Spritesheet generator for the tortuga game
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
2.4 KiB

package com.porcupine.ion;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Ionizable Arraylist
* @author MightyPork
public class IonList extends ArrayList<Object> implements Ionizable {
public boolean getBoolean(int index) {
return (Boolean) get(index);
public boolean getBool(int index) {
return (Boolean) get(index);
public byte getByte(int index) {
return (Byte) get(index);
public char getChar(int index) {
return (Character) get(index);
public char getCharacter(int index) {
return (Character) get(index);
public short getShort(int index) {
return (Short) get(index);
public int getInteger(int index) {
return (Integer) get(index);
public int getInt(int index) {
return (Integer) get(index);
public long getLong(int index) {
return (Long) get(index);
public float getFloat(int index) {
return (Float) get(index);
public double getDouble(int index) {
return (Double) get(index);
public String getString(int index) {
return (String) get(index);
public Object get(int index) {
return super.get(index);
public void addBoolean(boolean num) {
public void addBool(boolean num) {
public void addByte(int num) {
add((byte) num);
public void addChar(char num) {
public void addShort(int num) {
add((short) num);
public void addInteger(int num) {
public void addInt(int num) {
public void addLong(long num) {
public void addFloat(double num) {
add((float) num);
public void addDouble(double num) {
public void addString(String num) {
public void ionRead(InputStream in) throws IOException {
while (true) {
byte b = StreamUtils.readByte(in);
if (b == IonMarks.ENTRY) {
Object value = Ion.readObject(in);
} else if (b == IonMarks.END) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected mark in IonList: " + Integer.toHexString(b));
public void ionWrite(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
for (Object entry : this) {
StreamUtils.writeByte(out, IonMarks.ENTRY);
Ion.writeObject(out, entry);
StreamUtils.writeByte(out, IonMarks.END);
public byte ionMark() {
return IonMarks.LIST;