package net.tortuga.gui.panels; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*; import java.util.Random; import net.tortuga.App; import net.tortuga.animations.IRenderer; import net.tortuga.annotations.Unimplemented; import net.tortuga.gui.screens.Screen; import net.tortuga.input.IInputHandler; import net.tortuga.util.RenderUtils; import com.porcupine.color.RGB; import com.porcupine.coord.Coord; import com.porcupine.coord.Vec; /** * Panel class, control module for screen. * * @author MightyPork */ public abstract class Panel implements IInputHandler, IRenderer { /** The screen this panel belongs to */ public Screen screen; /** The application instance */ public App app = App.inst; private Panel below = null; private Panel above = null; /** RNG */ public Random rand = new Random(); /** * New panel * * @param screen parent screen */ public Panel(Screen screen) { this.screen = screen; } /** * @return true if this panel has no parent */ public final boolean isRoot() { return below == null; } /** * @return true if this panel is the topmost, focused */ public final boolean isTop() { return above == null; } /** * @return true if this panel is focused, topmost */ public final boolean isFocused() { return isTop(); } /** * @return topmost panel in the panel stack */ public final Panel getTop() { if (isTop()) return this; return above.getTop(); } /** * @return panel below this one, if any */ public final Panel getBelow() { if (isRoot()) return null; return below; } /** * Destroy all panels above this panel. */ public final void destroyAbove() { if (!isTop()) { above.destroyAbove(); above.onBlur(); above.onClose(); above = null; } } /** * Close this panel (if not root panel), and give focus to the panel below. */ public final void closePanel() { if (!isRoot()) { below.destroyAbove(); onBlur(); below.onFocus(); } } /** * Add a panel to the stack and focus it. * * @param added added child */ public final void openPanel(Panel added) { above = added; above.below = this; this.onBlur(); above.onCreate(); above.onFocus(); } /** * Hook called when panel was openned */ public abstract void onCreate(); /** * @return true if this panel has dark translucent background. */ public abstract boolean hasBackgroundLayer(); /** * Get color of background layer * * @return color */ public RGB getBackgroundColor() { return new RGB(0, 0.7); } /** * Called before the panel is closed. */ public abstract void onClose(); /** * Called when this panel is focused. */ @Unimplemented public void onFocus() {} /** * Called when this panel loses focus. */ @Unimplemented public void onBlur() {} /** * Update this panel.
* In case of root panel, you should update scene here. */ @Override public abstract void updateGui(); /** * Render directly rendered 3D stuff in all panels */ public final void render3D() { renderDirect3D(); if (!isTop()) { getTop().render3D(); } } /** * Render the inside elements of this panel */ protected abstract void renderPanel(); /** * Render 3D stuff from this panel */ @Unimplemented public void renderDirect3D() {} /** * Called each update tick, if the mouse position was changed. * * @param pos * @param move */ @Override @Unimplemented public void onMouseMove(Coord pos, Vec move, int wheelDelta) {} /** * Mouse event handler. * * @param button button which caused this event * @param down true = down, false = up * @param wheelDelta number of steps the wheel turned since last event * @param pos mouse position * @param deltaPos delta maouse position */ @Override @Unimplemented public void onMouseButton(int button, boolean down, int wheelDelta, Coord pos, Coord deltaPos) {} /** * Key event handler. * * @param key key index, constant Keyboard.KEY_??? * @param c character typed, if any * @param down true = down, false = up */ @Override @Unimplemented public void onKey(int key, char c, boolean down) {} /** * In this method screen can handle static inputs, that is: * Keyboard.isKeyDown, Mouse.isButtonDown etc. */ @Override @Unimplemented public void handleStaticInputs() {} /** * Render all the panels in the stack, if this is the root panel. */ @Override public final void render(double delta) { if (!isRoot()) return; glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT); glPushMatrix(); screen.render2D(delta); if (screen.isWeatherEnabled()) { App.weatherAnimation.render(delta); } renderThisAndChildren(); glPopAttrib(); glPopMatrix(); } private final void renderThisAndChildren() { if (hasBackgroundLayer()) { Coord size = app.getSize(); RenderUtils.setColor(getBackgroundColor()); //glColor4d(0, 0, 0, 0.6); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2d(0, size.y); glVertex2d(size.x, size.y); glVertex2d(size.x, 0); glVertex2d(0, 0); glEnd(); } renderPanel(); // render any higher guis if (!isTop()) { glTranslated(0, 0, 100); getAbove().renderThisAndChildren(); } } private Panel getAbove() { return above; } /** * On window resized */ public abstract void onWindowChanged(); @Override @Deprecated @Unimplemented public final void onFullscreenChange() {} /** * On viewport changed (fullscreen etc) */ public final void onViewportChanged() { onWindowChanged(); if (!isTop()) { getTop().onViewportChanged(); } } }