3D spaceshooter with online scoreboard, online demos, ship building. Now entirely defunct, but might be resurrected
Nelze vybrat více než 25 témat Téma musí začínat písmenem nebo číslem, může obsahovat pomlčky („-“) a může být dlouhé až 35 znaků.

61 řádky
1.4 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<driver name="shark" extends="basic_ship">
<check for="in_zone1" id="ck1" after="can_fire">
<fn str="IS_IN_RECT" />
<x range="-20:20" />
<z range="-5:60" />
<check for="in_zone2" id="ck2" after="ck1">
<fn str="IS_IN_RECT" />
<x range="-20:20" />
<z range="-5:80" />
<task replace="fire" if="can_fire*in_zone1">
<fn str="SHOOT" />
<count range="4:8" />
<bullets range="3:5" />
<gap_group num="1.5" />
<gap_shot num="0.02" />
<gun num="0" /> <!--range="0-1" -->
<task replace="avoid">
<fn str="AVOID" />
<weight num="1.7" />
<task replace="fly">
<fn str="FLY_TO_RECT" />
<x range="-5-5" />
<z range="18:34" />
<weight num="30" />
<task replace="turn" if="!in_zone1">
<fn str="TURN_TO" />
<dir coord="MOVE_DIR" />
<task id="t1" after="turn" if="in_zone1">
<fn str="TURN_TO" />
<dir coord="PLAYER_DIR" />
<!-- <TASK AFTER="T1" ID="T2" IF="IN_ZONE"> -->
<!-- <FN STR="SET_SPEED"/> -->
<!-- <SPEED NUM="0.5"/> -->
<!-- </TASK> -->
<!-- <task after="t2" if="!in_zone"> -->
<!-- <fn str="SET_SPEED"/> -->
<!-- <speed num="1"/> -->
<!-- </task> -->