package mightypork.util.files.ion; import*; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import mightypork.util.logging.Log; /** * Universal data storage system * * @author MightyPork */ public class Ion { /* * 0-49 ... primitive and built-in types * 60-79 ... technical marks * 80-99 ... internal ION data types */ // primitives 0..19 /** Null mark */ private static final short NULL = 0; /** Boolean mark */ private static final short BOOLEAN = 1; /** Byte mark */ private static final short BYTE = 2; /** Character mark */ private static final short CHAR = 3; /** Short mark */ private static final short SHORT = 4; /** Integer mark */ private static final short INT = 5; /** Long mark */ private static final short LONG = 6; /** Float mark */ private static final short FLOAT = 7; /** Double mark */ private static final short DOUBLE = 8; /** String mark */ private static final short STRING = 9; /** Boolean array mark */ private static final short BOOLEAN_ARRAY = 10; /** Byte array mark */ private static final short BYTE_ARRAY = 11; /** Character array mark */ private static final short CHAR_ARRAY = 12; /** Short array mark */ private static final short SHORT_ARRAY = 13; /** Integer array mark */ private static final short INT_ARRAY = 14; /** Long array mark */ private static final short LONG_ARRAY = 15; /** Float array mark */ private static final short FLOAT_ARRAY = 16; /** Double array mark */ private static final short DOUBLE_ARRAY = 17; /** String array mark */ private static final short STRING_ARRAY = 18; // technical 20..39 /** * Entry mark - general purpose, marks an entry in sequence of objects. Used * to indicate that the sequence continues wityh another element. */ public static final short ENTRY = 60; /** * End mark - general purpose, marks end of sequence of stored objects. */ public static final short END = 61; // built in 80..99 /** Map mark (built-in data structure) */ static final short DATA_BUNDLE = 80; /** List mark (built-in data structure) */ static final short DATA_LIST = 81; /** Ionizables */ private static Map> customIonizables = new HashMap<>(); // buffers and helper arrays for storing to streams. private static ByteBuffer bi = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.SIZE / 8); private static ByteBuffer bd = ByteBuffer.allocate(Double.SIZE / 8); private static ByteBuffer bf = ByteBuffer.allocate(Float.SIZE / 8); private static ByteBuffer bc = ByteBuffer.allocate(Character.SIZE / 8); private static ByteBuffer bl = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.SIZE / 8); private static ByteBuffer bs = ByteBuffer.allocate(Short.SIZE / 8); private static byte[] ai = new byte[Integer.SIZE / 8]; private static byte[] ad = new byte[Double.SIZE / 8]; private static byte[] af = new byte[Float.SIZE / 8]; private static byte[] ac = new byte[Character.SIZE / 8]; private static byte[] al = new byte[Long.SIZE / 8]; private static byte[] as = new byte[Short.SIZE / 8]; /** * Indicates whether range checking should be performed when registering * marks. */ private static boolean markRangeChecking; static { markRangeChecking = false; registerIonizable(DATA_BUNDLE, IonBundle.class); markRangeChecking = true; } /** * Register new {@link Ionizable} for direct reconstructing. * * @param mark mark to be used. Numbers 0..99 are reserved. Mark is of type * Short, using values out of the short range will raise an * except * @param objClass class of the registered Ionizable */ public static void registerIonizable(int mark, Class objClass) { // negative marks are allowed. if (mark > Short.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mark too high (max " + Short.MAX_VALUE + ")."); if (mark < Short.MIN_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mark too low (min " + Short.MIN_VALUE + ")."); final short m = (short) mark; if (markRangeChecking && m >= 0 && m < 100) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Marks 0..99 are reserved."); } if (customIonizables.containsKey(m)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mark " + m + " is already in use."); } customIonizables.put(m, objClass); } /** * Load an object from file. * * @param path file path * @return the loaded object * @throws IOException on failure */ public static Object fromFile(String path) throws IOException { return fromFile(new File(path)); } /** * Load an object from file. * * @param file file * @return the loaded object * @throws IOException on failure */ public static Object fromFile(File file) throws IOException { try(InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { final Object obj = fromStream(in); return obj; } catch (final IOException e) { throw new IOException("Error loading ION file.", e); } } /** * Store an object to file. * * @param path file path * @param obj object to store * @throws IOException */ public static void toFile(String path, Object obj) throws IOException { toFile(new File(path), obj); } /** * Store an object to file. * * @param file file * @param obj object to store * @throws IOException */ public static void toFile(File file, Object obj) throws IOException { try(OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) { writeObject(out, obj); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IOException("Error writing to ION file.", e); } } /** * Load an object from stream. * * @param in input stream * @return the loaded object * @throws IOException */ public static Object fromStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { return readObject(in); } /** * Write an object to a stream. * * @param out output stream * @param obj written object * @throws IOException */ public static void toStream(OutputStream out, Object obj) throws IOException { writeObject(out, obj); } /** * Read single object from input stream, preceded by a mark. If a mark is * not present, the behavior is undefined - in case the read bytes happen to * match one of the registered marks, some garbage will be read. Otherwise * an exception will be be thrown. * * @param in input stream * @return the loaded object * @throws IOException */ public static Object readObject(InputStream in) throws IOException { final short mark = readMark(in); if (customIonizables.containsKey(mark)) { Ionizable loaded; try { final Class clz = customIonizables.get(mark); loaded = ((Ionizable) clz.newInstance()); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("Cound not instantiate: " + Log.str(customIonizables.get(mark)), e); } loaded.load(in); return loaded; } int length; switch (mark) { case NULL: return null; case BOOLEAN: return readBoolean(in); case BYTE: return readByte(in); case CHAR: return readChar(in); case SHORT: return readShort(in); case INT: return readInt(in); case LONG: return readLong(in); case FLOAT: return readFloat(in); case DOUBLE: return readDouble(in); case STRING: return readString(in); case BOOLEAN_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final boolean[] bools = new boolean[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { bools[i] = readBoolean(in); } return bools; case BYTE_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { bytes[i] = readByte(in); } return bytes; case CHAR_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final char[] chars = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { chars[i] = readChar(in); } return chars; case SHORT_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final short[] shorts = new short[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { shorts[i] = readShort(in); } return shorts; case INT_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final int[] ints = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ints[i] = readInt(in); } return ints; case LONG_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final long[] longs = new long[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { longs[i] = readLong(in); } return longs; case FLOAT_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final float[] floats = new float[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { floats[i] = readFloat(in); } return floats; case DOUBLE_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final double[] doubles = new double[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { doubles[i] = readDouble(in); } return doubles; case STRING_ARRAY: length = readInt(in); final String[] Strings = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Strings[i] = readString(in); } return Strings; default: throw new IOException("Invalid Ion mark: " + mark); } } public static void expect(InputStream in, short mark) throws IOException { if (readMark(in) != mark) throw new IOException("Unexpected mark in ION stream."); } public static short readMark(InputStream in) throws IOException { return readShort(in); } public static void writeMark(OutputStream out, short mark) throws IOException { writeShort(out, mark); } /** * Write a single object to output stream, with a mark. * * @param out output stream * @param obj stored object * @throws IOException */ public static void writeObject(OutputStream out, Object obj) throws IOException { if (obj instanceof Ionizable) { writeMark(out, ((Ionizable) obj).getIonMark()); ((Ionizable) obj).save(out); return; } if (obj instanceof Boolean) { writeMark(out, BOOLEAN); writeBoolean(out, (Boolean) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Byte) { writeMark(out, BYTE); writeByte(out, (Byte) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Character) { writeMark(out, CHAR); writeChar(out, (Character) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Short) { writeMark(out, SHORT); writeShort(out, (Short) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Integer) { writeMark(out, INT); writeInt(out, (Integer) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Long) { writeMark(out, LONG); writeLong(out, (Long) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Float) { writeMark(out, FLOAT); writeFloat(out, (Float) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof Double) { writeMark(out, DOUBLE); writeDouble(out, (Double) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof String) { writeMark(out, STRING); writeString(out, (String) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof boolean[]) { writeMark(out, BOOLEAN_ARRAY); writeBooleanArray(out, (boolean[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof byte[]) { writeMark(out, BYTE_ARRAY); writeByteArray(out, (byte[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof char[]) { writeMark(out, CHAR_ARRAY); writeCharArray(out, (char[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof short[]) { writeMark(out, SHORT_ARRAY); writeShortArray(out, (short[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof int[]) { writeMark(out, INT_ARRAY); writeIntArray(out, (int[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof long[]) { writeMark(out, LONG_ARRAY); writeLongArray(out, (long[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof float[]) { writeMark(out, FLOAT_ARRAY); writeFloatArray(out, (float[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof double[]) { writeMark(out, DOUBLE_ARRAY); writeDoubleArray(out, (double[]) obj); return; } if (obj instanceof String[]) { writeMark(out, STRING_ARRAY); writeStringArray(out, (String[]) obj); return; } throw new IOException("Object " + Log.str(obj) + " could not be be ionized."); } private static byte[] getBytesBool(boolean bool) { return new byte[] { (byte) (bool ? 1 : 0) }; } private static byte[] getBytesByte(byte num) { return new byte[] { num }; } private static byte[] getBytesChar(char num) { synchronized (bc) { bc.clear(); bc.putChar(num); return bc.array(); } } private static byte[] getBytesShort(short num) { synchronized (bs) { bs.clear(); bs.putShort(num); return bs.array(); } } private static byte[] getBytesInt(int num) { synchronized (bi) { bi.clear(); bi.putInt(num); return bi.array(); } } private static byte[] getBytesLong(long num) { synchronized (bl) { bl.clear(); bl.putLong(num); return bl.array(); } } private static byte[] getBytesFloat(float num) { synchronized (bf) { bf.clear(); bf.putFloat(num); return bf.array(); } } private static byte[] getBytesDouble(double num) { synchronized (bd) { bd.clear(); bd.putDouble(num); return bd.array(); } } /** * Write a boolean (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param b boolean