package mightypork.utils.math; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import mightypork.utils.math.coord.Coord; import mightypork.utils.math.easing.Easing; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; /** * Math helper * * @author MightyPork */ public class Calc { /** Square root of two */ public static final double SQ2 = 1.41421356237; /** * Get distance from 2D line to 2D point [X,Y] * * @param lineDirVec * line directional vector * @param linePoint * point of line * @param point * point coordinate * @return distance */ public static double linePointDist(Coord lineDirVec, Coord linePoint, Coord point) { // line point L[lx,ly] double lx = linePoint.x; double ly = linePoint.y; // line equation ax+by+c=0 double a = -lineDirVec.y; double b = lineDirVec.x; double c = -a * lx - b * ly; // checked point P[x,y] double x = point.x; double y = point.y; // distance return Math.abs(a * x + b * y + c) / Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); } /** * Get distance from 2D line to 2D point [X,Z] * * @param lineDirVec * line directional vector * @param linePoint * point of line * @param point * point coordinate * @return distance */ public static double linePointDistXZ(Coord lineDirVec, Coord linePoint, Coord point) { return linePointDist(new Coord(lineDirVec.x, lineDirVec.z), new Coord(linePoint.x, linePoint.z), new Coord(point.x, point.z)); } /** * Get longest side of a right-angled triangle * * @param a * side a (opposite) * @param b * side b (adjacent) * @return longest side (hypotenuse) */ public static double pythC(double a, double b) { return Math.sqrt(square(a) + square(b)); } /** * Get adjacent side of a right-angled triangle * * @param a * side a (opposite) * @param c * side c (hypotenuse) * @return side b (adjacent) */ public static double pythB(double a, double c) { return Math.sqrt(square(c) - square(a)); } /** * Get opposite side of a right-angled triangle * * @param b * side b (adjacent) * @param c * side c (hypotenuse) * @return side a (opposite) */ public static double pythA(double b, double c) { return Math.sqrt(square(c) - square(b)); } private static class Angles { public static double delta(double alpha, double beta, double a360) { while (Math.abs(alpha - beta) > a360 / 2D) { alpha = norm(alpha + a360 / 2D, a360); beta = norm(beta + a360 / 2D, a360); } return beta - alpha; } public static double norm(double angle, double a360) { while (angle < 0) angle += a360; while (angle > a360) angle -= a360; return angle; } } /** * Calc subclass with buffer utils. * * @author MightyPork */ public static class Buffers { /** * Create java.nio.FloatBuffer of given floats, and flip it. * * @param obj * floats or float array * @return float buffer */ public static FloatBuffer mkFillBuff(float... obj) { return (FloatBuffer) BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(obj.length).put(obj).flip(); } /** * Fill java.nio.FloatBuffer with floats or float array * * @param buff * @param obj */ public static void fill(FloatBuffer buff, float... obj) { buff.put(obj); buff.flip(); } /** * Create new java.nio.FloatBuffer of given length * * @param count * elements * @return the new java.nio.FloatBuffer */ public static FloatBuffer alloc(int count) { return BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(count); } } /** * Angle calculations for degrees. * * @author MightyPork */ public static class Deg { /** 180° in degrees */ public static final double a180 = 180; /** 270° in degrees */ public static final double a270 = 270; /** 360° in degrees */ public static final double a360 = 360; /** 45° in degrees */ public static final double a45 = 45; /** 90° in degrees */ public static final double a90 = 90; /** * Subtract two angles alpha - beta * * @param alpha * first angle * @param beta * second angle * @return (alpha - beta) in degrees */ public static double delta(double alpha, double beta) { return, beta, a360); } /** * Difference of two angles (absolute value of delta) * * @param alpha * first angle * @param beta * second angle * @return difference in radians */ public static double diff(double alpha, double beta) { return Math.abs(, beta, a360)); } /** * Cosinus in degrees * * @param deg * angle in degrees * @return cosinus */ public static double cos(double deg) { return Math.cos(toRad(deg)); } /** * Sinus in degrees * * @param deg * angle in degrees * @return sinus */ public static double sin(double deg) { return Math.sin(toRad(deg)); } /** * Tangents in degrees * * @param deg * angle in degrees * @return tangents */ public static double tan(double deg) { return Math.tan(toRad(deg)); } /** * Angle normalized to 0-360 range * * @param angle * angle to normalize * @return normalized angle */ public static double norm(double angle) { return Angles.norm(angle, a360); } /** * Convert to radians * * @param deg * degrees * @return radians */ public static double toRad(double deg) { return Math.toRadians(deg); } /** * Round angle to 0,45,90,135... * * @param deg * angle in deg. to round * @param x * rounding increment (45 - round to 0,45,90...) * @return rounded */ public static int roundX(double deg, double x) { double half = x / 2d; deg += half; deg = norm(deg); int times = (int) Math.floor(deg / x); double a = times * x; if (a == 360) a = 0; return (int) Math.round(a); } /** * Round angle to 0,45,90,135... * * @param