package; import; import java.util.*; import mightypork.gamecore.eventbus.BusAccess; import mightypork.gamecore.eventbus.EventBus; import mightypork.gamecore.eventbus.clients.DelegatingClient; import mightypork.gamecore.eventbus.clients.ToggleableClient; import; import mightypork.gamecore.logging.Log; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonBundle; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonInput; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonObjBinary; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.IonOutput; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Coord; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Sides; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Step; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.floodfill.FillContext; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.floodfill.FloodFill; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.constraints.vect.Vect; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.noise.NoiseGen; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * One level of the dungeon * * @author MightyPork */ public class Level implements BusAccess, Updateable, DelegatingClient, ToggleableClient, IonObjBinary { private static class EntityRenderComparator implements Comparator { @Override public int compare(Entity o1, Entity o2) { if (o1.isDead() && !o2.isDead()) { return -1; } if (!o1.isDead() && o2.isDead()) { return 1; } int c =, o1.pos.getVisualPos().y()); if (c == 0) c =, o1.pos.getVisualPos().x()); return c; } } private static final Random rand = new Random(); public static final int ION_MARK = 53; private static final Comparator ENTITY_RENDER_CMP = new EntityRenderComparator(); private final Coord size =; private World world; private final Coord enterPoint =; private final Coord exitPoint =; /** Array of tiles [y][x] */ private Tile[][] tiles; private final Map entityMap = new HashMap<>(); private final List entityList = new LinkedList<>(); private int playerCount = 0; /** Level seed (used for generation and tile variation) */ public long seed; private transient NoiseGen noiseGen; private double timeSinceLastEntitySort; public Level() { } public Level(int width, int height) { size.setTo(width, height); buildArray(); } private void buildArray() { this.tiles = new Tile[size.y][size.x]; } /** * Fill whole map with tile type * * @param model tile model */ public void fill(TileModel model) { for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { setTile(c, model.createTile()); } } } /** * Ge tile at X,Y * * @param pos * @return tile */ public final Tile getTile(Coord pos) { if (!pos.isInRange(0, 0, size.x - 1, size.y - 1)) return Tiles.NULL.createTile(); // out of range return tiles[pos.y][pos.x]; } /** * Set tile at pos * * @param pos tile pos * @param tile the tile instance to set */ public final void setTile(Coord pos, Tile tile) { if (!pos.isInRange(0, 0, size.x - 1, size.y - 1)) { Log.w("Invalid tile coord to set: " + pos + ", map size: " + size); return; // out of range } tiles[pos.y][pos.x] = tile; // assign level (tile logic may need it) tile.setLevel(this); } /** * @return map width in tiles */ public final int getWidth() { return size.x; } /** * @return map height in tiles */ public final int getHeight() { return size.y; } /** * Set level seed (used for visuals; the seed used for generation) * * @param seed seed */ public void setSeed(long seed) { this.seed = seed; } /** * @return map seed */ public long getSeed() { return seed; } @Override public void load(IonInput in) throws IOException { // -- metadata -- final IonBundle ib = in.readBundle(); seed = ib.get("seed", 0L); ib.loadBundled("size", size); ib.loadBundled("enter_point", enterPoint); ib.loadBundled("exit_point", exitPoint); // -- binary data -- // load tiles buildArray(); for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { setTile(c, Tiles.loadTile(in)); } } // load entities Entities.loadEntities(in, entityList); // prepare entities for (final Entity ent : entityList) { ent.setLevel(this); occupyTile(ent.getCoord()); entityMap.put(ent.getEntityId(), ent); } } @Override public void save(IonOutput out) throws IOException { // -- metadata -- final IonBundle ib = new IonBundle(); ib.put("seed", seed); ib.putBundled("size", size); ib.putBundled("enter_point", enterPoint); ib.putBundled("exit_point", exitPoint); out.writeBundle(ib); // -- binary data -- // tiles for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { Tiles.saveTile(out, getTile(c)); } } Entities.saveEntities(out, entityList); } @Override public short getIonMark() { return ION_MARK; } @Override public void update(double delta) { timeSinceLastEntitySort += delta; if (timeSinceLastEntitySort > 0.2) { Collections.sort(entityList, ENTITY_RENDER_CMP); timeSinceLastEntitySort = 0; } // just update them all for (final Coord c =; c.x < size.x; c.x++) { for (c.y = 0; c.y < size.y; c.y++) { getTile(c).updateTile(delta); } } final List toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Entity e : entityList) { if (e.isDead() && e.canRemoveCorpse()) toRemove.add(e); } for (final Entity e : toRemove) { removeEntity(e); e.onCorpseRemoved(); } } /** * @return level-specific noise generator */ public NoiseGen getNoiseGen() { if (noiseGen == null) { noiseGen = new NoiseGen(0.2, 0, 0.5, 1, seed); } return noiseGen; } /** * Get entity by ID * * @param eid entity ID * @return the entity, or null */ public Entity getEntity(int eid) { return entityMap.get(eid); } /** * Try