to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeBoolean(OutputStream out, boolean b) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesBool(b)); } /** * Write a byte (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param b byte to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeByte(OutputStream out, byte b) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesByte(b)); } /** * Write a char (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param c char to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeChar(OutputStream out, char c) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesChar(c)); } /** * Write a short (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param s short to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeShort(OutputStream out, short s) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesShort(s)); } /** * Write an integer (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param i integer to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeInt(OutputStream out, int i) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesInt(i)); } /** * Write a long (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param l long to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeLong(OutputStream out, long l) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesLong(l)); } /** * Write a float (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param f float to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeFloat(OutputStream out, float f) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesFloat(f)); } /** * Write a double (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param d double to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeDouble(OutputStream out, double d) throws IOException { out.write(getBytesDouble(d)); } /** * Write a String (without a mark) * * @param out output stream * @param str String to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeString(OutputStream out, String str) throws IOException { writeCharArray(out, str.toCharArray()); } /** * Write boolean array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeBooleanArray(OutputStream out, boolean[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final boolean a : arr) { writeBoolean(out, a); } } /** * Write byte array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeByteArray(OutputStream out, byte[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final byte a : arr) { writeByte(out, a); } } /** * Write char array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeCharArray(OutputStream out, char[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final char a : arr) { writeChar(out, a); } } /** * Write short array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeShortArray(OutputStream out, short[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final short a : arr) { writeShort(out, a); } } /** * Write int array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeIntArray(OutputStream out, int[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final int a : arr) { writeInt(out, a); } } /** * Write long array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeLongArray(OutputStream out, long[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final long a : arr) { writeLong(out, a); } } /** * Write float array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeFloatArray(OutputStream out, float[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final float a : arr) { writeFloat(out, a); } } /** * Write double array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeDoubleArray(OutputStream out, double[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final double a : arr) { writeDouble(out, a); } } /** * Write String array * * @param out output stream * @param arr array to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeStringArray(OutputStream out, String[] arr) throws IOException { writeInt(out, arr.length); for (final String a : arr) { writeString(out, a); } } /** * Read a boolean (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return boolean read * @throws IOException */ public static boolean readBoolean(InputStream in) throws IOException { return readByte(in) > 0; } /** * Read a byte (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return byte read * @throws IOException */ public static byte readByte(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int b =; if (-1 == b) throw new IOException("End of stream."); return (byte) b; } /** * Read a char (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return char read * @throws IOException */ public static char readChar(InputStream in) throws IOException { synchronized (ac) { if (-1 ==, 0, ac.length)) throw new IOException("End of stream."); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ac); return buf.getChar(); } } /** * Read a short (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return short read * @throws IOException */ public static short readShort(InputStream in) throws IOException { synchronized (as) { if (-1 ==, 0, as.length)) throw new IOException("End of stream."); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(as); return buf.getShort(); } } /** * Read a long (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return long read * @throws IOException */ public static long readLong(InputStream in) throws IOException { synchronized (al) { if (-1 ==, 0, al.length)) throw new IOException("End of stream."); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(al); return buf.getLong(); } } /** * Read an integer (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return integer read * @throws IOException */ public static int readInt(InputStream in) throws IOException { synchronized (ai) { if (-1 ==, 0, ai.length)) throw new IOException("End of stream."); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ai); return buf.getInt(); } } /** * Read a float (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return float read * @throws IOException */ public static float readFloat(InputStream in) throws IOException { synchronized (af) { if (-1 ==, 0, af.length)) throw new IOException("End of