deg * angle in deg. to round * @return rounded */ public static int round45(double deg) { return roundX(deg, 45); } /** * Round angle to 0,90,180,270 * * @param deg * angle in deg. to round * @return rounded */ public static int round90(double deg) { return roundX(deg, 90); } /** * Round angle to 0,15,30,45,60,75,90... * * @param deg * angle in deg to round * @return rounded */ public static int round15(double deg) { return roundX(deg, 15); } } /** * Angle calculations for radians. * * @author MightyPork */ public static class Rad { /** 180° in radians */ public static final double a180 = Math.PI; /** 270° in radians */ public static final double a270 = Math.PI * 1.5D; /** 360° in radians */ public static final double a360 = Math.PI * 2D; /** 45° in radians */ public static final double a45 = Math.PI / 4D; /** 90° in radians */ public static final double a90 = Math.PI / 2D; /** * Subtract two angles alpha - beta * * @param alpha * first angle * @param beta * second angle * @return (alpha - beta) in radians */ public static double delta(double alpha, double beta) { return, beta, a360); } /** * Difference of two angles (absolute value of delta) * * @param alpha * first angle * @param beta * second angle * @return difference in radians */ public static double diff(double alpha, double beta) { return Math.abs(, beta, a360)); } /** * Cos * * @param rad * angle in rads * @return cos */ public static double cos(double rad) { return Math.cos(rad); } /** * Sin * * @param rad * angle in rads * @return sin */ public static double sin(double rad) { return Math.sin(rad); } /** * Tan * * @param rad * angle in rads * @return tan */ public static double tan(double rad) { return Math.tan(rad); } /** * Angle normalized to 0-2*PI range * * @param angle * angle to normalize * @return normalized angle */ public static double norm(double angle) { return Angles.norm(angle, a360); } /** * Convert to degrees * * @param rad * radians * @return degrees */ public static double toDeg(double rad) { return Math.toDegrees(rad); } } private static Random rand = new Random(); /** * Get volume of a sphere * * @param radius * sphere radius * @return volume in cubic units */ public static double sphereGetVolume(double radius) { return (4D / 3D) * Math.PI * cube(radius); } /** * Get radius of a sphere * * @param volume * sphere volume * @return radius in units */ public static double sphereGetRadius(double volume) { return Math.cbrt((3D * volume) / (4 * Math.PI)); } /** * Get surface of a circle * * @param radius * circle radius * @return volume in square units */ public static double circleGetSurface(double radius) { return Math.PI * square(radius); } /** * Get radius of a circle * * @param surface * circle volume * @return radius in units */ public static double circleGetRadius(double surface) { return Math.sqrt(surface / Math.PI); } /** * Check if objects are equal (for equals function) * * @param a * @param b * @return are equal */ public static boolean areObjectsEqual(Object a, Object b) { return a == null ? b == null : a.equals(b); } /** * Private clamping helper. * * @param number * number to be clamped * @param min * min value * @param max * max value * @return clamped double */ private static double clamp_double(Number number, Number min, Number max) { double n = number.doubleValue(); double mind = min.doubleValue(); double maxd = max.doubleValue(); if (n > maxd) n = maxd; if (n < mind) n = mind; if (Double.isNaN(n)) return mind; return n; } /** * Private clamping helper. * * @param number * number to be clamped * @param min * min value * @return clamped double */ private static double clamp_double(Number number, Number min) { double n = number.doubleValue(); double mind = min.doubleValue(); if (n < mind) n = mind; return n; } /** * Clamp number to min and max bounds, inclusive.
* DOUBLE version * * @param number * clamped number * @param min * minimal allowed value * @param max * maximal allowed value * @return result */ public static double clampd(Number number, Number min, Number max) { return clamp_double(number, min, max); } /** * Clamp number to min and max bounds, inclusive.
* FLOAT version * * @param number * clamped number * @param min * minimal allowed value * @param max * maximal allowed value * @return result */ public static float clampf(Number number, Number min, Number max) { return (float) clamp_double(number, min, max); } /** * Clamp number to min and max bounds, inclusive.
* INTEGER version * * @param number * clamped number * @param min * minimal allowed value * @param max * maximal allowed value * @return result */ public static int clampi(Number number, Number min, Number max) { return (int) Math.round(clamp_double(number, min, max)); } /** * Clamp number to min and max bounds, inclusive.
* INTEGER version * * @param number * clamped number * @param range * range * @return result */ public static int clampi(Number number, Range range) { return (int) Math.round(clamp_double(number, range.getMin(), range.getMax())); } /** * Clamp number to min and max bounds, inclusive.
* DOUBLE version * * @param number * clamped number * @param range * range * @return result */ public static double clampd(Number number, Range range) { return clamp_double(number, range.getMin(), range.getMax()); } /** * Clamp number to min and max bounds, inclusive.
