package; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import mightypork.util.files.ion.IonBinary; import mightypork.util.files.ion.IonBundle; import mightypork.util.files.ion.IonInput; import mightypork.util.files.ion.IonOutput; import mightypork.util.logging.Log; import mightypork.util.math.Calc; import mightypork.util.math.noise.NoiseGen; /** * One level of the dungeon * * @author MightyPork */ public class Level implements MapAccess, IonBinary { public static final int ION_MARK = 53; private final Coord size =; private World world; private final Coord enterPoint =; /** Array of tiles [y][x] */ private Tile[][] tiles; private final Map entityMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Set entitySet = new HashSet<>(); /** Level seed (used for generation and tile variation) */ public long seed; private transient NoiseGen noiseGen; public Level() { } public Level(int width, int height) { size.setTo(width, height); buildArray(); } private void buildArray() { this.tiles = new Tile[size.y][size.x]; } public void fill(short id) { fill(Tiles.get(id)); } public void fill(TileModel model) { for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { setTile(c, model.createTile()); } } } @Override public final Tile getTile(Coord pos) { if (!pos.isInRange(0, 0, size.x - 1, size.y - 1)) return Tiles.NULL.createTile(); // out of range return tiles[pos.y][pos.x]; } public final void setTile(Coord pos, TileModel model) { setTile(pos, model.createTile()); } public final void setTile(Coord pos, int tileId) { setTile(pos, Tiles.create(tileId)); } public final void setTile(Coord pos, Tile tile) { if (!pos.isInRange(0, 0, size.x - 1, size.y - 1)) { Log.w("Invalid tile coord to set: " + pos + ", map size: " + size); return; // out of range } tiles[pos.y][pos.x] = tile; } @Override public final int getWidth() { return size.x; } @Override public final int getHeight() { return size.y; } public void setSeed(long seed) { this.seed = seed; } @Override public long getSeed() { return seed; } @Override public void load(IonInput in) throws IOException { // metadata final IonBundle ib = in.readBundle(); seed = ib.get("seed", 0L); ib.loadBundled("size", size); ib.loadBundled("enter_point", enterPoint); ib.loadSequence("entities", entitySet); for (final Entity ent : entitySet) { ent.setLevel(this); entityMap.put(ent.getEntityId(), ent); } // init array of size buildArray(); // load tiles for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { setTile(c, Tiles.loadTile(in)); } } // mark tiles as occupied for (final Entity e : entitySet) { occupyTile(e.getPosition().getCoord()); } } @Override public void save(IonOutput out) throws IOException { // metadata final IonBundle ib = new IonBundle(); ib.put("seed", seed); ib.putBundled("size", size); ib.putBundled("enter_point", enterPoint); ib.putSequence("entities", entitySet); out.writeBundle(ib); // tiles (writing this way to save space) for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { Tiles.saveTile(out, getTile(c)); } } } @Override public short getIonMark() { return ION_MARK; } public void update(double delta) { // just update them all for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { getTile(c).update(this, delta); } } for (final Entity e : entitySet) { e.update(delta); } } @Override public NoiseGen getNoiseGen() { if (noiseGen == null) { noiseGen = new NoiseGen(0.2, 0, 0.5, 1, seed); } return noiseGen; } public Entity getEntity(int eid) { return entityMap.get(eid); } public void addEntity(Entity entity) { if (entityMap.containsKey(entity.getEntityId())) { Log.w("Entity already in level."); return; } entityMap.put(entity.getEntityId(), entity); entitySet.add(entity); // join to level & world entity.setLevel(this); } public void removeEntity(Entity entity) { entityMap.remove(entity.getEntityId()); entitySet.remove(entity); } public void removeEntity(int eid) { final Entity removed = entityMap.remove(eid); entitySet.remove(removed); } public boolean canWalkInto(Coord pos) { final Tile t = getTile(pos); return t.isWalkable() && !t.isOccupied(); } /** * Mark tile as occupied by an entity */ public void occupyTile(Coord pos) { getTile(pos).setOccupied(true); } /** * Mark tile as free (no longet occupied) */ public void freeTile(Coord pos) { getTile(pos).setOccupied(false); } public Collection getEntities() { return entitySet; } public void setEnterPoint(Coord pos) { this.enterPoint.setTo(pos); } public Coord getEnterPoint() { return enterPoint; } public World getWorld() { return world; } public void setWorld(World world) { = world; } public void markExplored(Coord coord, double radius) { final int cr = (int) Math.ceil(radius); final Coord c =; for (c.y = coord.y - cr; c.y <= coord.y + cr; c.y++) { for (c.x = coord.x - cr; c.x <= coord.x + cr; c.x++) { if (Calc.dist(coord.x, coord.y, c.x, c.y) > radius) continue; final Tile t = getTile(c); if (!t.isNull()) { t.setExplored(); } } } } }