package; import; import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import mightypork.gamecore.eventbus.EventBus; import; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.screens.CrossfadeOverlay; import mightypork.gamecore.gui.screens.ScreenRegistry; import mightypork.gamecore.input.InputSystem; import mightypork.gamecore.logging.Log; import mightypork.gamecore.logging.SlickLogRedirector; import mightypork.gamecore.logging.writers.LogWriter; import mightypork.gamecore.render.DisplaySystem; import; import mightypork.gamecore.util.annot.DefaultImpl; import mightypork.gamecore.util.files.InstanceLock; import mightypork.gamecore.util.ion.Ion; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Coord; import mightypork.gamecore.util.math.algo.Step; /** * Basic screen-based game with subsystems.
* This class takes care of the initialization sequence. * * @author MightyPork */ public abstract class BaseApp implements AppAccess, UncaughtExceptionHandler { // modules private InputSystem inputSystem; private DisplaySystem displaySystem; private SoundSystem soundSystem; private EventBus eventBus; private MainLoop gameLoop; private ScreenRegistry screenRegistry; /** * Start the application */ public final void start() { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(this); initialize(); Log.i("Starting main loop..."); // open first screen gameLoop.start(); } /** * Init the app */ protected void initialize() { /* * Lock working directory */ initLock(); // hook preInit(); /* * Setup logging */ final LogWriter log = createLog(); if (log != null) { Log.setMainLogger(log); org.newdawn.slick.util.Log.setLogSystem(new SlickLogRedirector(log)); } // only here it makes sense to log. Log.i("=== Commencing initialization sequence ==="); /* * Ionizables */ Log.f3("initializing ION..."); registerIonizables(); /* * Event bus */ Log.f2("Starting Event Bus..."); eventBus = new EventBus(); Log.f3("Registering channels..."); initBus(eventBus); /* * Display */ Log.f2("Initializing Display System..."); displaySystem = new DisplaySystem(this); initDisplay(displaySystem); /* * Audio */ Log.f2("Initializing Sound System..."); soundSystem = new SoundSystem(this); initSoundSystem(soundSystem); /* * Input */ Log.f2("Initializing Input System..."); inputSystem = new InputSystem(this); initInputSystem(inputSystem); /* * Prepare main loop */ Log.f1("Creating Screen Registry and Game Loop..."); screenRegistry = new ScreenRegistry(this); gameLoop = createMainLoop(); gameLoop.setRootRenderable(screenRegistry); /* * Load resources * * Resources should be registered to banks, and AsyncResourceLoader will load them. */ Log.f1("Loading resources..."); initResources(); /* * Screen registry * * Must be after resources, because screens can request them during instantiation. */ Log.f2("Registering screens..."); initScreens(screenRegistry); postInit(); Log.i("=== Initialized sequence completed ==="); } @DefaultImpl protected void registerIonizables() { Ion.registerType(Coord.ION_MARK, Coord.class); Ion.registerType(Step.ION_MARK, Step.class); } /** * Called at the beginning of the initialization sequence, right after lock * was obtained. */ @DefaultImpl protected void preInit() { } /** * Called at the end of init sequence, before main loop starts. */ @DefaultImpl protected void postInit() { } /** * Create and configure a log (using {@link Log}) * * @return new log instance */ @DefaultImpl protected LogWriter createLog() { final LogWriter log = Log.create("runtime", new File("runtime.log")); log.setLevel(Level.ALL); return log; } /** * Create window and configure display system * * @param display */ @DefaultImpl protected void initDisplay(DisplaySystem display) { display.createMainWindow(800, 600, true, false, "BaseApp using LWJGL display."); display.setTargetFps(60); } /** * Configure sound system (ie. adjust volume) * * @param audio */ @DefaultImpl protected void initSoundSystem(SoundSystem audio) { } /** * Configure input system (ie. define global keystrokes) * * @param input */ @DefaultImpl protected void initInputSystem(InputSystem input) { } /** * Initialize resource banks. */ @DefaultImpl protected void initResources() { } /** * Register game screens to the registry. * * @param screens */ @DefaultImpl protected void initScreens(ScreenRegistry screens) { screens.addOverlay(new CrossfadeOverlay(this)); } /** * Create game loop instance * * @return the game loop. */ protected abstract MainLoop createMainLoop(); /** * Initialize event bus. Usually, no action is needed, since the bus * automatically recognizes new event types. * * @param bus */ @DefaultImpl protected void initBus(EventBus bus) { } /* * Try to obtain lock. */ private void initLock() { final File lockFile = getLockFile(); if (lockFile == null) { // lock off return; } if (!InstanceLock.onFile(lockFile)) { onLockError(); return; } } /** * Triggered when lock cannot be obtained.
* App should terminate gracefully. */ protected void onLockError() { Log.e("Could not obtain lock file.\nOnly one instance can run at a time."); //@formatter:off JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Another instance is already running.", "Lock Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); //@formatter:on shutdown(); } /** * Get lock file path; Used to enforce single-instance policy. * * @return lock file, or null to disable lock. */ @DefaultImpl protected File getLockFile() { return new File(".lock"); } @Override public final SoundSystem getSoundSystem() { return soundSystem; } @Override public final InputSystem getInput() { return inputSystem; } @Override public final DisplaySystem getDisplay() { return displaySystem; } @Override public final EventBus getEventBus() { return eventBus; } @DefaultImpl protected void beforeShutdown() { } @Override public final void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) { onCrash(e); } @DefaultImpl protected void onCrash(Throwable e) { Log.e("The game has crashed.", e); shutdown(); } @Override public final void shutdown() { beforeShutdown(); Log.i("Shutting down subsystems..."); try { if (getEventBus() != null) { getEventBus().send(new DestroyEvent()); getEventBus().destroy(); } } catch (final Exception e) { // ignore it } Log.i("Terminating..."); System.exit(0); } }