package; /** * Enum of server errors, for easier handling than numbers. * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public enum EServerError { // * add level errors: // // "FILE_NOT_FOUND" 7 (level file added does not exist - ADD_LEVEL) // "BAD_FILE_FORMAT" 8 (level file added is not XML - ADD_LEVEL) // "LEVEL_ALREADY_ADDED" 9 (level file already registered in database - ADD_LEVEL) // "LEVEL_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE" 10 (title of the added level is already used by another level - ADD_LEVEL) /** no command requested - cmd is empty */ NO_COMMAND(0), /** command requested does not exist or is disabled */ INVALID_COMMAND(1), /** MySQL syntax or script error */ INTERNAL_ERROR(2), /** missing some required arguments */ INCOMPLETE_COMMAND(3), /** Entered user name already taken - REGISTER */ NAME_NOT_UNIQUE(4), /** Name or password incorrect - LOG_IN */ LOGIN_FAILED(5), /** bad token sent */ INVALID_TOKEN(6), /** no level with such LID exists - GET_SCORES or SUBMIT_SCORE */ NO_SUCH_LEVEL(11), /** all other errors that are not important to be distinguished */ UNKNOWN_ERROR(-1), /** Bad response from server, which caused local error */ INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE(100); private EServerError(int code) { this.code = code; } /** * Get error enum for server error code * * @param code the error code * @return corresponding enum constant */ public static EServerError getErrorForCode(int code) { for (EServerError e : values()) { if (e.code == code) return e; } return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } private int code = -1; }