package net.sector.level.ship; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import net.sector.input.TriggerBundle; import net.sector.level.dataobj.AiObjParser; import net.sector.level.loading.XmlUtil; import net.sector.level.ship.modules.EnergySystem; import net.sector.level.ship.modules.Shield; import net.sector.util.Log; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import com.porcupine.math.Calc; /** * Player ship bundle * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public class ShipBundle { /** Ship design [Z][X] */ public PieceBundle[][] ship = new PieceBundle[1][1]; /** Shield level */ public int shieldLevel = 1; /** Energy level */ public int energyLevel = 1; /** * Create new ship bundle. * * @param shipBody ship design * @param shield shields * @param energy energy */ public ShipBundle(PieceBundle[][] shipBody, int shield, int energy) { ship = shipBody; if (ship == null) { ship = new PieceBundle[][] { { null } }; } shieldLevel = shield; energyLevel = energy; } /** * Create new ship bundle. */ public ShipBundle() {} /** * Create new context. * * @param other bundle to copy */ public ShipBundle(ShipBundle other) { // copy the ship. PieceBundle[][] newShip = new PieceBundle[other.ship.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < other.ship.length; i++) newShip[i] = other.ship[i].clone(); ship = newShip; shieldLevel = other.shieldLevel; energyLevel = other.energyLevel; } @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return copy(); } /** * Get power system level * * @return level */ public int getEnergyLevel() { return energyLevel; } /** * Get shield level * * @return level */ public int getShieldLevel() { return shieldLevel; } /** * Get ship design table * * @return table */ public PieceBundle[][] getShipDesign() { return ship; } /** * Get copy * * @return copy */ public ShipBundle copy() { return new ShipBundle(this); } /** * Write as XML to a stream * * @param out output stream * @throws IOException on error */ public void xmlToStream(OutputStream out) throws IOException { Document doc = new Document(); Element root = new Element("ship"); doc.setRootElement(root); // write dimensions Element dim = new Element("dim"); dim.setAttribute("x", "" + ship[0].length); dim.setAttribute("y", "" + ship.length); root.addContent(dim); Element sys = new Element("sys"); sys.setAttribute("energy", "" + energyLevel); sys.setAttribute("shield", "" + shieldLevel); root.addContent(sys); // write ship content Element struct = new Element("struct"); for (PieceBundle[] pbr : ship) { int notNull = 0; for (PieceBundle pb : pbr) { if (pb != null) notNull++; } if (notNull == 0) { struct.addContent(new Element("null")); } else { Element row = new Element("row"); for (PieceBundle pb : pbr) { if (pb == null) { row.addContent(new Element("null")); } else { Element piece = new Element("piece"); piece.setAttribute("id",; piece.setAttribute("level", pb.level + ""); piece.setAttribute("rotate", pb.rotate + ""); piece.setAttribute("health", + ""); if (pb.hasTrigger) piece.setAttribute("trigger", pb.trigger.toString()); row.addContent(piece); } } struct.addContent(row); } } root.addContent(struct); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(); outputter.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); outputter.output(doc, out); } /** * Get total ship & systems cost. * * @return total cost. */ public int getTotalCost() { int cost = 0; cost += getShieldCost(); cost += getEnergyCost(); // add cost of systems for (PieceBundle[] pbr : ship) { for (PieceBundle pb : pbr) { if (pb == null) { continue; } else { cost += pb.getTotalValue(); } } } return cost; } /** * Get shield price (level 1 to current level) * * @return shield price */ public int getShieldCost() { if (shieldLevel > 0) return PieceRegistry.getLevelChangeCost(Shield.getBaseCost(), 1, shieldLevel); return 0; } /** * Get energy system price (level 1 to current level) * * @return energy price */ public int getEnergyCost() { if (energyLevel > 0) return PieceRegistry.getLevelChangeCost(EnergySystem.getBaseCost(), 1, energyLevel); return 0; } /** * Reduce shield and energy and piece levels to match discovery table (set * pieces to nuill if not discovered). * * @param dt discovery table. */ public void reduceForDiscoveryTable(DiscoveryTable dt) { int yy = 0; for (PieceBundle[] pbr : ship) { int xx = 0; for (PieceBundle pb : pbr) { if (pb == null) { xx++; continue; } else { if (dt.getDiscoveryLevelForPiece( >= 1) { pb.level = Calc.clampi(pb.level, 1, dt.getDiscoveryLevelForPiece(; } else { ship[yy][xx] = null; } } xx++; } yy++; } if (dt.getDiscoveryLevel("shield") == 0) { shieldLevel = 0; } else { shieldLevel = Calc.clampi(shieldLevel, 1, dt.getDiscoveryLevel("shield")); } energyLevel = Calc.clampi(energyLevel, 1, dt.getDiscoveryLevel("energy")); } /** * Try to decrease piece levels / system levels so that the total cost fits * into a given limit.
