package mightypork.gamecore.render.fonts.impl; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontFormatException; import; import; import mightypork.gamecore.loading.DeferredResource; import mightypork.gamecore.loading.MustLoadInMainThread; import mightypork.gamecore.render.fonts.GLFont; import mightypork.gamecore.render.textures.FilterMode; import mightypork.util.files.FileUtils; import mightypork.util.logging.LogAlias; import mightypork.util.math.color.Color; import mightypork.util.math.constraints.vect.Vect; /** * Font obtained from a resource file (TTF). * * @author MightyPork */ @MustLoadInMainThread @LogAlias(name = "Font") public class DeferredFont extends DeferredResource implements GLFont { public static enum FontStyle { PLAIN(Font.PLAIN), BOLD(Font.BOLD), ITALIC(Font.ITALIC), BOLD_ITALIC(Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC); int numval; private FontStyle(int style) { this.numval = style; } } private GLFont font = null; private double size; private FontStyle style; private String chars; private FilterMode filter; private boolean antialias; /** * A font from resource; setters shall be used to specify parameters in * greater detail. * * @param resourcePath resource to load * @param chars chars to load; null to load basic chars only * @param size size (px) */ public DeferredFont(String resourcePath, String chars, double size) { this(resourcePath, chars, size, FontStyle.PLAIN, false, FilterMode.NEAREST); } /** * A font from resource * * @param resourcePath resource to load * @param chars chars to load; null to load basic chars only * @param size size (px) * @param style font style * @param antialias use antialiasing for caching texture * @param filter gl filtering mode */ public DeferredFont(String resourcePath, String chars, double size, FontStyle style, boolean antialias, FilterMode filter) { super(resourcePath); this.size = size; = style; this.chars = chars; this.filter = filter; this.antialias = antialias; } public synchronized void setSize(double size) { this.size = size; } public synchronized void setStyle(FontStyle style) { = style; } public synchronized void setChars(String chars) { this.chars = chars; } public synchronized void setFilter(FilterMode filter) { this.filter = filter; } public synchronized void setAntialias(boolean antialias) { this.antialias = antialias; } @Override protected synchronized final void loadResource(String path) throws FontFormatException, IOException { final Font awtFont = getAwtFont(path, (float) size, style.numval); font = new CachedFont(awtFont, antialias, filter, chars); } /** * Get a font for a resource path / name * * @param resource resource to load * @param size font size (pt) * @param style font style * @return the {@link Font} * @throws FontFormatException * @throws IOException */ protected Font getAwtFont(String resource, float size, int style) throws FontFormatException, IOException { try (InputStream in = FileUtils.getResource(resource)) { Font awtFont = Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, in); awtFont = awtFont.deriveFont(size); awtFont = awtFont.deriveFont(style); return awtFont; } } /** * Draw string * * @param str string to draw * @param color draw color */ @Override public void draw(String str, Color color) { if (!ensureLoaded()) return; font.draw(str, color); } /** * Get size needed to render give string * * @param text string to check * @return coord (width, height) */ @Override public Vect getNeededSpace(String text) { if (!ensureLoaded()) return Vect.ZERO; return font.getNeededSpace(text); } /** * @return font height */ @Override public int getLineHeight() { if (!ensureLoaded()) return 0; return font.getLineHeight(); } @Override public int getFontSize() { if (!ensureLoaded()) return 0; return font.getFontSize(); } @Override public int getWidth(String text) { return font.getWidth(text); } @Override public void destroy() { // this will have to suffice font = null; } }