* FLOAT version * * @param number * clamped number * @param range * range * @return result */ public static float clampf(Number number, Range range) { return (float) clamp_double(number, range.getMin(), range.getMax()); } /** * Clamp number to min and infinite bounds, inclusive.
* DOUBLE version * * @param number * clamped number * @param min * minimal allowed value * @return result */ public static double clampd(Number number, Number min) { return clamp_double(number, min); } /** * Clamp number to min and infinite bounds, inclusive.
* FLOAT version * * @param number * clamped number * @param min * minimal allowed value * @return result */ public static float clampf(Number number, Number min) { return (float) clamp_double(number, min); } /** * Clamp number to min and infinite bounds, inclusive.
* INTEGER version * * @param number * clamped number * @param min * minimal allowed value * @return result */ public static int clampi(Number number, Number min) { return (int) Math.round(clamp_double(number, min)); } /** * Get class simple name * * @param obj * object * @return simple name */ public static String cname(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return "NULL"; return obj.getClass().getSimpleName(); } /** * Cube a double * * @param a * squared double * @return square */ public static double cube(double a) { return a * a * a; } /** * Convert double to string, remove the mess at the end. * * @param d * double * @return string */ public static String doubleToString(double d) { String s = Double.toString(d); s = s.replaceAll("([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)00+[0-9]+", "$1"); s = s.replaceAll("0+$", ""); s = s.replaceAll("\\.$", ""); return s; } /** * Convert float to string, remove the mess at the end. * * @param f * float * @return string */ public static String floatToString(float f) { String s = Float.toString(f); s = s.replaceAll("([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+)00+[0-9]+", "$1"); s = s.replaceAll("0+$", ""); s = s.replaceAll("\\.$", ""); return s; } /** * Check if number is in range * * @param number * checked * @param left * lower end * @param right * upper end * @return is in range */ public static boolean inRange(double number, double left, double right) { return number >= left && number <= right; } /** * Get number from A to B at delta time (tween A to B) * * @param from * last number * @param to * new number * @param time * time 0..1 * @param easing * easing function * @return current number to render */ public static double interpolate(double from, double to, double time, Easing easing) { return from + (to - from) * easing.get(time); } /** * Get angle [degrees] from A to B at delta time (tween A to B) * * @param from * last angle * @param to * new angle * @param time * time 0..1 * @param easing * easing function * @return current angle to render */ public static double interpolateDeg(double from, double to, double time, Easing easing) { return Deg.norm(from -, from) * easing.get(time)); } /** * Get angle [radians] from A to B at delta time (tween A to B) * * @param from * last angle * @param to * new angle * @param time * time 0..1 * @param easing * easing function * @return current angle to render */ public static double interpolateRad(double from, double to, double time, Easing easing) { return Rad.norm(from -, from) * easing.get(time)); } /** * Get highest number of a list * * @param numbers * numbers * @return lowest */ public static double max(double... numbers) { double highest = numbers[0]; for (double num : numbers) { if (num > highest) highest = num; } return highest; } /** * Get highest number of a list * * @param numbers * numbers * @return lowest */ public static float max(float... numbers) { float highest = numbers[0]; for (float num : numbers) { if (num > highest) highest = num; } return highest; } /** * Get highest number of a list * * @param numbers * numbers * @return lowest */ public static int max(int... numbers) { int highest = numbers[0]; for (int num : numbers) { if (num > highest) highest = num; } return highest; } /** * Get lowest number of a list * * @param numbers * numbers * @return lowest */ public static double min(double... numbers) { double lowest = numbers[0]; for (double num : numbers) { if (num < lowest) lowest = num; } return lowest; } /** * Get lowest number of a list * * @param numbers * numbers * @return lowest */ public static float min(float... numbers) { float lowest = numbers[0]; for (float num : numbers) { if (num < lowest) lowest = num; } return lowest; } /** * Get lowest number of a list * * @param numbers * numbers * @return lowest */ public static int min(int... numbers) { int lowest = numbers[0]; for (int num : numbers) { if (num < lowest) lowest = num; } return lowest; } /** * Split comma separated list of integers. * * @param list * String containing the list. * @return array of integers or null. */ public static List parseIntList(String list) { if (list == null) { return null; } String[] parts = list.split(","); ArrayList intList = new ArrayList(); for (String part : parts) { try { intList.add(Integer.parseInt(part)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } return intList; } /** * Pick random element from a given list. * * @param list * list of choices * @return picked element */ public static Object pick(List list) { if (list.size() == 0) return null; return list.get(rand.nextInt(list.size())); } /** * Square a double * * @param a * squared double * @return square */ public static double square(double a) { return a * a; } /** * Signum. * * @param number * @return sign, -1,0,1 */ public static int sgn(double number) { return number > 0 ? 1 : number < 0 ? -1 : 0; } public static double frag(double d) { return d - Math.floor(d); } }