package; import; import java.util.List; import mightypork.gamecore.util.annot.DefaultImpl; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonBundle; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Coord; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Step; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.pathfinding.PathFinder; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.pathfinding.PathFinderProxy; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MonsterAi extends EntityModule implements EntityMoveListener { private boolean sleeping = true; private boolean chasing = false; private final AiTimer timerFindPrey = new AiTimer(3) { @Override public void run() { if (chasing) return; lookForTarget(); } }; private final AiTimer timerSleepStart = new AiTimer(10) { @Override public void run() { if (chasing) return; sleeping = true; } }; private final AiTimer timerAttack = new AiTimer(3) { @Override public void run() { if (!chasing) return; final Entity prey = getPreyEntity(); if (prey == null || prey.isDead()) return; attackPrey(prey); } }; private PathFinder noDoorPf; /** Prey id */ private int preyId = -1; public MonsterAi(final Entity entity) { super(entity); noDoorPf = new PathFinderProxy(entity.getPathFinder()) { @Override public boolean isAccessible(Coord pos) { final Tile t = entity.getLevel().getTile(pos); if (t.isDoor()) return false; return super.isAccessible(pos); } }; noDoorPf.setIgnoreEnd(true); timerAttack.start(); timerFindPrey.start(); timerSleepStart.start(); } @Override public void onStepFinished() { if (entity.isDead()) return; if (chasing) { final Entity prey = getPreyEntity(); if (!isPreyValid(prey)) { stopChasing(); return; } if (shouldRandomlyAbandonPrey()) { stopChasing(); return; } if (!isPreyInAttackRange(prey)) { stepTowardsPrey(prey); } } } @Override public void onPathFinished() { } @Override public void onPathInterrupted() { } @Override public void save(IonBundle bundle) throws IOException { bundle.putBundled("tscan", timerFindPrey); bundle.putBundled("tsleep", timerSleepStart); bundle.putBundled("tattack", timerAttack); bundle.put("chasing", chasing); bundle.put("sleeping", sleeping); bundle.put("prey", preyId); } @Override public void load(IonBundle bundle) throws IOException { bundle.loadBundled("tscan", timerFindPrey); bundle.loadBundled("tsleep", timerSleepStart); bundle.loadBundled("tattack", timerAttack); chasing = bundle.get("chasing", chasing); sleeping = bundle.get("sleeping", sleeping); preyId = bundle.get("prey", preyId); } @Override public boolean isModuleSaved() { return true; } @Override public void update(double delta) { if (entity.isDead()) return; timerFindPrey.update(delta); timerSleepStart.update(delta); timerAttack.update(delta); if (chasing && !entity.pos.isMoving()) { final Entity prey = getPreyEntity(); if (prey == null) { // prey killed and cleaned from level stopChasing(); return; } if (!isPreyInAttackRange(prey)) { stepTowardsPrey(prey); } } } public boolean isSleeping() { return sleeping; } private void lookForTarget() { if (entity.isDead()) return; if (shouldSkipScan()) return; // not hungry right now final Entity prey = entity.getLevel().getClosestEntity(entity.pos.getVisualPos(), EntityType.PLAYER, getScanRadius()); if (prey != null) { // check if reachable without leaving room final List noDoorPath = noDoorPf.findPath(entity.getCoord(), prey.getCoord()); if (noDoorPath == null) return; // cant reach, give up startChasing(prey); } } private Entity getPreyEntity() { return entity.getLevel().getEntity(preyId); } private boolean isPreyInAttackRange(Entity prey) { return prey.getCoord().dist(entity.getCoord()) <= getAttackDistance(); } private boolean isPreyValid(Entity prey) { return prey != null && !prey.isDead(); } private void startChasing(Entity prey) { if (entity.isDead()) return; preyId = prey.getEntityId(); chasing = true; sleeping = false; // not good to take a nap while chasing timerSleepStart.pause(); // follow this one prey timerFindPrey.pause(); onStepFinished(); // go towards prey } private void stopChasing() { chasing = false; preyId = -1; timerSleepStart.restart(); timerFindPrey.restart(); } private List getPathToPrey(Entity prey) { if (!isPreyValid(prey)) return null; return entity.getPathFinder().findPathRelative(entity.getCoord(), prey.getCoord(), false, true); } private void stepTowardsPrey(Entity prey) { if (entity.isDead()) return; if (!isPreyValid(prey)) return; // if close enough if (isPreyInAttackRange(prey)) { attackPrey(prey); return; } final List preyPath = getPathToPrey(prey); if (preyPath == null || preyPath.size() > getPreyAbandonDistance()) { stopChasing(); return; } entity.pos.cancelPath(); entity.pos.addSteps(preyPath); } private void attackPrey(Entity prey) { if (entity.isDead()) return; if (!isPreyInAttackRange(prey)) return; prey.receiveAttack(entity, getAttackStrength()); } protected void setSleepTime(double secs) { timerSleepStart.setDuration(secs); } protected void setAttackTime(double secs) { timerAttack.setDuration(secs); } protected void setScanTime(double secs) { timerFindPrey.setDuration(secs); } @DefaultImpl protected double getScanRadius() { return sleeping ? 1 + rand.nextInt(3) : 4 + rand.nextInt(4); // For override } @DefaultImpl protected int getPreyAbandonDistance() { return 5 + rand.nextInt(4); // For override } @DefaultImpl protected double getAttackDistance() { return 1; } @DefaultImpl protected int getAttackStrength() { return 1; // For override } @DefaultImpl protected boolean shouldSkipScan() { return false; } @DefaultImpl protected boolean shouldRandomlyAbandonPrey() { return false; } }