to add entity at given pos * * @param entity the entity * @param pos pos * @return true if added (false if void, wall etc) */ public boolean addEntity(Entity entity, Coord pos) { final Tile t = getTile(pos); if (!t.isWalkable() || t.isOccupied()) return false; if (entityMap.containsKey(entity.getEntityId())) { Log.w("Entity already in level."); return false; } entityMap.put(entity.getEntityId(), entity); entityList.add(entity); if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) playerCount++; // join to level & world entity.setLevel(this); occupyTile(entity.getCoord()); entity.setCoord(pos); return true; } /** * Remove an entity from the level, if present * * @param entity entity */ public void removeEntity(Entity entity) { removeEntity(entity.getEntityId()); } /** * Remove an entity from the level, if present * * @param eid entity id */ public void removeEntity(int eid) { final Entity removed = entityMap.remove(eid); if (removed == null) throw new NullPointerException("No such entity in level: " + eid); if (removed instanceof PlayerEntity) playerCount--; entityList.remove(removed); freeTile(removed.getCoord()); } /** * Check tile walkability * * @param pos tile coord * @return true if the tile is walkable by entity */ public boolean isWalkable(Coord pos) { final Tile t = getTile(pos); return t.isWalkable() && !t.isOccupied(); } /** * Mark tile as occupied (entity entered) * * @param pos tile pos */ public void occupyTile(Coord pos) { getTile(pos).setOccupied(true); } /** * Mark tile as free (entity left) * * @param pos tile pos */ public void freeTile(Coord pos) { getTile(pos).setOccupied(false); } /** * Check entity on tile * * @param pos tile coord * @return true if some entity is standing there */ public boolean isOccupied(Coord pos) { return getTile(pos).isOccupied(); } /** * Set level entry point * * @param pos pos where the player appears upon descending to this level */ public void setEnterPoint(Coord pos) { this.enterPoint.setTo(pos); } /** * Get location where the player appears upon descending to this level * * @return pos */ public Coord getEnterPoint() { return enterPoint; } /** * Set level exit point * * @param pos pos where the player appears upon ascending to this level */ public void setExitPoint(Coord pos) { this.exitPoint.setTo(pos); } /** * Get location where the player appears upon ascending to this level * * @return pos */ public Coord getExitPoint() { return exitPoint; } /** * Get the level's world * * @return world */ public World getWorld() { return world; } /** * Assign a world * * @param world new world */ public void setWorld(World world) { = world; } /** * Mark tile and surrounding area as explored * * @param center center the explored tile */ public void explore(Coord center) { final Collection filled = new HashSet<>(); FloodFill.fill(center, exploreFc, filled); for (final Coord c : filled) { getTile(c).setExplored(); } } private final FillContext exploreFc = new FillContext() { @Override public Step[] getSpreadSides() { return Sides.ALL_SIDES; } @Override public double getMaxDistance() { return 5.4; } @Override public boolean canSpreadFrom(Coord pos) { final Tile t = getTile(pos); return t.isWalkable() && !t.isDoor(); } @Override public boolean canEnter(Coord pos) { final Tile t = getTile(pos); return !t.isNull(); } @Override public boolean forceSpreadStart() { return true; } }; /** * Get entity of type closest to coord * * @param pos the attack origin * @param type wanted entity type * @param radius search radius; -1 for unlimited. * @return */ public Entity getClosestEntity(Vect pos, EntityType type, double radius) { Entity closest = null; double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (final Entity e : entityList) { if (e.isDead()) continue; if (e.getType() == type) { final double dist = e.pos.getVisualPos().dist(pos).value(); if (dist <= radius && dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; closest = e; } } } return closest; } /** * Free a tile. If entity is present, remove it. * * @param pos the tile pos */ public void forceFreeTile(Coord pos) { if (getTile(pos).isOccupied()) { final Set toButcher = new HashSet<>(); for (final Entity e : entityList) { if (e.getCoord().equals(pos)) { toButcher.add(e); break; } } for (final Entity e : toButcher) { removeEntity(e); freeTile(pos); } } if (!getTile(pos).isWalkable()) { // this should never happen. setTile(pos, Tiles.BRICK_FLOOR.createTile()); } } /** * Check if entity is in the level * * @param entity entity * @return is present */ public boolean isEntityPresent(Entity entity) { return entityList.contains(entity); } /** * Check if entity is in the level * * @param eid entity ID * @return true if present */ public boolean isEntityPresent(int eid) { return entityMap.containsKey(eid); } /** * Get entity collection (for rendering) * * @return entities */ public Collection getEntities() { return entityList; } @Override public EventBus getEventBus() { return world.getEventBus(); } @Override public boolean isListening() { return playerCount > 0; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) @Override public Collection getChildClients() { return entityList; } @Override public boolean doesDelegate() { return isListening(); } public boolean dropNear(Coord coord, Item itm) { if (getTile(coord).dropItem(itm)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { final Coord c = coord.add(-1 + rand.nextInt(3), -1 + rand.nextInt(3)); if (getTile(c).dropItem(itm)) return true; } return false; } }