3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

393 lines
9.7 KiB

package net.sector.level;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.sector.Constants;
import net.sector.level.dataobj.AiObjParser;
import net.sector.level.drivers.DriverStore;
import net.sector.level.highscore.HighscoreTable;
import net.sector.level.sequence.LevelController;
import net.sector.level.ship.DiscoveryRegistry;
import net.sector.level.ship.DiscoveryTable;
import net.sector.level.ship.ShipBundle;
import net.sector.network.levels.NetLevelContainer;
import net.sector.util.Log;
import net.sector.util.Utils;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import com.porcupine.ion.Ion;
import com.porcupine.util.StringUtils;
* Level bundle
* @author MightyPork
public class LevelBundle implements Comparable<LevelBundle> {
private ShipBundle ship = null;
private DiscoveryTable discoveries = DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryTableMaximal();
private LevelController level = null;
private DriverStore drivers = new DriverStore(SuperContext.basicDrivers);
private int money = 0;
private int timer = -1;
private EBuildingMode buildMode = EBuildingMode.NORMAL;
/** Level title */
public String title = "";
/** Level subtitle */
public String subtitle = "";
/** Minimal game version to play this level */
public int minVersion = 0;
/** If this level had default ship when loaded */
public boolean hadDefaultShip = false;
/** Level author */
public String author = "";
/** [ELevel] LID (if type == NET) */
public String lid = "";
/** [ELevel] Highscore filename */
public String rawFilename = "";
/** Level type */
public ELevel type = null;
private GameCursor compiledCursor = null;
private GameCursor lastCursor = null;
* Construct LevelBundle from a NetLevelContainer
* @param nlc net level container
public LevelBundle(NetLevelContainer nlc) {
this(nlc.lid, nlc.levelRootNode, ELevel.NET);
this.lid = nlc.lid;
* Create from filename, xml root node and level type.
* @param filename filename
* @param rootNode root node
* @param type levle type
public LevelBundle(String filename, Element rootNode, ELevel type) {
this.type = type;
if (filename.contains("/")) {
String[] parts = filename.split("[/]");
filename = parts[parts.length - 1];
filename = filename.split("[.]")[0];
rawFilename = filename;
private void loadFromXml(Element root) {
Element info = root.getChild("info");
if (info == null) {
Log.w("Missing <info> tag in net level.");
} else {
String strTitle = info.getChildText("title");
if (strTitle != null) this.title = strTitle;
String strAuthor = info.getChildText("author");
if (strAuthor != null) this.author = strAuthor;
String strSubTitle = info.getChildText("subtitle");
if (strSubTitle != null) this.subtitle = strSubTitle;
String strVersion;
strVersion = info.getChildText("minv");
if (strVersion != null) this.minVersion = AiObjParser.getInteger(strVersion, 0);
// load ship from <ship>
Element shipNode = root.getChild("ship");
if (shipNode != null) {
hadDefaultShip = true;
this.ship = new ShipBundle();
} else {
this.ship = new ShipBundle();
this.ship.shieldLevel = DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryLevelMin("shield");
this.ship.energyLevel = DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryLevelMin("energy");
// load drivers from <drivers>
Element driversNode = root.getChild("drivers");
if (driversNode != null) {
// parse <config> node
Element configNode = root.getChild("config");
if (configNode != null) {
this.money = AiObjParser.getInteger(configNode.getChildText("money"), 0);
this.timer = AiObjParser.getInteger(configNode.getChildText("timer"), -1);
if (timer == -1) this.timer = AiObjParser.getInteger(configNode.getChildText("limit"), -1);
String bmode = configNode.getChildText("building");
if (bmode != null) {
bmode = bmode.toUpperCase();
try {
this.buildMode = EBuildingMode.valueOf(bmode);
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
Log.w("Missing required <config> node in level " + title);
// parse <discoveries>
Element discoveriesNode = root.getChild("discoveries");
if (discoveriesNode != null) {
for (Element node : discoveriesNode.getChildren()) {
if (node.getName().equals("all")) {
String l = node.getAttributeValue("level");
if (StringUtils.isInArray(l, false, "min", "empty", "none", "zero", "0")) {
discoveries = DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryTableMinimal();
