package mightypork.utils.math.animation; import mightypork.gamecore.control.timing.Pauseable; import mightypork.gamecore.control.timing.Updateable; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.constraints.NumberConstraint; import mightypork.utils.math.Calc; /** * Double which supports delta timing * * @author MightyPork */ public class AnimDouble implements Updateable, Pauseable, NumberConstraint { /** target double */ protected double to = 0; /** last tick double */ protected double from = 0; /** how long the transition should last */ protected double duration = 0; /** current anim time */ protected double elapsedTime = 0; /** True if this animator is paused */ protected boolean paused = false; /** Easing fn */ protected Easing easing = Easing.LINEAR; /** * Create linear animator * * @param value initial value */ public AnimDouble(double value) { setTo(value); } /** * Create animator with easing * * @param value initial value * @param easing easing function */ public AnimDouble(double value, Easing easing) { setTo(value); setEasing(easing); } /** * Create as copy of another * * @param other other animator */ public AnimDouble(AnimDouble other) { setTo(other); } /** * @return easing function */ public Easing getEasing() { return easing; } /** * @param easing easing function */ public void setEasing(Easing easing) { this.easing = easing; } /** * Get start value * * @return number */ public double getFrom() { return from; } /** * Get end value * * @return number */ public double getTo() { return to; } /** * Get value at delta time * * @return the value */ public double now() { if (duration == 0) return to; return Calc.interpolate(from, to, (elapsedTime / duration), easing); } /** * Get how much of the animation is already finished * * @return completion ratio (0 to 1) */ public double getProgress() { if (duration == 0) return 1; return elapsedTime / duration; } @Override public void update(double delta) { if (paused) return; elapsedTime = Calc.clampd(elapsedTime + delta, 0, duration); if (isFinished()) { duration = 0; elapsedTime = 0; from = to; } } /** * Get if animation is finished * * @return is finished */ public boolean isFinished() { return duration == 0 || elapsedTime >= duration; } /** * Set to a value (without animation) * * @param value */ public void setTo(double value) { from = to = value; elapsedTime = 0; duration = 0; } /** * Copy other * * @param other */ public void setTo(AnimDouble other) { this.from = other.from; =; this.duration = other.duration; this.elapsedTime = other.elapsedTime; this.paused = other.paused; this.easing = other.easing; } /** * Animate between two states, start from current value (if it's in between) * * @param from start value * @param to target state * @param time animation time (secs) */ public void animate(double from, double to, double time) { final double current = now(); this.from = from; = to; final double progress = getProgressFromValue(current); this.from = (progress > 0 ? current : from); this.duration = time * (1 - progress); this.elapsedTime = 0; } /** * Get progress already elapsed based on current value.
* Used to resume animation from current point in fading etc. * * @param value current value * @return progress ratio 0-1 */ protected double getProgressFromValue(double value) { double p = 0; if (from == to) return 0; if (value >= from && value <= to) { // up p = ((value - from) / (to - from)); } else if (value >= to && value <= from) { // down p = ((from - value) / (from - to)); } return p; } /** * Animate to a value from curretn value * * @param to target state * @param time animation time (secs) */ public void fadeTo(double to, double time) { this.from = now(); = to; this.duration = time; this.elapsedTime = 0; } /** * Animate 0 to 1 * * @param time animation time (secs) */ public void fadeIn(double time) { animate(0, 1, time); } /** * Animate 1 to 0 * * @param time animation time (secs) */ public void fadeOut(double time) { animate(1, 0, time); } /** * Make a copy * * @return copy */ public Pauseable getCopy() { return new AnimDouble(this); } @Override public String toString() { return "Animation(" + from + " -> " + to + ", t=" + duration + "s, elapsed=" + elapsedTime + "s)"; } /** * Set to zero and stop animation */ public void clear() { from = to = 0; elapsedTime = 0; duration = 0; paused = false; } /** * Stop animation, keep current value */ public void stop() { from = to = now(); elapsedTime = 0; duration = 0; } @Override public void pause() { paused = true; } @Override public void resume() { paused = false; } @Override public boolean isPaused() { return paused; } @Override public double getValue() { return now(); } }