Turtle programming game that was never finished to a playable state (but had cute graphics and sounds)
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package net.tortuga.gui.widgets.input;
import net.tortuga.gui.widgets.IScrollable;
import net.tortuga.gui.widgets.IScrollbar;
import net.tortuga.gui.widgets.Widget;
import com.porcupine.coord.Coord;
import com.porcupine.coord.Rect;
import com.porcupine.math.Calc;
* Clcikable button.
* @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork)
public abstract class ScrollbarBase extends Widget implements IScrollbar {
public static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 14;
protected int bdr = 2;
protected double value = 0;
protected IScrollable scrollable;
* Set scrollable element
* @param scrollable scrollable element
* @return this
public ScrollbarBase setScrollable(IScrollable scrollable)
this.scrollable = scrollable;
return this;
protected double getContentSize()
if (scrollable == null) return 100;
return scrollable.getContentSize();
protected double getViewSize()
if (scrollable == null) return 30;
return scrollable.getViewSize();
protected abstract double getTrackSize();
protected double getHandleSize()
double hs = (getViewSize() / getContentSize()) * getTrackSize();
if (hs < 41) hs = 41;
if (hs > getTrackSize()) hs = getTrackSize();
return hs;
protected abstract Rect getHandleLine();
protected abstract Rect getRidgeLine();
public abstract void render(Coord mouse);
protected boolean isDragging = false;
protected Coord posDragStart;
protected double valueDragStart = 0;
public Widget onMouseButton(Coord pos, int button, boolean down)
if (button != 0) return null;
if (!isDragging && !isMouseOver(pos)) {
return null;
if (getContentSize() <= getViewSize()) return null;
if (down == true) {
double size = getHandleSize();
if (pos.distTo(getHandleLine().getCenter()) > size / 2) {
Rect ridge = getRidgeLine();
double abspos = getDistInDir1(ridge, pos);
double rsize = ridge.getSize().size();
double vlast = value;
value = Calc.clampd(abspos / rsize, 0, 1);
if (value != vlast && scrollable != null) {
isDragging = true;
posDragStart = pos;
valueDragStart = value;
} else {
// up.
isDragging = false;
return null;
protected abstract double getDistInDir1(Rect ridge, Coord to);
protected abstract double getDistInDir2(Coord from, Coord to);
public void handleStaticInputs(Coord pos)
if (isDragging) {
double vlast = value;
value = valueDragStart + (1 / (getTrackSize() - getHandleSize())) * getDistInDir2(posDragStart, pos);
value = Calc.clampd(value, 0, 1);
if (value != vlast && scrollable != null) {
public Widget onScroll(Coord pos, int scroll)
if (isMouseOver(pos)) {
return onScrollDelegate(scroll);
return null;
public Widget onKey(int key, char chr, boolean down)
return null;
public void calcChildSizes()
rect.setTo(0, 0, minSize.x, minSize.y);
* Handler fro scroll wheel
* @param scroll scroll steps
* @return this
public Widget onScrollDelegate(int scroll)
if (getContentSize() <= getViewSize()) return null;
double vlast = value;
value = Calc.clampd(value - scroll * (getViewSize() / getContentSize()) * 0.2, 0, 1);
if (value != vlast && scrollable != null) scrollable.onScrollbarChange(value);
return this;
* Get scrollbar value
* @return value
public double getValue()
return value;
* Set scrollbar value
* @param value value
public void setValue(double value)
this.value = Calc.clampd(value, 0, 1);