} else if (StringUtils.isInArray(l, false, "max", "full")) {
discoveries = DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryTableMaximal();
} else if (l.matches("[0-9]+")) {
discoveries = DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryTableMinimal();
for (Entry<String, Integer> e : discoveries.entrySet()) {
discoveries.setDiscoveryLevel(e.getKey(), Integer.valueOf(l));
} else {
String name = node.getAttributeValue("name");
String l = node.getAttributeValue("level");
if (StringUtils.isInArray(l, false, "min", "empty", "none", "zero", "0")) {
discoveries.setDiscoveryLevel(name, DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryLevelMin(name));
} else if (StringUtils.isInArray(l, false, "max", "full")) {
discoveries.setDiscoveryLevel(name, DiscoveryRegistry.getDiscoveryLevelMax(name));
} else if (l.matches("[0-9]+")) {
discoveries.setDiscoveryLevel(name, AiObjParser.getInteger(name, 0));
} else {
Log.w("Illegal discovery level: " + l);
Element sequenceElement = root.getChild("sequence");
if (sequenceElement != null) {
this.level = new LevelController(sequenceElement);
} else {
Log.e("[!!!] Missing required <sequence> tag in level " + title);
// set timer in level controller
if (this.timer > 0) this.level.setInitialTimer(this.timer);
// assign driver store to the level controller
// System.out.println("Loaded level: "+title);
// System.out.println("DT:\n"+discoveries+"\n");
// if (buildMode != EBuildingMode.LOCKED && !hadDefaultShip) {
// File file = getLastShipFile();
// if(file.exists()) {
// try {
// ship.xmlFromStream(new FileInputStream(file));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Log.exc("Error loading last ship.", e);
// }
// }
// }
// reduce ship for discoveries and discovery table.
if (buildMode == EBuildingMode.NORMAL) {
money -= ship.getTotalCost();
* Compile to a cursor.
public void compileToCursor() {
Log.f2("Compiling level " + title + " to game cursor.");
this.compiledCursor = new GameCursor();
this.compiledCursor.discoveryTable = this.discoveries;
this.compiledCursor.money = this.money;
this.compiledCursor.buildMode = buildMode;
this.compiledCursor.shipBundle = ship.copy();
* Get game cursor for game context
* @return the new copy of cursor
public GameContext toGameContext() {
GameContext gc = new GameContext();
if (lastCursor == null) {
} else {
return gc;
* Get if this level can be played on current game version.
* @return if level is compatible.
public boolean isCompatible() {
return Constants.VERSION_NUMBER >= minVersion;
public int compareTo(LevelBundle o) {
return title.compareToIgnoreCase(o.title);
* Save cursor (when leaving designer)
* @param saved cursor to copy and save
public void saveCursorToBundle(GameCursor saved) {
this.lastCursor = saved.copy();
* Save ship to file (shown as option in load ship dialog)
* @param ship
public void saveShipToFile(ShipBundle ship) {
File file = getLastShipFile();
try {
ship.xmlToStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("Error saving ship file.", e);
* Get local highscore table.<br>
* For NET levels, use LeaderboardClient to obtain entries in Global
* Leaderboard.
* @return highscore table.
public HighscoreTable getHighscoreTable() {
File file = getHighscoreFile();
HighscoreTable table = null;
table = (HighscoreTable) Ion.fromFile(file);
if (table == null) table = new HighscoreTable();
return table;
* Get highscore file if applicable.
* @return hs file
public File getLastShipFile() {
String highscorePath = "";
if (type == ELevel.INTERNAL) {
highscorePath = Constants.DIR_LASTSHIP_INTERNAL;
} else if (type == ELevel.LOCAL) {
highscorePath = Constants.DIR_LASTSHIP_LOCAL;
} else {
highscorePath = Constants.DIR_LASTSHIP_SHARED;
File path = Utils.getGameSubfolder(highscorePath);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
return new File(path, rawFilename + "." + Constants.SUFFIX_SHIP);
* Get highscore file if applicable.
* @return hs file
public File getHighscoreFile() {
String highscorePath = "";
if (type == ELevel.INTERNAL) {
highscorePath = Constants.DIR_HIGHSCORE_INTERNAL;
} else if (type == ELevel.LOCAL) {
highscorePath = Constants.DIR_HIGHSCORE_LOCAL;
} else {
highscorePath = Constants.DIR_HIGHSCORE_SHARED;
File path = Utils.getGameSubfolder(highscorePath);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
return new File(path, rawFilename + ".ion");