package net.tortuga.gui.widgets; import java.util.Random; import net.tortuga.annotations.Unimplemented; import net.tortuga.fonts.Fonts; import net.tortuga.fonts.LoadedFont; import net.tortuga.gui.panels.Panel; import com.porcupine.color.RGB; import com.porcupine.coord.Coord; import com.porcupine.coord.Rect; /** * Abstract widget class * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public abstract class Widget implements IWidget, Comparable { /** a RNG */ public static Random rand = new Random(); /** * Render index used in layouts to allow safe overlapping of transparent * parts */ public double renderIndex = 0; /** Theme */ public ETheme theme = ETheme.WIDGET; /** Widget text */ public String text = ""; /** Text render font */ public LoadedFont font = Fonts.gui; /** widget id */ public int id = -1; /** flag is visible */ public boolean visible = true; /** flag is enabled */ public boolean enabled = true; /** has focus */ public boolean focused = false; /** bounding rectangle */ public Rect rect = new Rect(); /** required margins */ public LeftTopRightBottom margins = new LeftTopRightBottom(5, 5, 5, 5); /** minimal size */ public Coord minSize = new Coord(); /** Gui hierarchy root */ public GuiRoot guiRoot; /** Widget tag */ public String tag = ""; /** Selected flag (for toggle buttons and similar) */ public boolean selected = false; /** Clicked flag */ public boolean clicked = false; /** * Get widget font * * @return font name */ public final LoadedFont getFont() { return font; } /** * Set widget font * * @param font font name * @return this */ public final Widget setFont(LoadedFont font) { this.font = font; return this; } /** * Get if widget is focused * * @return is focused */ public final boolean isFocused() { return focused; } /** * Set widget focused * * @param focused focused flag * @return this */ public final Widget setFocused(boolean focused) { this.focused = focused; return this; } /** * Get theme * * @return theme */ public final ETheme getTheme() { return theme; } /** * Set widget theme * * @param theme theme to set * @return this */ public final Widget setTheme(ETheme theme) { this.theme = theme; return this; } /** * Get if this widget has "SELECTED" flag. * * @return has selected flag. */ public final boolean isSelected() { return selected; } /** * Get if this widget has "CLICKED" flag (used in buttons and similar). * * @return has selected flag. */ public final boolean isClicked() { return clicked; } /** * Set "SELECTED" flag. * * @param state flag state * @return this */ public final Widget setSelected(boolean state) { selected = state; return this; } /** * Set "CLICKED" flag. * * @param state flag state * @return this */ public final Widget setClicked(boolean state) { clicked = state; return this; } /** * Get color from theme * * @param role color role * @param mouse mouse position * @return RGB color */ public final RGB getColor(EColorRole role, Coord mouse) { ColorScheme cs = ColorScheme.getForTheme(theme); return cs.getColor(role, isPanelOnTop(), enabled, isMouseOver(mouse), isClicked(), isSelected()); } /** * Get color from theme * * @param role color role * @param mouse mouse position * @param hover (explicitly set HOVER flag) * @return RGB color */ public final RGB getColor(EColorRole role, Coord mouse, boolean hover) { ColorScheme cs = ColorScheme.getForTheme(theme); return cs.getColor(role, isPanelOnTop(), enabled, hover, isClicked(), isSelected()); } /** * Get color from theme * * @param role color role * @return RGB color */ public final RGB getColor(EColorRole role) { ColorScheme cs = ColorScheme.getForTheme(theme); return cs.getColor(role, isPanelOnTop(), enabled, false, false, isSelected()); } /** * Set widget tag * * @param tag tag * @return this */ public final Widget setTag(String tag) { this.tag = tag; return this; } /** * Get widget tag * * @return tag */ public final String getTag() { return tag; } @Override public final Widget setMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { margins.setTo(left, top, right, bottom); return this; } @Override public final Widget setMarginsH(int left, int right) { margins.left = left; margins.right = right; return this; } @Override public final Widget setMarginsV(int top, int bottom) { = top; margins.bottom = bottom; return this; } @Override public final LeftTopRightBottom getMargins() { return margins; //.mul(App.fs12()); } @Override public Widget setText(String text) { this.text = text; return this; } @Override public final String getText() { return text; } @Override public final Widget setId(int id) { = id; return this; } @Override public final int getId() { return id; } @Override public final Widget setEnabled(boolean state) { enabled = state; return this; } @Override public final boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } @Override public final Widget setVisible(boolean state) { visible = state; return this; } @Override public final boolean isVisible() { return visible; } @Override public final Widget setMinSize(Coord size) { minSize.setTo(size); return this; } @Override public final Widget setMinSize(int w, int h) { minSize.setTo(w, h); return this; } @Override public final Widget setMinWidth(int w) { minSize.x = w; return this; } @Override public final Widget setMinHeight(int h) { minSize.y = h; return this; } @Override public final Coord getMinSize() { return minSize; } @Override public final Coord getSize() { return rect.getSize(); } @Override public final Widget setRect(Rect rect) { rect.setTo(rect); return this; } @Override public final Rect getRect() { return rect; } @Override public boolean isMouseOver(Coord mouse) { return rect.isInside(mouse); } @Override public abstract void render(Coord mouse); @Override @Unimplemented public void onFocus() {} @Override @Unimplemented public void onBlur() {} @Override public final boolean hasFocus() { return focused; } @Override public abstract Widget onMouseButton(Coord pos, int button, boolean down); @Override public abstract Widget onScroll(Coord pos, int scroll); @Override public abstract Widget onKey(int key, char chr, boolean down); @Override public boolean canAddChild() { return false; } @Override @Unimplemented public void add(Widget child) {} @Override @Unimplemented public void removeChild(Widget child) {} @Override @Unimplemented public void removeAll() {} @Override public abstract void calcChildSizes(); @Override public final GuiRoot getGuiRoot() { return guiRoot; } /** * Get root panel * * @return panel */ public final Panel getPanel() { return guiRoot.getPanel(); } /** * Get if the panel is on top. * * @return is opn top. */ public final boolean isPanelOnTop() { return getGuiRoot().isPanelOnTop(); } @Override public IWidget setGuiRoot(GuiRoot guiContainer) { this.guiRoot = guiContainer; return this; } /** * Render tooltip for current widget * * @param text text * @param color color */ public void renderTooltip(String text, RGB color) { getGuiRoot().setTooltip(text, color); } /** * Render white tooltip for current widget * * @param text text */ public void renderTooltip(String text) { getGuiRoot().setTooltip(text, RGB.WHITE); } /** * Handle static inputs (mouse coord given, in case it be needed) * * @param pos mouse */ @Unimplemented public void handleStaticInputs(Coord pos) {} @Override public int compareTo(Widget o) { return Double.valueOf(renderIndex).compareTo(Double.valueOf(o.renderIndex)); } /** * Set rendering index * * @param index index * @return this */ public Widget setRenderIndex(double index) { this.renderIndex = index; return this; } }