stream."); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(af); return buf.getFloat(); } } /** * Read a double (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return double read * @throws IOException */ public static double readDouble(InputStream in) throws IOException { synchronized (ad) { if (-1 ==, 0, ad.length)) throw new IOException("End of stream."); final ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ad); return buf.getDouble(); } } /** * Read a string (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return string read * @throws IOException */ public static String readString(InputStream in) throws IOException { return String.valueOf(readCharArray(in)); } /** * Read a boolean array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return boolean read * @throws IOException */ public static boolean[] readBooleanArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final boolean[] booleans = new boolean[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { booleans[i] = readBoolean(in); } return booleans; } /** * Read a byte array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return byte read * @throws IOException */ public static byte[] readByteArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final byte[] bytes = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { bytes[i] = readByte(in); } return bytes; } /** * Read a char array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return char read * @throws IOException */ public static char[] readCharArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final char[] chars = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { chars[i] = readChar(in); } return chars; } /** * Read a short array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return short read * @throws IOException */ public static short[] readShortArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final short[] shorts = new short[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { shorts[i] = readShort(in); } return shorts; } /** * Read a int array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return int read * @throws IOException */ public static int[] readIntArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final int[] ints = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { ints[i] = readInt(in); } return ints; } /** * Read a long array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return long read * @throws IOException */ public static long[] readLongArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final long[] longs = new long[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { longs[i] = readLong(in); } return longs; } /** * Read a float array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return float read * @throws IOException */ public static float[] readFloatArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final float[] floats = new float[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { floats[i] = readFloat(in); } return floats; } /** * Read a double array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return double read * @throws IOException */ public static double[] readDoubleArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final double[] doubles = new double[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { doubles[i] = readDouble(in); } return doubles; } /** * Read a String array (without a mark) * * @param in input stream * @return String read * @throws IOException */ public static String[] readStringArray(InputStream in) throws IOException { final int length = readInt(in); final String[] Strings = new String[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Strings[i] = readString(in); } return Strings; } /** * Reads mark and returns true if the mark is ENTRY, false if the mark is * END. Throws an exception otherwise. * * @param in input stream * @return mark was ENTRY * @throws IOException when the mark is neither ENTRY or END. */ public static boolean hasNextEntry(InputStream in) throws IOException { final short mark = readMark(in); if (mark == ENTRY) return true; if (mark == END) return false; throw new IOException("Unexpected mark encountered while reading sequence."); } /** * Read a sequence of elements * * @param in input stream * @return the collection * @throws IOException */ public static Collection readSequence(InputStream in) throws IOException { return readSequence(in, new LinkedList()); } /** * Load entries into a collection * * @param in input stream * @param filled collection to populate * @return the collection * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Collection readSequence(InputStream in, Collection filled) throws IOException { try { while (hasNextEntry(in)) { filled.add((T) readObject(in)); } return filled; } catch (final ClassCastException e) { throw new IOException("Unexpected element type."); } } /** * Write collection entries to a stream * * @param out output stream * @param sequence written collection * @throws IOException */ public static void writeSequence(OutputStream out, Collection sequence) throws IOException { for (final T element : sequence) { writeMark(out, ENTRY); writeObject(out, element); } writeMark(out, END); } /** * Read a map of elements * * @param in input stream * @return the map * @throws IOException */ public static Map readMap(InputStream in) throws IOException { return readMap(in, new LinkedHashMap()); } /** * Load data into a map * * @param in input stream * @param filled filled map * @return the map * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map readMap(InputStream in, Map filled) throws IOException { try { while (hasNextEntry(in)) { final K key = (K) readObject(in); final V value = (V) readObject(in); filled.put(key, value); } return filled; } catch (final ClassCastException e) { throw new IOException("Unexpected element type."); } } /** * Write a map * * @param out output stream * @param map map to write * @throws IOException */ public static void writeMap(OutputStream out, Map map) throws IOException { for (final Entry e : map.entrySet()) { writeMark(out, ENTRY); writeObject(out, e.getKey()); writeObject(out, e.getValue()); } writeMark(out, END); } }