# phpmodbus Implementation of the basic functionality of the Modbus TCP and UDP based protocol using PHP. This is a fork of the original project at https://code.google.com/p/phpmodbus/ > **What's new** > > This fork adds a namespace and fixes issues encountered when porting to PHP 7 Implemented features: * Modbus master * FC1 - Read coils * FC2 - Read input discretes * FC3 - Read holding registers * FC4 - Read holding input registers * FC5 - Write single coil * FC6 - Write single register * FC15 - Write multiple coils * FC16 - Write multiple registers * FC23 - Read/Write multiple registers Example: ```php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Phpmodbus/ModbusMaster.php'; // Modbus master UDP $modbus = new ModbusMaster("", "UDP"); // Read multiple registers try { $recData = $modbus->readMultipleRegisters(0, 12288, 5); } catch (Exception $e) { // Print error information if any echo $modbus; echo $e; exit; } // Print data in string format echo PhpType::bytes2string($recData); ``` For more see [http://code.google.com/p/phpmodbus/downloads/list documentation] or [http://code.google.com/p/phpmodbus/wiki/FAQ FAQ]. Note: * The PHP extension php_sockets.dll should be enabled (server php.ini file)