package mightypork.utils.math.constraints.rect; import mightypork.utils.annotations.FactoryMethod; import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.Digestable; import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.RectBound; import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.num.Num; import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.num.NumConst; import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.vect.Vect; import mightypork.utils.math.constraints.vect.VectConst; /** * Common methods for all kinds of Rects * * @author MightyPork */ public abstract class Rect implements RectBound, Digestable { public static final RectConst ZERO = new RectConst(0, 0, 0, 0); public static final RectConst ONE = new RectConst(0, 0, 1, 1); @FactoryMethod public static Rect make(Num width, Num height) { final Vect origin = Vect.ZERO; final Vect size = Vect.make(width, height); return Rect.make(origin, size); } public static Rect make(Vect size) { return Rect.make(size.xn(), size.yn()); } @FactoryMethod public static Rect make(RectBound bound) { return new RectBoundAdapter(bound); } @FactoryMethod public static Rect make(Num x, Num y, Num width, Num height) { final Vect origin = Vect.make(x, y); final Vect size = Vect.make(width, height); return Rect.make(origin, size); } @FactoryMethod public static Rect make(final Vect origin, final Vect size) { return new RectVectAdapter(origin, size); } @FactoryMethod public static RectConst make(NumConst width, NumConst height) { final VectConst origin = Vect.ZERO; final VectConst size = Vect.make(width, height); return Rect.make(origin, size); } @FactoryMethod public static RectConst make(NumConst x, NumConst y, NumConst width, NumConst height) { final VectConst origin = Vect.make(x, y); final VectConst size = Vect.make(width, height); return Rect.make(origin, size); } @FactoryMethod public static RectConst make(final VectConst origin, final VectConst size) { return new RectConst(origin, size); } @FactoryMethod public static RectConst make(double width, double height) { return Rect.make(0, 0, width, height); } @FactoryMethod public static RectConst make(double x, double y, double width, double height) { return new RectConst(x, y, width, height); } @FactoryMethod public static RectVar makeVar(double x, double y) { return Rect.makeVar(0, 0, x, y); } @FactoryMethod public static RectVar makeVar(Rect copied) { return Rect.makeVar(copied.origin(), copied.size()); } @FactoryMethod public static RectVar makeVar(Vect origin, Vect size) { return Rect.makeVar(origin.x(), origin.y(), size.x(), size.y()); } @FactoryMethod public static RectVar makeVar(double x, double y, double width, double height) { return new RectVar(x, y, width, height); } @FactoryMethod public static RectVar makeVar() { return Rect.makeVar(Rect.ZERO); } private Vect p_bl; private Vect p_bc; private Vect p_br; // p_t == origin private Vect p_tc; private Vect p_tr; private Vect p_cl; private Vect p_cc; private Vect p_cr; private Num p_x; private Num p_y; private Num p_w; private Num p_h; private Num p_l; private Num p_r; private Num p_t; private Num p_b; private Rect p_edge_l; private Rect p_edge_r; private Rect p_edge_t; private Rect p_edge_b; private RectDigest lastDigest = null; private boolean digestCachingEnabled = false; /** * Get a copy of current value * * @return copy */ public RectConst freeze() { // must NOT call RectVal.make, it'd cause infinite recursion. return new RectConst(this); } @Override public RectDigest digest() { if (digestCachingEnabled && lastDigest != null) return lastDigest; return lastDigest = new RectDigest(this); } @Override public void enableDigestCaching(boolean yes) { digestCachingEnabled = yes; } /** * @return true if digest caching is enabled. */ @Override public boolean isDigestCachingEnabled() { return digestCachingEnabled; } @Override public void poll() { if (digestCachingEnabled) lastDigest = new RectDigest(this); } @Override public Rect getRect() { return this; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Rect { at %s , size %s }", origin(), size()); } /** * Origin (top left). * * @return origin (top left) */ public abstract Vect origin(); /** * Size (spanning right down from Origin). * * @return size vector */ public abstract Vect size(); /** * Add vector to origin * * @param move offset vector * @return