3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
3.4 KiB

package net.sector.gui.panels;
import net.sector.App;
import net.sector.Constants;
import net.sector.GameConfig;
import net.sector.LoadingManager;
import net.sector.effects.Effects;
import net.sector.fonts.FontManager;
import net.sector.gui.screens.Screen;
import net.sector.gui.screens.ScreenMenuMain;
import net.sector.util.Align;
import com.porcupine.color.RGB;
import com.porcupine.coord.Coord;
* Splash panel
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
public class PanelSplash extends Panel {
private String shown = "";
private String remains = "SECTOR";
private String allOrig = remains;
private String subsplash = "";
private long counter = 0, finishedTimer = -1, finishedTimerD = 0;
* @param screen
public PanelSplash(Screen screen) {
public boolean isDeltaEnabled() {
return true;
public void onCreate() {
if (!GameConfig.enableSplash) {
shown = remains;
remains = "";
finishedTimer = 0;
public void onClose() {}
public void onWindowChanged() {}
public boolean hasBackgroundLayer() {
return false;
protected void renderPanel() {
Coord s = app.getSize();
double left = s.x / 2 - FontManager.width("splash", allOrig) / 2;
double down = (s.y / 2) - FontManager.height("splash") / 3 + 20;
Coord pos = new Coord(left, down);
boolean underscore = (counter % (Constants.FPS_UPDATE / 4) > (Constants.FPS_UPDATE / 4) / 2 && remains.length() > 0);
String txt = shown + (remains.length() == 0 ? "" : underscore ? "_" : " ");
FontManager.drawFuzzy(pos, txt, "splash", new RGB(0x0033ff, 0.3), new RGB(0x00ff00, 1), 8 * App.fs2(), Align.LEFT, false);
FontManager.drawFuzzy(new Coord(s.x / 2, down - FontManager.height("subsplash")), subsplash, "subsplash", new RGB(0x9999ff, 0.05), new RGB(
0xffffff), 2 * App.fs2(), Align.CENTER);
public void update() {
if (finishedTimer >= 0) finishedTimer++;
if (counter % ((int) (Constants.FPS_UPDATE / 1.5)) == 0 && remains.length() > 0) {
shown += remains.charAt(0);
remains = remains.substring(1);
if (remains.length() == 0) {
finishedTimer = 0;
if (finishedTimer == -1 && counter % (Constants.FPS_UPDATE / 10) == 0) {
//for(int i=0; i<5+rand.nextInt(5); i++) {
Effects.addBinaries(scene.particles, new Coord(-1.5 + rand.nextDouble() * 3, 2.2 + 0.8 * rand.nextDouble(), 0), 7);
// Effects.addExplosion(scene.particles, new Coord(-1.5 + rand.nextDouble() * 3, 2.3+0.6*rand.nextDouble(), 0), Vec.ZERO, 3, false, false, false);
//for(int i=0;i<10;i++) Effect.addStar(scene.particles, new Coord(-1 + rand.nextDouble() * 2, 2.6, 0));
if (finishedTimer == Constants.FPS_UPDATE * 1) {
subsplash = "Loading...";
if (finishedTimer > Constants.FPS_UPDATE * 2 && (finishedTimer - finishedTimerD) > Constants.FPS_UPDATE * 0.2) {
if (LoadingManager.hasMoreGroups()) {
finishedTimerD = finishedTimer;
} else {
app.replaceScreen(new ScreenMenuMain());
if (finishedTimer > Constants.FPS_UPDATE * 1.5) {
subsplash = LoadingManager.getSplashInfo();