//! This demo is a page visit counter, with a custom cookie name, length, and expiry time. //! //! The expiry time is set to 10 seconds to illustrate how a session is cleared if inactive. #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rocket::response::content::Html; use std::time::Duration; #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct SessionData { visits1: usize, visits2: usize, } // It's convenient to define a type alias: type Session<'a> = rocket_session::Session<'a, SessionData>; fn main() { rocket::ignite() .attach( Session::fairing() // 10 seconds of inactivity until session expires // (wait 10s and refresh, the numbers will reset) .with_lifetime(Duration::from_secs(10)) // custom cookie name and length .with_cookie_name("my_cookie") .with_cookie_len(20), ) .mount("/", routes![index, about]) .launch(); } #[get("/")] fn index(session: Session) -> Html { // Here we build the entire response inside the 'tap' closure. // While inside, the session is locked to parallel changes, e.g. // from a different browser tab. session.tap(|sess| { sess.visits1 += 1; Html(format!( r##"


Refreshgo to About

Visits: home {}, about {}

"##, sess.visits1, sess.visits2 )) }) } #[get("/about")] fn about(session: Session) -> Html { // Here we return a value from the tap function and use it below let count = session.tap(|sess| { sess.visits2 += 1; sess.visits2 }); Html(format!( r##"


Refreshgo home

Page visits: {}

"##, count )) }