* If it isn't possible, erase the ship bundle. * * @param cost max total cost */ public void reduceForTotalCost(int cost) { ArrayList pieces = new ArrayList(); for (PieceBundle[] pbr : ship) { for (PieceBundle pb : pbr) { if (pb == null) { continue; } else { pieces.add(pb); } } } int iterations = 0; while (true) { iterations++; if (getTotalCost() <= cost) return; Collections.sort(pieces, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(PieceBundle o1, PieceBundle o2) { Integer a = o1.getTotalValue(); Integer b = o1.getTotalValue(); return -(a.compareTo(b)); } }); int max = pieces.get(0).getTotalValue(); max = Math.max(max, getShieldCost()); max = Math.max(max, getEnergyCost()); if (shieldLevel > 1 && getShieldCost() >= max) shieldLevel--; if (getTotalCost() <= cost) return; if (energyLevel > 1 && getEnergyCost() >= max) energyLevel--; if (getTotalCost() <= cost) return; for (PieceBundle pb : pieces) { if (pb.getTotalValue() >= max && pb.level > 1) { pb.level--; if (getTotalCost() <= cost) return; } } if (getTotalCost() <= cost) return; if (iterations > 500) { Log.f3("Failed to reduce ship for cost " + cost + ", turning to nothing."); shieldLevel = 1; energyLevel = 1; ship = new PieceBundle[1][1]; break; } } } /** * Create from XML node * * @param root ship design root node (<ship>) * @return this */ public ShipBundle xmlFromElement(Element root) { // get dimensions Element dim = root.getChild("dim"); int x = AiObjParser.getInteger(dim.getAttributeValue("x"), 1); int y = AiObjParser.getInteger(dim.getAttributeValue("y"), 1); // get system levels Element sys = root.getChild("sys"); energyLevel = AiObjParser.getInteger(sys.getAttributeValue("energy"), 1); shieldLevel = AiObjParser.getInteger(sys.getAttributeValue("shield"), 1); // write ship content Element struct = root.getChild("struct"); // load structure ship = new PieceBundle[y][x]; int yy = 0; int xx = 0; for (Element row : struct.getChildren()) { xx = 0; if (row.getName().equals("row")) { for (Element piece : row.getChildren()) { // if "null", skip. if (piece.getName().equals("piece")) { String id = piece.getAttributeValue("id"); int level = AiObjParser.getInteger(piece.getAttributeValue("level"), 1); int rotate = AiObjParser.getInteger(piece.getAttributeValue("rotate"), 0); int health = AiObjParser.getInteger(piece.getAttributeValue("health"), 1); PieceBundle pb; pb = ship[yy][xx] = new PieceBundle(id, level, rotate, health); if (pb.hasTrigger) { String triggerText = piece.getAttributeValue("trigger"); if (triggerText != null) { TriggerBundle tb = new TriggerBundle().fromString(triggerText); pb.setTrigger(tb); } } } xx++; } } yy++; } return this; } /** * Load from XML stream (file) * * @param in input stream * @throws IOException on error */ public void xmlFromStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { Element root = XmlUtil.getRootElement(in); xmlFromElement(root); } }