \033[34m%02X\033[0m", buff[i], buff[i]);
if (buff[i] >= 0x20 && buff[i] < 127) {
printf(" %c", buff[i]);
} else {
printf(" \033[31m.\033[0m");
printf("--- end of frame ---\n");