package net.sector.entities; import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import net.sector.collision.ColliderSphere; import net.sector.level.drivers.INavigated; import net.sector.level.drivers.Navigator; import net.sector.level.drivers.TaskList; import net.sector.models.PhysModel; import com.porcupine.coord.Coord; import com.porcupine.coord.Vec; import com.porcupine.math.Polar; import com.porcupine.math.PolarDeg; /** * Navigable entity * * @author Ondřej Hruška (MightyPork) */ public abstract class EntityNavigable extends Entity implements INavigated { /** Velocity multiplier */ public double speedMul1 = 1; /** Stable speed multiplier, set when spawning entity */ public double speedMulStable = 1; /** Ship driver */ public Navigator nav = new Navigator(this); /** scale (relative, 1 default) */ public double scale = 1; /** render scale (how much is the model enlarged) */ public double scaleRender = 1; /** Phys model */ public PhysModel model = null; /** Desired motion speed */ public double fullMoveSpeed = 0.04; private Entity[] fleet; private Entity cachedLeader = null; private EFormation formation = EFormation.NONE; private Entity targetEntity = null; @Override public void spawnArtifact(int num) { // if in formation, only the last one drops artifact. if (formation == EFormation.SHAPE) { for (Entity e : fleet) { if (e == this) continue; if (e.isDead()) continue; return; } super.spawnArtifact(num); return; } if (formation != EFormation.NONE) { if (formationIsLeader() && formationIsTail()) { super.spawnArtifact(num); } return; } super.spawnArtifact(num); } @Override public Entity getTargetEntity() { return targetEntity; } @Override public void setTargetEntity(Entity targetEntity) { this.targetEntity = targetEntity; } @Override public void setFormation(Entity[] fleet, EFormation formation) { this.fleet = fleet; this.formation = formation; } @Override public Entity getFormationLeader() { if (formation == EFormation.NONE) return null; if (cachedLeader == null || cachedLeader.isDead() || cachedLeader.getPos().z < -1) { cachedLeader = null; if (formation == EFormation.SNAKE) cachedLeader = formationSnakeGetLeader(); if (formation == EFormation.SWARM) cachedLeader = formationSwarmGetLeader(); } return cachedLeader; } @Override public boolean formationIsTail() { if (formation == EFormation.NONE) return false; if (formation == EFormation.SNAKE) { for (int i = 0; i < fleet.length; i++) { if (fleet[i] == null || fleet[i].isDead()) continue; return fleet[i] == this; } } if (formation == EFormation.SWARM) return false; return true; } @Override public boolean formationIsLeader() { return getFormationLeader() == null; } private Entity formationSnakeGetLeader() { boolean finding = false; int leader = -1; for (int i = 0; i < fleet.length; i++) { Entity e = fleet[i]; if (e == null) continue; if (e == this) { finding = true; continue; } if (e.isDead()) continue; if (finding) { leader = i; break; } } if (leader != -1) { return fleet[leader]; } else { return null; } } private Entity formationSwarmGetLeader() { int leader = -1; for (int i = fleet.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Entity e = fleet[i]; if (e == null) continue; if (e.isDead()) continue; leader = i; break; } if (leader != -1) { return fleet[leader]; } else { return null; } } public boolean formationContains(Entity drone) { if (fleet != null) { for (Entity e : fleet) if (e == drone) return true; } return false; } /** * @param model * @param desiredSpeed * @param scale * @param pos */ protected EntityNavigable(PhysModel model, double desiredSpeed, double scale, Coord pos) { this.fullMoveSpeed = desiredSpeed; this.collidePriority = 1; this.scale = scale; collider = new ColliderSphere(pos, model.colliderRadius * scale); this.motion.setTo(0, 0, -desiredSpeed); this.lifetime = -1; this.MAX_SPEED = 0.3; // rotateable around Y axis this.rotDir.setTo(0, 1, 0); // rotate towards the player this.rotAngle.set(270); setModel(model); } /** * Set the model (alter entity) * * @param model */ public void setModel(PhysModel model) { this.model = model; this.scaleRender = model.renderScale * scale; this.mass = model.getMass(scale); this.collider.radius = model.colliderRadius * scale; = model.getHealth(scale); this.scoreValue = (int) (model.getScore(scale)); } /** * Adjust strength, radius, score and mass for scale * * @param scale relative scale (1 = normal) * @return this */ public EntityNavigable adjustForScale(double scale) { this.scale = scale; this.scaleRender = model.renderScale * scale; this.mass = model.getMass(scale); collider.radius = model.colliderRadius * scale; = model.getHealth(scale); this.scoreValue = (int) (model.getScore(scale)); return this; } /** * Get direction based on entity rotation * * @return direction vector */ public Vec getRotateAimVector() { double deg = getRotAngle().get(); PolarDeg pl = new PolarDeg(deg + 90, 1); return new Vec(pl.toCoordXZ()); } /** * Get direction based on entity rotation with random deviation * * @param deviationDeg max angular deviation (degrees) * @return direction vector */ public Vec getRotateAimVector(double deviationDeg) { double deg = getRotAngle().get(); PolarDeg pl = new PolarDeg(deg + 90 - deviationDeg + rand.nextDouble() * deviationDeg * 2, 1); return new Vec(pl.toCoordXZ()); } /** * Get direction based on entity rotation with degrees deviation * * @param addAngle angle added * @return direction vector */ public Vec getRotateAimVectorPlusDeg(double addAngle) { double deg = getRotAngle().get(); PolarDeg pl = new PolarDeg(deg + addAngle, 1); return new Vec(pl.toCoordXZ()); } /** * Get vector from this entity to player * * @return vector to player */ public Vec getVectorToPlayer() { return getPos().vecTo(getScene().getPlayerShip().getPos()); } /** * Get vector from this entity to player * * @param deviationDeg max angular deviation (degrees) * @return vector to player */ public Vec getVectorToPlayer(double deviationDeg) { Vec v = getVectorToPlayer(); PolarDeg p = PolarDeg.fromCoord(v.x, v.z); PolarDeg p2 = new PolarDeg(p.angle - deviationDeg + rand.nextDouble() * deviationDeg * 2, p.distance); return new Vec(p2.toCoordXZ()); } /** * Get vector to closest asteroid, or null if no target found. * * @return vector to player */ public Vec getVectorToClosestAsteroid() { Set ents = getScene().getEntitiesInRange(getPos(), 6); double shortest = 100; Coord shortestPos = null; if (!ents.isEmpty()) { for (Entity e : ents) { if (e.getType() == EEntity.NATURAL) { double d; if ((d = getPos().vecTo(e.getPos()).size()) < shortest) { shortest = d; shortestPos = e.getPos(); } } } if (shortestPos != null) { return getPos().vecTo(shortestPos); } } return null; } /** * MUST BE OVERRIDEN AND USED * * @param scale scale 1 = normal * @param pos coord center */ //public EntityNavigable(double scale, Coord pos) {} /** * Constructor without model.
* !!! You must define things like score, health, lifetime and mass * yourself. * * @param desiredSpeed desired motion speed for AI * @param pos position * @param radius collider radius */ public EntityNavigable(double desiredSpeed, Coord pos, double radius) { this.fullMoveSpeed = desiredSpeed; this.collidePriority = 1; collider = new ColliderSphere(pos, radius * scale); this.motion.setTo(0, 0, -desiredSpeed); this.lifetime = -1; // rotateable around Y axis this.rotDir.setTo(0, 1, 0); // rotate towards the player this.rotAngle.set(270); } /** * Constructor without model.
* !!! You must define things like score, collider, rotDir, rotAngle, * collider priority, health, lifetime and mass yourself. * * @param pos position */ public EntityNavigable(Coord pos) { this.fullMoveSpeed = 0.001; this.collidePriority = 1; collider = new ColliderSphere(pos, 0.5); this.motion.setTo(0, 0, -fullMoveSpeed); this.lifetime = -1; // rotateable around Y axis this.rotDir.setTo(0, 1, 0); // rotate towards the player this.rotAngle.set(270); } @Override public void setDriver(TaskList driver) { this.nav.setDriver(driver); } @Override public Navigator getNavigator() { return nav; } @Override public double getDesiredSpeed() { return fullMoveSpeed * speedMul1 * speedMulStable; } @Override public void setDesiredSpeed(double speed) { fullMoveSpeed = speed; } @Override public void setShipLevel(int level) {} @Override public abstract void shootOnce(int gunIndex); @Override public abstract Vec getGunShotDir(int gunIndex); /** * Get data for shot - position and direction. * * @param x relative X coordinate (affected by scale factor) * @param z relative Z coordinate (affected by scale factor) * @return struct of (real position, motion vector) */ protected Coord getShotPos(double x, double z) { Vec zplus = motion.norm(z * scale); Coord mtn = motion.norm(x * scale); Polar pr = Polar.fromCoord(mtn.x, mtn.z); pr.angle += Math.PI / 2; Vec ro = new Vec(pr.toCoord()); Coord pos = getPos().add(ro.x, 0, ro.z).add(zplus); return pos; } @Override public double getHealMultiplier() { return 1; } @Override public EEntity getType() { return EEntity.ENEMY; } @Override public abstract void onImpact(Entity hitBy); @Override public double getEmpSensitivity() { return 1; } @Override public double getFireFlammability() { return 1; } @Override public double getFireSensitivity() { return 0.85; } @Override public void onUpdate() { if (nav != null && !isDead) nav.onUpdate(); } @Override public abstract void onDeath(); @Override public void render(double delta) { if (isDead) return; if (model != null) { glLoadIdentity(); Coord p = getPos().getDelta(delta); glTranslated(p.x, p.y, -p.z); glRotated(, rotDir.x, rotDir.y, rotDir.z); glScaled(scaleRender, scaleRender, scaleRender); model.render(); } } @Override public abstract double getHealthMax(); @Override public double getHealthPercent() { return Math.round((getHealth() / getHealthMax()) * 100); } @Override public boolean hasGlobalMovement() { return false; } /** * Set ship variant - used for level building. * * @param variant variant number */ public void setShipVariant(int variant) {} public double getSpeedMultiplier() { return speedMulStable; } public void setSpeedMultiplier(double speedMul) { this.speedMulStable = speedMul; } public void setStableSpeedMultiplier(double speed) { this.speedMul1 = speed; } public double getStableSpeedMultiplier() { return speedMul1; } public double getSpeedMultiplierTotal() { return getSpeedMultiplier() * getStableSpeedMultiplier(); } }