package mightypork.rogue.screens; import; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.AlignX; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.components.painters.QuadPainter; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.components.painters.TextPainter; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.screens.Overlay; import mightypork.gamecore.util.Utils; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.Easing; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.pal.PAL16; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.color.pal.RGB; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.num.Num; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.num.mutable.NumAnimated; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.rect.Rect; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.timing.TimedTask; import mightypork.gamecore.util.strings.StringProvider; import mightypork.rogue.Res; /** * Overlay with blue background and loading-info text, that accompanies an async * task. * * @author MightyPork */ public class LoadingOverlay extends Overlay { private static final double T_IN = 0.5; private static final double T_OUT = 1; private final NumAnimated alpha = new NumAnimated(0); private final StringProvider msgStrProv = new StringProvider() { @Override public String getString() { return msg == null ? "" : msg; } }; private boolean busy; private String msg; private Runnable task; private final TimedTask tt = new TimedTask() { @Override public void run() { Utils.runAsThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {; alpha.setEasing(Easing.SINE_OUT); alpha.fadeOut(T_OUT); busy = false; } }); } }; public LoadingOverlay(AppAccess app) { super(app); final QuadPainter qp = new QuadPainter(PAL16.SEABLUE); qp.setRect(root); root.add(qp); updated.add(alpha); updated.add(tt); Rect textRect = root.shrink(Num.ZERO, root.height().perc(48)); textRect = textRect.moveY(root.height().perc(-10)); final TextPainter tp = new TextPainter(Res.getFont("thick"), AlignX.CENTER, RGB.WHITE, msgStrProv); tp.setRect(textRect); tp.setShadow(RGB.BLACK_60, tp.height().mul(1 / 8D).toVectXY()); root.add(tp); setAlpha(alpha); } @Override public int getZIndex() { return 10001; // not too high, so app can put something on top } /** * Show for a task * * @param message task description * @param task task */ public void show(String message, Runnable task) { if (busy) throw new IllegalStateException("Loader is busy with another task."); this.msg = message; this.task = task; this.busy = true; alpha.setEasing(Easing.SINE_IN); alpha.fadeIn(T_IN); tt.start(T_IN); } }