result */ public Rect move(final Vect move) { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size(); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().add(move); } }; } /** * Add X and Y to origin * * @param x x to add * @param y y to add * @return result */ public Rect move(final double x, final double y) { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size(); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().add(x, y); } }; } public Rect move(final Num x, final Num y) { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size(); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().add(x, y); } }; } /** * Shrink to sides * * @param shrink shrink size (horizontal and vertical) * @return result */ public Rect shrink(Vect shrink) { return shrink(shrink.x(), shrink.y()); } /** * Shrink to all sides * * @param shrink shrink * @return result */ public final Rect shrink(double shrink) { return shrink(shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink); } /** * Shrink to all sides * * @param shrink shrink * @return result */ public final Rect shrink(Num shrink) { return shrink(shrink, shrink, shrink, shrink); } /** * Shrink to sides at sides * * @param x horizontal shrink * @param y vertical shrink * @return result */ public Rect shrink(double x, double y) { return shrink(x, x, y, y); } /** * Shrink the rect * * @param left shrink * @param right shrink * @param top shrink * @param bottom shrink * @return result */ public Rect shrink(final double left, final double right, final double top, final double bottom) { return grow(-left, -right, -top, -bottom); } public Rect shrinkLeft(final double shrink) { return growLeft(-shrink); } public Rect shrinkRight(final double shrink) { return growLeft(-shrink); } public Rect shrinkTop(final double shrink) { return growUp(-shrink); } public Rect shrinkBottom(final double shrink) { return growDown(-shrink); } public Rect growLeft(final double shrink) { return grow(shrink, 0, 0, 0); } public Rect growRight(final double shrink) { return grow(0, shrink, 0, 0); } public Rect growUp(final double shrink) { return grow(0, 0, shrink, 0); } public Rect growDown(final double shrink) { return grow(0, 0, 0, shrink); } public Rect shrinkLeft(final Num shrink) { return shrink(shrink, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO); } public Rect shrinkRight(final Num shrink) { return shrink(Num.ZERO, shrink, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO); } public Rect shrinkTop(final Num shrink) { return shrink(Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, shrink, Num.ZERO); } public Rect shrinkBottom(final Num shrink) { return shrink(Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, shrink); } public Rect growLeft(final Num shrink) { return grow(shrink, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO); } public Rect growRight(final Num shrink) { return grow(Num.ZERO, shrink, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO); } public Rect growUp(final Num shrink) { return grow(Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, shrink, Num.ZERO); } public Rect growDown(final Num shrink) { return grow(Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, shrink); } /** * Grow to sides * * @param grow grow size (added to each side) * @return grown copy */ public final Rect grow(Vect grow) { return grow(grow.x(), grow.y()); } /** * Grow to all sides * * @param grow grow * @return result */ public final Rect grow(double grow) { return grow(grow, grow, grow, grow); } /** * Grow to all sides * * @param grow grow * @return result */ public final Rect grow(Num grow) { return grow(grow, grow, grow, grow); } /** * Grow to sides * * @param x horizontal grow * @param y vertical grow * @return result */ public final Rect grow(double x, double y) { return grow(x, x, y, y); } /** * Grow the rect * * @param left growth * @param right growth * @param top growth * @param bottom growth * @return result */ public Rect grow(final double left, final double right, final double top, final double bottom) { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size().add(left + right, top + bottom); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().sub(left, top); } }; } public Rect shrink(final Num left, final Num right, final Num top, final Num