package net.sector.gui.panels.dialogs; import net.sector.gui.panels.Panel; import net.sector.gui.panels.PanelGui; import net.sector.gui.screens.Screen; import net.sector.gui.widgets.ETheme; import net.sector.gui.widgets.GuiRoot; import net.sector.gui.widgets.Widget; import net.sector.gui.widgets.display.Text; import net.sector.gui.widgets.input.Button; import net.sector.gui.widgets.layout.LayoutH; import net.sector.gui.widgets.layout.LayoutV; import net.sector.gui.widgets.layout.WindowFrame; import net.sector.sounds.Sounds; import net.sector.util.Align; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import com.porcupine.color.RGB; /** * Main menu panel * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public class PanelDialogModal extends PanelGui { /** * Dialog click handler * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public interface IDialogListener { /** * on dialog closed by button press * * @param dialogId id of the dualog used * @param button button index, or -1 on ESC */ public void onDialogButton(int dialogId, int button); } private String text; private String[] buttons; private IDialogListener listener; private boolean cancellable = true; private int id = -1; private int enterIndex = -1; public PanelDialogModal setEnterButton(int index) { enterIndex = index; return this; } private EDialogColor color = EDialogColor.BLUE; /** * Set color theme * * @param index 0 = green, 1 = blue * @return this */ public Panel setColorTheme(EDialogColor color) { this.color = color; return this; } /** * Create modal dialog * * @param screen parent screen * @param listener onButton listenner (handles user input) * @param id id * @param cancellable can be cancelled by ESC (listener gets -1) * @param text shown text * @param buttons button texts, IDs 0,1,2... */ public PanelDialogModal(Screen screen, IDialogListener listener, int id, boolean cancellable, String text, String... buttons) { super(screen); this.text = text; this.buttons = buttons; this.listener = listener; this.cancellable = cancellable; = id; } @Override public void initGui(GuiRoot gui) { WindowFrame frame = new WindowFrame(); switch (color) { case GREEN: frame.setTheme(ETheme.GREEN_FRAME); break; case BLUE: frame.setTheme(ETheme.BLUE_FRAME); break; } frame.setPadding(10, 10, 15, 15); frame.enableShadow(true); LayoutV v = new LayoutV(Align.CENTER); v.add(new Text(text, "small_text")); LayoutH h = new LayoutH(Align.CENTER); int i = 0; for (String s : buttons) { Button btn = new Button(i++, s, "small_menu"); switch (color) { case GREEN: btn.setTheme(ETheme.GREEN); break; case BLUE: btn.setTheme(ETheme.BLUE); break; } btn.setMinWidth(80); btn.setMarginsH(10, 10); h.add(btn); } v.add(h); frame.add(v); gui.setRootWidget(frame); Sounds.beep_popup.playEffect(1, 0.2f, false); } @Override public boolean hasBackgroundLayer() { return true; } @Override public RGB getBackgroundColor() { return new RGB(0, 0.4); } @Override public void actionPerformed(Widget widget) { if (widget instanceof Button) { closePanel(); if (listener != null) listener.onDialogButton(id, widget.getId()); } } @Override public void onKey(int key, char c, boolean down) { super.onKey(key, c, down); if (cancellable && down && key == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE) { closePanel(); if (listener != null) listener.onDialogButton(id, -1); return; } if ((enterIndex != -1 || buttons.length == 1) && down && (key == Keyboard.KEY_RETURN || key == Keyboard.KEY_NUMPADENTER)) { closePanel(); if (listener != null) { if (enterIndex != -1) { listener.onDialogButton(id, enterIndex); } else if (buttons.length == 1) { listener.onDialogButton(id, 0); } } return; } } }