package mightypork.gamecore.input; import mightypork.gamecore.core.AppAccess; import mightypork.gamecore.core.ShudownRequest; import mightypork.gamecore.eventbus.clients.RootBusNode; import; import mightypork.gamecore.input.KeyStroke.Edge; import; import; import; import; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.vect.Vect; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.vect.mutable.VectVar; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; /** * Input system * * @author MightyPork */ public class InputSystem extends RootBusNode implements Updateable, KeyBinder { // listeners private final KeyBindingPool keybindings; /** Current mouse position */ private static final Vect mousePos = new Vect() { @Override public double x() { if (!Mouse.isInsideWindow()) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; return Mouse.getX(); } @Override public double y() { if (!Mouse.isInsideWindow()) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; // flip Y axis return Display.getHeight() - Mouse.getY(); } }; private static boolean inited = false; /** * @param app app access */ public InputSystem(AppAccess app) { super(app); initDevices(); // global keybindings keybindings = new KeyBindingPool(); addChildClient(keybindings); getEventBus().send(new InputReadyEvent()); } @Override public final void deinit() { Mouse.destroy(); Keyboard.destroy(); } private void initDevices() { if (inited) return; inited = true; try { Mouse.create(); Keyboard.create(); Keyboard.enableRepeatEvents(false); } catch (final LWJGLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize input devices.", e); } } @Override public final void bindKey(KeyStroke stroke, Edge edge, Runnable task) { keybindings.bindKey(stroke, edge, task); } @Override public void unbindKey(KeyStroke stroke) { keybindings.unbindKey(stroke); } // counters as fields to save memory. private final VectVar mouseMove = Vect.makeVar(); private final VectVar mouseLastPos = Vect.makeVar(); @Override public synchronized void update(double delta) { // was destroyed if (!Display.isCreated()) return; if (!Mouse.isCreated()) return; if (!Keyboard.isCreated()) return; Display.processMessages(); // sum the moves mouseMove.reset(); mouseLastPos.reset(); boolean wasMouse = false; while ( { onMouseEvent(mouseMove, mouseLastPos); wasMouse = true; } if (wasMouse && !mouseMove.isZero()) { getEventBus().send(new MouseMotionEvent(mouseLastPos, mouseMove)); } while ( { onKeyEvent(); } if (Display.isCloseRequested()) { getEventBus().send(new ShudownRequest()); } } private void onMouseEvent(VectVar moveSum, VectVar lastPos) { final int button = Mouse.getEventButton(); final boolean down = Mouse.getEventButtonState(); final VectVar pos = Vect.makeVar(Mouse.getEventX(), Mouse.getEventY()); final VectVar move = Vect.makeVar(Mouse.getEventDX(), Mouse.getEventDY()); final int wheeld = Mouse.getEventDWheel(); // flip Y axis pos.setY(Display.getHeight() - pos.y()); if (button != -1 || wheeld != 0) { getEventBus().send(new MouseButtonEvent(pos.freeze(), button, down, wheeld)); } moveSum.setTo(moveSum.add(move)); lastPos.setTo(pos); } private void onKeyEvent() { final int key = Keyboard.getEventKey(); final boolean down = Keyboard.getEventKeyState(); final char c = Keyboard.getEventCharacter(); getEventBus().send(new KeyEvent(key, c, down)); } /** * Get absolute mouse position. This vect is final and views at it can * safely be made. * * @return mouse position */ public static Vect getMousePos() { return mousePos; } /** * @return true if mouse is inside window. */ public static boolean isMouseInside() { return Mouse.isInsideWindow(); } /** * Trap mouse cursor in the window * * @param grab true to grab */ public static void grabMouse(boolean grab) { Mouse.setGrabbed(grab); } public static boolean isKeyDown(int key) { return Keyboard.isKeyDown(key); } public static boolean isMouseButtonDown(int button) { return Mouse.isButtonDown(button); } /** * @return bit mask of active mod keys */ public static int getActiveModKeys() { int mods = 0; if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.L_ALT) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.R_ALT)) { mods |= Keys.MOD_ALT; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.L_SHIFT) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.R_SHIFT)) { mods |= Keys.MOD_SHIFT; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.L_CONTROL) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.R_CONTROL)) { mods |= Keys.MOD_CONTROL; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.L_META) || Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keys.R_META)) { mods |= Keys.MOD_META; } return mods; } public static boolean isReady() { return inited; } }