bottom) { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size().sub(left.add(right), top.add(bottom)); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().add(left, top); } }; } public Rect grow(final Num left, final Num right, final Num top, final Num bottom) { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size().add(left.add(right), top.add(bottom)); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().sub(left, top); } }; } /** * Round coords * * @return result */ public Rect round() { return new Rect() { private final Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size().round(); } @Override public Vect origin() { return t.origin().round(); } }; } public Num x() { return p_x != null ? p_x : (p_x = origin().xn()); } public Num y() { return p_y != null ? p_y : (p_y = origin().yn()); } public Num width() { return p_w != null ? p_w : (p_w = size().xn()); } public Num height() { return p_h != null ? p_h : (p_h = size().yn()); } public Num left() { return p_l != null ? p_l : (p_l = origin().xn()); } public Num right() { return p_r != null ? p_r : (p_r = origin().xn().add(size().xn())); } public Num top() { return p_t != null ? p_t : (p_t = origin().yn()); } public Num bottom() { return p_b != null ? p_b : (p_b = origin().yn().add(size().yn())); } public Vect topLeft() { return origin(); } public Vect topCenter() { return p_tc != null ? p_tc : (p_tc = origin().add(size().xn().half(), Num.ZERO)); } public Vect topRight() { return p_tr != null ? p_tr : (p_tr = origin().add(size().xn(), Num.ZERO)); } public Vect centerLeft() { return p_cl != null ? p_cl : (p_cl = origin().add(Num.ZERO, size().yn().half())); } public Vect center() { return p_cc != null ? p_cc : (p_cc = origin().add(size().half())); } public Vect centerRight() { return p_cr != null ? p_cr : (p_cr = origin().add(size().xn(), size().yn().half())); } public Vect bottomLeft() { return p_bl != null ? p_bl : (p_bl = origin().add(Num.ZERO, size().yn())); } public Vect bottomCenter() { return p_bc != null ? p_bc : (p_bc = origin().add(size().xn().half(), size().yn())); } public Vect bottomRight() { return p_br != null ? p_br : (p_br = origin().add(size().xn(), size().yn())); } public Rect leftEdge() { return p_edge_l != null ? p_edge_l : (p_edge_l = topLeft().expand(Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, height())); } public Rect rightEdge() { return p_edge_r != null ? p_edge_r : (p_edge_r = topRight().expand(Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO, height())); } public Rect topEdge() { return p_edge_t != null ? p_edge_t : (p_edge_t = topLeft().expand(Num.ZERO, width(), Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO)); } public Rect bottomEdge() { return p_edge_b != null ? p_edge_b : (p_edge_b = bottomLeft().expand(Num.ZERO, width(), Num.ZERO, Num.ZERO)); } /** * Center to given point * * @param point new center * @return centered */ public Rect centerTo(final Vect point) { return new Rect() { Rect t = Rect.this; @Override public Vect size() { return t.size(); } @Override public Vect origin() { return point.sub(t.size().half()); } }; } /** * Check if point is inside this rectangle * * @param point point to test * @return is inside */ public boolean contains(Vect point) { final double x = point.x(); final double y = point.y(); final double x1 = origin().x(); final double y1 = origin().y(); final double x2 = x1 + size().x(); final double y2 = y1 + size().y(); return x >= x1 && y >= y1 && x <= x2 && y <= y2; } /** * Center to given rect's center * * @param parent rect to center to * @return centered */ public Rect centerTo(Rect parent) { return centerTo(; } /** * Get TiledRect with given number of evenly spaced tiles. Tile indexes are * one-based by default. * * @param horizontal horizontal tile count * @param vertical vertical tile count * @return tiled rect */ public TiledRect tiles(int horizontal, int vertical) { return new TiledRect(this, horizontal, vertical); } /** * Get TiledRect with N columns and 1 row. Column indexes are one-based by * default. * * @param columns number of columns * @return tiled rect */ public TiledRect columns(int columns) { return new TiledRect(this, columns, 1); } /** * Get TiledRect with N rows and 1 column. Row indexes are one-based by * default. * * @param rows number of columns * @return tiled rect */ public TiledRect rows(int rows) { return new TiledRect(this, 1, rows); } }