3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected
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package net.sector.entities.enemies;
import java.util.Set;
import net.sector.entities.EEntity;
import net.sector.entities.Entity;
import net.sector.entities.EntityNavigable;
import net.sector.entities.IDamageable;
import net.sector.entities.orbs.EntityOrbShield;
import net.sector.entities.player.EntityPlayerShip;
import net.sector.entities.shots.EntityShotBase;
import net.sector.level.SuperContext;
import net.sector.models.Models;
import net.sector.models.PhysModel;
import com.porcupine.coord.Coord;
import com.porcupine.coord.Vec;
* Mine entity
* @author MightyPork
public class EntityMine extends EntityNavigable {
private double scale = 1;
private double healthMax;
private static PhysModel shipModel = Models.spaceMine;
private static final double mMoveSpeed = 0.00001;
public boolean hasGlobalMovement() {
return true;
* Enemy ship
* @param scale
* @param pos
public EntityMine(double scale, Coord pos) {
super(shipModel, mMoveSpeed, scale, pos);
this.rotDir.setTo(0, 1, 0);
this.rotAngle.set(rand.nextDouble() * 360);
this.collidePriority = 2000;
this.lifetime = -1;
this.MAX_SPEED = 0.2 * (0.3 / mass);
* Enemy ship, scale=1
* @param pos
public EntityMine(Coord pos) {
super(shipModel, mMoveSpeed, 1, pos);
this.rotDir.setTo(0, 1, 0);
this.rotAngle.set(rand.nextDouble() * 360);
this.collidePriority = 2000;
this.lifetime = -1;
this.MAX_SPEED = 0.2 * (0.3 / mass);
private void setDefaultDriver() {
public double getHealthMax() {
return healthMax;
public void onImpact(Entity hitBy) {
if (hitBy == null) return;
boolean dead = false;
if (hitBy.getType() == EEntity.SHOT_BAD || hitBy.getType() == EEntity.SHOT_GOOD) {
if (rand.nextInt(2) == 0) {
dead = true;
if (((EntityShotBase) hitBy).scoreCounter != null) {
((EntityShotBase) hitBy).scoreCounter.addScore(scoreValue);
} else {
dead = true;
if (!hitBy.isDead()) defaultOnImpact(hitBy);
if (dead) setDead();
public void boom(Entity hitBy) {
explodeForce(getPos(), 30 * scale, true);
double range = 6;
double distMultiplier = 7; // to make it fade away faster
double damage = 50 * scale;
if (hitBy != null) {
if (!(hitBy instanceof EntityPlayerShip)) {
hitBy.addDamage(this, damage);
} else {
((EntityPlayerShip) hitBy).piecesAddDamageSquare(collider, damage, distMultiplier, range);
Set<Entity> ents = getScene().getEntitiesInRange(getPos(), range);
if (!ents.isEmpty()) {
for (Entity e : ents) {
if (e == this) continue;
if (e.isDead()) continue;
if (e instanceof EntityMine) continue;
if (e == hitBy) continue;
double dist = e.getPos().distTo(getPos()) - e.getRadius() - getRadius();
dist *= distMultiplier;
if (dist < 1) dist = 1;
if (e.getType() == EEntity.PLAYER) {
((EntityPlayerShip) e).piecesAddDamageSquare(collider, damage, distMultiplier, range);
e.addDamage(this, damage / (dist * dist));
e.getMotion().add_ip(getPos().vecTo(e.getPos()).norm(0.1 / (dist * dist)));
public void addDamage(IDamageable source, double points) {
super.addDamage(source, points);
public void onDeath() {
if (lastDamageSource.getType() == EEntity.SHOT_GOOD && rand.nextInt(4) == 0) {
if (scene.playerShip.body.shieldSystem.getLoadRatio() < 1) {
scene.add(new EntityOrbShield(getPos(), 400 * (0.6 + rand.nextDouble() * 0.7)));
public EEntity getType() {
return EEntity.MINE;
public void shootOnce(int gunIndex) {}
public Vec getGunShotDir(int gunIndex) {
return getMotion();